A COMPLETE Guide on Playing EXP LANE

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*Actual EXP Lane Gameplays where I applied the strategies mentioned in the Guide*

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00:00 INTRO
00:18 What Makes a Good EXP Laner?
03:30 Early Game/Laning Phase
10:38 Lane Cutting Tips
13:17 Mid/Late Game

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MLBB IGN: RubyRubyRuby
MLBB Group ID: 4510841

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and one more thing thats cherished about being in exp lane..

*_The Epic Anime 1v1 fights between exp laners_*


2 more things i recommend:

Suggest a lane swap with ally mm when conditions are met; game time is 5mins or above, mm have destroyed the enemies turret in their lane, and if you still have the 1st turret in your lane. (This is so that mm can now push other lane more comfortably rather over extending trying to push 2nd tower and you as an explaner can perform low cut without any risk at all anymore.)

Try to clear the opposite lane of the lord ideally around 30 seconds before it spawns ang go back immediately to lord. This will force the enemy team to have -1 hero in lord team-fight cuz they are now forced to clear.


Ruby is getting recognized by more people and she's my fave EXP. No more gatekeeping her😭😭😭😭😭


another tip for gold/exp laners!

keep an eye on the enemy mid laner and jungler to see where they start. If your team is ganking the opposite lane, its most likely that the enemy's core might be coming to you so keep an eye out to see if the enemy in your lane is trying to bait you into fighting.

Also, if the opposing laner is a strong early type, avoid getting baited by them taking the crab. 9/10 times this is used only to bait the opponent.


One of the most comprehensive and easiest to understand the role of Exp Laner for beginners. Most of the time they are really the playmaker and game changer. Advanced exp laner guide should be about switching lanes, counterbuild/respect items and fitting each heroes to their true role (frontliner, backline destroyer, poke/harasser, etc). Great content!


Another thing to keep note is lv2 timing of exp. If you clear your first wave faster than your enemy, you'll obtain lv 2 faster and have 2 spells instead of one. This is an instant trade win since 2 skills are better than one. So if your enemy hasnt cleared all creeps and you have, immediately go on them and trade as much as possible


1:37 There are two items that can help cover these weaknesses.

Molten Essence/Cursed Helmet can help clear waves faster and Guardian Helmet Helmet greatly recovers their HP. Obv, there are some exceptions.


IMHO this is the most helpful channel on getting better at ML:BB, super in-depth and helpful, great for newbies and good reminders for returning veteran players.


Our Team/Squad just reshuffled new players, since I was their team's Jungler before our newly recruit player is a Jungler main so I gave that role to him and I switch to a new role which is the EXP Laner. To be honest I'm less experienced at playing EXP Lane but still we discovered that me and my new teammates has a good chemistry in game that's why I came here in your video to increase my insights on how to play EXP Lane. We played a lot of Ranked Matches earlier and got a winstreak because of good teamplay hoping for us engaging in more games such as 5 man ranked games, scrimmages or even tournaments. And of course thanks to you too I learned a lot from your video and I was hoping that I could apply this for our upcoming games and practices, more power to you. ❤


This is not a guide rather an act of abundant generosity in playing the game.


This is by far the most detailed explanation of how to play a Game, I have ever seen. You're a great guy, keep it up! You earned a subscriber 😉


Please 😢 Exp Lane is about helping your team not some sigma ohio skibidi 1v1 battles.


I get why people ask to get ruby voice back but tbh this one is much experienced and fitting so hes good
Im not saying ruby is bad obviously hes good but this one i prefer
I had to say this so this new guy can see that hes really good cuz most of the comments r not giving him what he deserve
And ruby good job on the content u r the most informative mlbb channel on the internet so thanks❤


I just got back to playing mlbb after 5 years and i never really understand the rules. This helped alot


Guys try to learn about all the interactions your main heroes have against the meta exp laners atleast. This is the most important thing for an exp laner because not knowing if you are stronger/weaker than the enemy exp laner means you'll either play over aggressive against stronger enemy or too safe against weaker enemy which wastes the the free advantage you get from matchup

You can't do most of the things mentioned in this video if you're behind in farm because you played too aggressive and got punished(which happens to most exp laners i see including me)

Great buide btw def one of the best exp lane guides


I also think it's important to note that just because heroes are meta rn, doesn't mean you should always pick them. Always play the heroes you are good at, just because your hero isn't meta doesn't mean you can't pick them


Tip: if the turtle is on your side of the lane pls help the jungler same for the gold laner. Also if your hero has high mobility and you see the enemies not close to you on the map just cut the wave, this will give you the chance to rotate and help your team in fights also before you rotate make sure you clear your lane so the enemy can't push your tower and you dont miss any exp


As an EXP laner this is all accurate and facts ❤


Benedetta is definitely one of the best exp. She is very mobile and can adapt to many situation, she has early damage which is great for invation or dominating her lane. And if the late game situation becomes difficult she can clear the lane in less than 2s, she deals high damage to minions which makes her the best lane cutter, and her skill is perfect to escape gangs. in team fight she can dash to the enemy back line or help if all the enemies are gathered together. She can jgl if you lack a jgl, she is pretty decent at it .her only problem is to main her properly. She is one of the hardest hero to control after fanny, and ling in an other words she is a user type hero, she is eather very good as she can switch from full dmg to semi tank or very useless


As a 37 star mythic exp lane player, that a good video that explain our job, but on exp lane have also to practice a lot, even using the same hero can have different on strengh, strategies and techiniques of pro can let them easily win on solo fight and then always farm more than u. As an exemple, i played on my second account zilong on the grandmaster rank, i started the game versus two enemys, zilong and moskov, it was very hard as begining, but even if im not a pro zilong player, only with a old exp lane player techniques and experience, i killed them both under tower at 2 minute, and then grow my advantage until i could kill them both out of my tower at 4minute, and i continue...i finish the game with 28kills 1 death, 2 maniac, the whole theam kills adding mine is 34, well when u know what to do, how to do, and when to do on exp lane, the game will be lot easier
