House Call: Milk Is Dangerous for Your Health

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If you believe the government, we should have three glasses of milk each day. Is there any evidence to support this recommendation?

A recent study out of Harvard found a lack of data proving that eating dairy leads to better bones, weight loss, or improved health. The researchers found, instead, a number of serious health risks, including cancer, tied to dairy consumption.

Watch or read this week's House Call to learn more about the health risks associated with dairy and to find out how you can feel better by kicking the milk habit.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
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Eliminating dairy from my diet after saving this video years ago was one of the best things I have ever done. I didn't stop there. Thank you so much for all you do.


One thing I notice is that we are the only species on earth that I know of, which consumes dairy after we are infants, and into adulthood. For example, cows wean their calves to accept foods other than their own milk once the time's right. Isn't it odd that humans are the only species that keeps drinking milk after childhood? Why do we do this?

As adults, cows eat grains and lions eat meat. So do we. But none drink milk.


my migraines have gone away after i stopped milk


BIG THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I recommended a friend to stop cow's milk to his daughter. The kid (3 years) was admitted to hospital regularly (ICU too) and kid had fits also. But no doctor recommended to stop Milk. After the kid stopped milk the kid never had fever, fits or any chest congestion, for the last six months the kid is so healthy never taken to hospital. God bless you.


I have not eaten dairy for 2 years now. But i stopped wheat and processed sugar too. Benefits are amazing. You don't get sick anymore, lose a lot of weight.


I gave up dairy almost 2 weeks ago and my acne cleared up within a week. My skin is glowing. I haven't felt bloated since I took it out of my diet. I also don't feel weighed down anymore. I was also skeptical and addicted to milk products like most of us, but this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! I am still struggling especially with craving cheese but it's getting easier every day and the results are worth it.


I haven't drank milk for almost a decade, and I have ZERO health problems, and I have strong bones and muscles. The idea that people drink heavily-processed milk from other animals is UTTERLY disgusting. (Sorry, I had to do that.)


My world changed for the better in ways you would not believe if I told you. Since I stopped having milk, I stopped going to the doctors. I started milk again and yep, big mistake. I stopped again, all good. The A2 milk was a lot better. As a kid I drunk a litre a day, now I can not touch it. Milk must have changed a lot over the years.


stopped consuming dairy about 1mo 1week ago and it has made a huge difference! i would beggin every day all stuffy then leaking sinuses led to nausea, vomitting diarrhea....inflamation due to hemorrhoids and in constant pain. since quiting dairy the pain level has dropped from 7 to 2! ...the mucous problems are at a lower manageable level, so!! more nausea, no more undigested food coming out too fast (IBSD), didn't even realize I was bloated and that went way down! now the hemorrhoids are retreating as well....thank heavens for this information Dr Hyman. so far so good!


So glad to see you cover this subject. It is shocking just how many people still think that drinking milk is one of the healthiest things you can do.


A year ago I deceided to stop eating meat. It's been a great experience for me, I have so much more energy, my skin is glowing and I feel overal much more healthy. However I never could get rid of that bloating feeling. Just 3 weeks ago, after watching a terrible video here on YouTube, about the milk industry, I've deceided to give the vegan lifestyle a chance.. BEST CHOICE I'VE EVER MADE! First of all, my stomach is flat again, no bloating feeling and a great and improved metabolism and bowle movement! I am so happy now! My energy levels even went up more then after quiting with meat. It's a miracle really and I wouldn't go back to my old ways, not for a day! The best gift you can give your body is a vegan diet, but you must make sure you eat loads of fresh fruit and vegtables, nuts etc. I enjoy cooking now, and my plate def looks more colorful! :D


I don’t have any problems with drinking milk. I have been consuming milk for over 10 years a lot


So funny your perspective on this information. My child is 4 years old (I am not a vegan). His father was always completely against to give him cow milk. So we did not. I breast feed him up to 2 years old. He never got sick, he never had a running nose, fever etc... This year he started at a private school that gives him milk on his snack time. My child has developed a horrible allergy, that I spent 10 months to find out that his allergies comes from the dairy ;) Research more about it ;)


I am allergic to milk  products except for butter.  It makes me constipated.


"Should I be eating dairy?" If you believe the government, we should have three glasses of milk each day. Is there any evidence to support this recommendation?

Learn what's REALLY going on behind a simple glass of #milk:


I cut way back on meat and dairy. When I finally eliminated all dairy I became ulcerative colitis symptom free. I have on a couple of occasions, consumed some dairy and the symptoms came back.
Only a doctor who treats or someone with ulcerative colitis would understand how big this was for me.


Giving up dairy has been one of the best decisions I've ever made in life to be healthy.  It has been over a decade and a half ago.  I said goodbye to asthma, and host of respiratory diseases I grew up 'plagued' with.  Not saying there's no benefit to consuming dairy (esp. if it's the raw, organic, unpasteurized kinds), but there's more cons than pros, and the pros or advantages can easily be attained from consuming plant food.


You can find a scientific study to support any position you want. I guess I should hang it up because, I have been drinking plenty of milk all of my life.


Are eggs healthy? If dairy is not healthy because it's meant to nourish calves not humans, aren't eggs kind of the same thing? Not sure; I'm confused. What is the difference? I've been wondering about this a lot lately. Thanks, Dr. Hyman.


I was tested to check if I am lactose intolerant and the results were negative. Nevertheless, every time I have dairy, my ibs starts acting up. I think in my case or any other, is not healthy to have dairy so often. Sadly, it's included in almost everything we eat (at least in America), but there are options to avoid it and there are other options for calcium.
