House Call: Do You Have a Fatty Liver?

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The most common disease in America is something you probably never heard of, but it affects 90 million Americans and is a major risk factor for diabetes, heart attacks, and even cancer.

It's called fatty liver, and it's caused by the 152 pounds of sugar and 146 pounds of flour in our diet.

Fatty liver creates a whole cascade of issues, including:

• Inflammation
• Insulin resistance
• Pre-diabetes and diabetes
• Abnormal cholesterol
• High blood pressure
• Heart attack
• Cancer

Watch this week's edition of House Call with Dr. Hyman to learn about the root causes of fatty liver and how to fix it.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
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I gave up sugar and later started eating more vegi's and drinking green drinks. Lost 15kg and at 53, feel as good as I did at 35.


I was diagnosed with n.a.s.h. a few years ago. Gave up sugar and most carbs. Started eating organic and my levels are now perfect. Unbelievable how much sugar I was eating without realizing.


Explains why I felt so great on keto diet


I'm Pre-Diabetic, and am diagnosed with a mild fatty liver. I don't even drink alcohol. Thanks for posting this video doc. Greatly Appreciate it.


Thank you for sharing. You made my day with this info. video. I was so unaware of fatty liver. I am going to start exercising more and cutting out the starches, and I've already practically eliminated sodas from my diet, even bottled juices because they can be tricky and full of sugar too. My brother stopped sodas and sugars 9 years ago, he said, and he looks younger than me and he's 5 years older than me lol. I was like, " Wow! You look great!" Beginning Monday, I will be trying the kale and frozen fruit blend, once a day, to see what happens after a year. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are the Best!


Fantastic advice! I have had to follow this lifestyle, due to severe morning pain in my liver that eventually went right across my abdomen, 12 moths of it. When I cut out processed food, and increased lean meat, fruit, veg. My energy shot up, and the daily pain, vanished after 3 days. Simple, uncomplicated, food is the way to go. No wheat either! I also cut of dairy. Best thing I ever did for myself!


I am taking care of myself, no starch, sugar or grains. The husband just won't do anything about his grain addiction. His belly continues to grow. I sure could use help getting him to listen to me. He eats about a loaf of bread a day or better. I stopped cooking him rice. He cooks himself oats every morning. He claims he can't eat lunch without bread on his burger. I do cook the free range burger for him and buy catsup without fructose. Help me get him off bread and ideas?


I love your common sence approach to food and health


Susannah Fullerton The complications result from 1) loss of liver cells and their ability to perform their normal functions, and 2) blockage of the flow of blood from the intestines through the scarred liver.


Your a funny, smart man! Keep up your great work.


Thank you so much very helpful love your videos they are so helpful thank you🥰💕


Excellent explanation. At last I´m convinced that sodas are not good for my liver and for my health in general. At last I understood that sugar instead of fat is what makes my liver fatty. Very clarifying. Thanks a lot Doctor.


Mine was caused by long term high dose Prednisone usage. NOT always caused by sugar and flour.


I used to be heavy beer drinker....all my life...when i got this fatty liver...i struggle for past 3 months...with ..swimming as my main exercise..with severe brain fog....and manage to reverse


This is good info, but it’s just scratching the surface of the fatty liver solution. In the 1950’s the Mayo Clinic discovered a link between choline deficiency and fatty liver. In fact it was the Mayo Clinic who first coined the term steatosis, which is fatty liver. I know a 72 year old man who was a bodybuilder all his life. He cycled steroids on and off from his 20’s into his 40’s and told me that after a cycle, he would take 3000 mg of choline and inositol for 30 days. After his 30 day “cleaning out” his blood work would return to normal. Also, make sure to eat plenty of raw green leafy vegetables. It is also recommended by many doctors that while dieting to lose fatty liver, to not exceed more than 10% of your body weight in a 6 month period. I am not a doctor, I’m merely sharing some good info. I very strongly recommend doing your own research and consulting with your own doctor before following my or anyone’s advice.


I have a big Belly do to fatty liver inflamation. I can loose weight but not stomach fat. Is there any meat recommended? I really don't want to loose muscle mass. Or am I going to have to live on vegetables and fruit for brekfest and dinner?


Seems like sound advice but the major trouble for the ordinary man/woman is who is right? as there are also Convincing people saying the oposite - to eat plenty of carbs and vegtables but avoid meat and fats.


Thank you for your guidance. My doctor told me I have a fatty liver and prescribed Crestor. However, I didn't realize just how BAD this part of the SAD is! I will research further. Thanks, again.


I heard somewhere that fat is actually bacterial excrements from our gut. Those bacteria feed on sugar and lots of it makes it worst. Is that how it works? It seems to make perfect sense..


there is another huge reason for nonalcoholic fatty liver that you didn't mention which is insuffiecient choline consumption which is very common since less and less people eat organ meats and eggs, the main source of choline in the diet.
