A Complete Dota 2 Guide for League Players and Beginners

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As a league player my head almost exploded from the amount of complexity. I can see similarities between the games like some of those runes being like red and blue buff but the whole high ground thing, being able to kill your own creeps, and a hidden shop outside of base blew my mind


Me: played dota 2 for 7 years,
Also me: interesting.


fact: more dota 2 players watched this than actual players who want to learn the game.


There are videos that explain the simplest 5 tips in half an hour, just rambling and making you frustrated. You took very essential tips, put them in 12 minutes, and somehow made it feel like 1 minute. I learned so much, and I honestly didn't understand where time went. Great job, mate, and thank you for all the information!


For anyone stumbling upon this vid now. Dota 2 now has a much better tutorial for new users that actually teaches you how to play the game. The video does clear up a lot of things though and is a very good source of information


Wow I got so used to playing Dota that i forgot how hard and complex it is for newer players


There are some important aspects that has to be taught to league players.

The most important thing that isn't taught in many guides is healing.

In league, if you get low, you have a 8 second recall and you spend the next 30 seconds walking back to lane. Doing so in league will not incur any penalties if one crashes the creep wave under the opponents tower to reset the wave.

However, in dota, there is a courier system that enables people to ship regen items like salves, mangos, clarities and tangos. Therefore in most scenarios during the laning phase, dota heroes do not need to go back to base in most cases.

But league players are bound by the mentality that if one needs to heal, one has to go back to base. This mentality screws up the play style and makes league players look like complete bots when they start dota.

The next important thing that isn't taught to league players is the concept of dying.

There is a large stigma to dying for league players. If you die, your opponent gains 300 gold, gains a free wave 120 gold and denies your wave (120 gold for you), making one death worth roughly 500 gold and lots of xp, enabling a lane to snowball out of hand.

However, in dota, dying is not all that bad except for the pos 1 and pos 2. Supports can go super aggressive so as to draw pressure from the opponent so as to let their carries farm safely. The penalty of death is not as huge as it is in league as long as the pos 3-5s can waste their opponent's time.

League players enter this game playing very safe, believing that their lives are very precious and blaming any other people with a high death count that is drawing pressure. This safe play means that league players end up doing nothing for the team.

The last important thing that is not taught to league players are the roles. In league, roles are simple, top lane, you play tank, jungle, you play ganker, all you have to do is to outplay your opponent and stomp your lane to win.

But in dota, different positions have different game plans. It's not just about stomping your opponent in lane. But this concept is never explained to league players.

League players end up playing offlane safely so that they can scale like what they do in league. League players play support by harassing opponent in lane like what they do in league and end up soaking xp without pulling/stacking. League players end up joining in lots of fights playing safe lane carry because that is what they do in league.

League players are essentially screwed when they play dota because they play dota like they play league. Most guides just ignore the basics of basics simply because they think it's so self-explanatory. No it isn't - especially for players that have developed habits from other games.


I actually just downloaded Dota 2. Have never tried this or Dota before but I just heard how complicated this was compared to LoL. After watching ur vid, still looks insanely complex, but really appreciate you making this and highlighting the things you do and don’t need to focus on as a beginner. Nice job man !


Wow! I was wondering whether to start playing DotA or LOL now I've made up my mind. I really love the depth, intensity and complexity of the game mechanics.


I like how simple you made the game sound lol, the whole "you don't care" just takes away all the nerves i had before downloading the game. I played Dota back in the day then onto to League for the past 10 yrs. Thought i would suck trying out Dota 2 since i found Dota mechanics difficult but after watching this, I really don't care whether i suck or not, just gonna jump in and see what happens.


datohleong: there's zero jungle role
sea players: hold my tango


Main differences to look out for in Dota as a beginner coming from LoL:
1. You have to buy Teleport consumables in Dota. Everyone can (and must) buy TP. In more skilled brackets, players will TP to protect their teammates from dives and their towers from split pushers, so keep that in mind.
2. You don't turn instantly when moving in the opposite direction as you are facing. There is a short delay called a 'turn rate'.
3. You can kill your own team's creeps, denying the enemy gold and experience. You can only do this with auto attacks, and only when the creep is below 50% HP.
4. There are lots of point-and-click CC and burst abilities, so don't rely on your skillshot dodging skills from LoL to outplay enemies.
5. You cannot recall to base. You can, however, TP to your fountain by using the consumable TP item.
6. You lose gold when you die.
7. You don't have to be near shop to buy items. When you're away, the items will be put into your "stash" and can be retrieved either personally or using a Courier.
8. You don't have Runes, Summoner Spells or Trinkets.
9. If you have enough gold, you can "buyback" and respawn at base. Use this only when you absolutely have to, as buyback has a long cooldown and part of your remaining death timer gets carried over to your next death.
10. Jungle camps do not have respawn timers. They spawn at every minute mark, but only if there are no units in their camp at the time. You can use this to "block" jungle camps from spawning. You can also "stack" camps by pulling the creeps out of the camp zone as the timer is about to hit the next minute mark.
11. There are no Red, Blue, Dragon or Baron buffs. The Baron of the map, Roshan, drops an item called Aegis (similar to how Eye of the Herald is dropped from Rift Herald) that when picked up gives you a stronger Guardian Angel revive effect for 5 minutes, but takes up an inventory slot. Keep in mind that no matter who kills Roshan, anyone can pick up the Aegis.
12. You can divert tower aggro by attack-clicking an allied unit in the tower's range. You don't have to actually perform the attack though.
13. Mechanics and abilities that would be considered OP, unbalanced, anti-fun and game breaking in LoL are commonplace in Dota. Whether or not this is a good thing is up to you.


This is a godsend. I've wanted to get into Dota for awhile, but every guide is really long and tries to explain every little thing, drowning the important things for a new player to know in tediousness. Being able to watch this video and learn only what I need to know to start playing without feeling overwhelmed is exactly what I needed


I'm not even good at league still I'm here burning my last 3 brain cells to learn this game😭


Him: Pick a low complexity hero
Also him: *Demos invoker*


This game is so convoluted. How could they think to not make a functional new player experience? Or competent video series at least? This video truly was the best starter guide for newbies.


Dota is so much fun if you have a friend who you want to catch up to. I started playing cause my friends invited me. It was honestly so much fun to learn, whenever i figured out a new mechanics id try to get it down as quickly as possible. Sadly now if i play dota it takes too much of my time so i just chill playing leauge and valorant.


The video showed me how complicated this game is, and it helped me make up my mind to just stay in league


Dota2 "You can't Pay to win" but you can pay to lose.
