Advantages and Concerns about DNA Testing (Like PRIVACY)

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Curious about unlocking your family tree and the secrets DNA testing can reveal about your ancestry? You're in the right place! Join me as I sit down with DNA expert Diahan Southard, where we dive deep into can a DNA test help find your family? What type of DNA test is best? How accurate are Autosomal DNA tests and are they REALLY private? Also what's up with DNA ethnicity results changing!

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I used DNA testing to confirm my GGF in my own ancestry. I had met somebody on Ancestry before the test, who turned out to be a 4th cousin. She had done great work on her own tree, establishing ancestry back to my 3GGF. She encouraged me to get tested, as I had a small doubt regarding my GGF's place in my own ancestry.


Thank you.i look forward to releasing my book on the mystery I found in my DNA tests.


Thanks for this interview with Diahan. She is the guru of DNA! I think DNA testing is very valuable as long as you aren't setting your expectations too high. There's still a lot of work to be done. Most of my own matches are more distantly related which can make linking families more difficult but it's a great tool for clues, and who doesn't like a clue that might be the one that crushes a brick wall?!


Thanks for this video.
A couple of observations:
Home DNA testing is illegal in France. Whilst it still goes on, the fact that it is restricted will inevitably skew the database of French DNA that is available for comparisons.

Another point which should be stressed is the potential for unearthing unwanted skeletons in the family closet. Would you prepared to find out that the person you thought was your father isn't, in fact, related to you? Are you prepared to find a half-sibling, meaning that your parent has been unfaithful? These issues never seem to be talked about in advance.
Personally, I haven't had a DNA test but I can see how it would be useful to help with a number of brick walls. On the other hand, I don't necessarily want some family legends dismantling through DNA proof.
Keep up the good work.


Oops, 23 and Me had a well publicized data breach. I don't know abt trusting this individual.
