How to Win Child Custody Against A Narcissist

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If you're divorcing a narcissist, chances are he or she won't go quietly into the night. Add children to the mix and your divorce likely is high-conflict, not to mention expensive and traumatic. I understand this can be a tough thing to walk through, that’s why you should check out my video, How to Win Child Custody Against A Narcissist.

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Anthony Bompiani

“On your side through the worst”

Anthony is a family law attorney, coach and consultant. He's been successfully helping people in the areas of divorce and custody for nearly 20 years.


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I think the court system, including judges, attorneys, and any would be jurors, need to be educated on covert narcissists specifically, because they dont appear narcissistic and are very covertly manipulative.


It’s so hard to deal with someone with narcissistic tendencies. You have to play mental gymnastics and chess with them. If you give them an inch, they will take a yard, but will not give you anything in return, unless it’s on their terms. It’s either their way or the high-way. Very exhausting and draining.


The only way to survive long term contact with a narcissist is to consistently define yourself with integrity and to enforce accountability. You cannot afford insecurities, so you need to confront and fortify everything about yourself you don’t like- or they will exploit it to unbalance you. This is difficult and painful, but your kids will benefit from the strong, stable, honorable parent you will become.


I am going thru a custody case and it's going to work out. You can't take it personal. My daughter is going to be with me more. I never knew what a narracist was until I had a child with her. Christ got me and I see she is going downwards fast. The lies and deciete are catching up with her.


The way custody battle should work is focusing more on evidence than a persons ability to lie.


My ex is but he doesn’t flip flop he’s calculated controlling and seems cool calm and collected no one’s seeing the phycotic part of him it was behind closed doors


I highly recommend anyone dealing with this to educate yourself as much as possible on narcissism, heal yourself, and arm yourself with knowledge. It will help you to keep cool when they try to trigger you and make you misstep. Their ultimate goal is not the kids for them, it's to make you suffer.


Don’t play the game! Stay clear, calm and committed 👍


Your lesson taught me how to shut my ex down when he plays his game!! He doesn't flip flop, he's always controlling and projecting everything he does on me, insulting me as a mother. I've learned to just say, this isn't constructive..I'm just going to end the conversation here. Now I'm pursuing full custody with a strong case! THANK YOU!!!!


Praying for my family, my 10 year old daughter and I are divided . Shes being manipulated against me, I have been battling a court case for two years now I was falsely accused of abusing my daughter had a fasle protective order out which was dropped in last August . My daughter’s father is in church supposed to be a minister and doing everything he can to hurt me . This man is keeping my child away from me she’s disrespectful towards me, basically don’t want to have anything to do with me, she won’t talk to me . I’m paying my support, doing all I can do; I pray that God turn this situation around and restore me back with my ten year old daughter. I miss her so much it hurts my heart to No that I don’t have rights to my child because someone else is trying to replace me . I been through a lot and I’m tired my heart is heavy so is my mind . Please keep me in prayer 🙏🏽🙏🏽


I agree, doing the right thing shines a light on and exposes the narcissist to the courts.


They want to cause chaos because they feel comfortable in that state and want to manipulate the situation to their favor. Always doing the right thing hurts them because they want it their way.


I absolutely LOVE you. My friends and family have been trying to tell me exactly what you said for years!!! I am learning to control my emotions...thank you Anthony!


It’s so hard to keep doing the right thing when the child is in danger.. I keep doing the right thing, staying calm, while he exposes her to people that the court/ judge ordered in original “decree”to keep her away and safe.. nobody listens, that he is in contempt .. taking her around these people…😭💔💔


How can you not be emotional?
When you have suffer the abuse together with your children ?


I appreciate your advice and your course that you did online. My ex is exactly like you have described and has convinced everyone on his side of the family that he is the victim. He cheated on me numerous times until I finally ended a 15 year relationship. My teenage son stood by me after witnessing so many things. About 4 months ago a court order stated that he spend every third week with his dad. In this short time of having regular visits with his dad, my son has decided he doesn't like me, or the rules and is wanting to live 50% at his dads. I really believe his father has alienated me in my sons eyes. We were so close and happy and now he barely speaks to me. I am devastated. He is nearly 15 and I dont think legally I can do anything. If I force him to stay with me, I will lose him anyway. I truly believe spending more time with his dad, will only give his dad more time to convince our son that I am the problem. The change in my son has happened so fast since staying with the ex and his new live in. Is there anything that I can do legally, or will it just drive a wedge deeper into our relationship?


My husband is def a narcissist.. nothing matters ..not me, not his kids, not family. He is abusive controlling and manipulative and only cares about hiS status and what “he” has and what you can do for him. He cheats and lies and is compulsive .. I am struggling through the first steps of divorcing him after 16 plus years of marriage.. and so far it’s been nothing short of a battle. Nasty emails, refusing to let me go, belittling, telling me
To die, trying to scare and threaten me and the kids. But I am ready to tackle this and be gone from him.


I have been through all of this. You did an insanely amazing job on describing this for other people who need to hear this as structure or hear this for hope. Thank you. This is awesome to hear and see. I am finally finalizing divorce, getting half custody, child support dropped, and papers get signed this week. I made it as well! Woo!


You are SAVING ME & MY DAUGHTER right now!! Thank you!!!! A thousand times!!!!


Had to learn this the hard way. I wish I listened to this 4 years ago
