Top 5 Ways Fathers Can Get Custody

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Is it possible for a father to get custody of children in Michigan? There are many different strategies you can use to get an advantage in a contested custody situation. Thinks like not moving out, or filing first, or other ideas are discussed in this video.


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This system needs to be brought down. It is pure evil.
An innocent man/good father should have nothing to fear from a court room.


I won custody of my 1 yr old daughter who is 5 now. It was brutal. Alot of sleepless nights. Mild heart attacks lol. I put in the footwork, my attorney had to listen to me. I took charge. It is hard. Now im being held in contempt for being a good father. But dont worry pray


Deep down, I wish I was raised by a single parent, “ my Dad all the way”.


I agree with the comments here that family court is biased against dads. I lived it. But the overall statistics clearly reveal that, too, so there's no hiding from it. I only won primary custody because of enormous effort, to force the court to pay attention to the best interests of our child, instead of the best interests of the mother. I advise dads to do the same. You have to overcome the bias, stereotypes, etc


Realistically men do not stand a chance at custody, statistically speaking. Why, Child Support is not about the child, it is actually big business for states, judges lawyers even the penal system. Every study and statistic shows children are better off with fathers in their life. Truth is the current child support system needs to be abolished. With 50/50 Parenting Time Legislation and that fathers have the same rights and choices as mothers. No parent should have access to the others wealth. If a mother can adopt out if she feels not responsible for raising a child, so to should a man have the same choice if he feels not responsible. Our current criminal bias towards fathers in the family court system needs to end, sadly children are the losers here.


She won’t even let me know his doctor or what school he attends. On top of not letting me pay his healthcare.


😂😂 best advice I’ve been watching videos for shits and giggles but honestly this is the best advice I’ve seen


My wife took a picture of me napping. Told court I was drunk. I was not. They immediately asked me to leave my house, and have no contact with my 9yo daughter. My wife called the school and removed her from school asking them not to tell me as it was my day to pick her up. If I did this the school would think I was attempting kindnap. Men-stay focused, never give up, and always fight for your kids with love and respect. You’ll win the race in the end!


She (married) never came back with 11 month baby from what was supposed to be an 11 day trip to MI in December of 2022 (originally from) from CA (lived in from April 21- December 2022). She convinced me she needed time away to heal and now she's not giving me a return date. Baby will be a resident of Michigan in a few months. I had a close bond with baby. No official charges or reports but I have a security video of me frighteningly fleeing an apartment from her abuse while she was yelling, two family witnesses from another incident and neighbours that have also heard her while at said apartment. She has been abusive. I can't but help think the court will give her full custody and won't be able to see my child.


the shit men have to do to fight for to have kids in their lives'.


"File First" -- file what exactly first?

File for Divorce First?
File for Custody?


What about a mother who is manipulative, extremely stubborn and will disregard anything you say and laugh at you, extremely paranoid and left your dad because she feels he didn’t support her even though he tried, and gilt trips you because her broken family? I’m right now in a 50-50 with my mom and dad, me and my sister want 100% with dad but don’t know how to properly go about it because I doubt my mom will agree let alone not guilt trip me, my mom was so terrible that she gilt tripped my 9 yo sister into saying she didn’t love my dad just to make mom love her 💔😞 plz help


If the father works full time and mother never worked, doesn't the father gets preference over custody? I thought that how it worked in the US


What if my wife leaves and gives me my son? And never checks in on him? And went back to her other baby daddy? And she agrees to give me my son fully ? And got proof and agreement signed


It sounds like another generic answer from a law firm that already knows it's usually to late if the father has to hire a lawyer. Almost any advice from a lawyer or a law firm that states how to get custody of your child is going to actually work by watching a 6 minute video is just them boosting and promoting there firm so you hire them so that lawyer or law firm can drag you through the mud along with the opposing lawyer and bleed you dry of money to get you absolutely no where. You're better just going in alone.


I need help my son is going through it mom is willing to give him custody can I write an agreement and run it by a notary please help.


I recommend the movie, "The Red Pill." Part of it focuses on a flow chart that shows that men have the freedom to make ONE decision (to have relations with a woman). ALL other decisions about the resultant child belong to the woman - lasting for up to 22 years. Teach boys this before they become sexually active.


If I could give my lawyer a zero, I would. He's inexperienced, and he did barely the bare minimum for the 3, 000 dollars I paid him!, dont believe those reviews and awards on lawyer website, he got his retain fee and left. I hired lawyer in June 2022 to fight my child modification case, and then what he said was an easy win since the other party abandoned the child for almost 4 years and guaranteed me a victory. lawyer through his email, court documents, and writing, sounded like he was a good lawyer that's fighting hard, but sadly, through writing that's were his zeal stopped. Court day came in August, and he was a deer caught in the headlights before the judge. The judge would ask me a question, and I would reply, lawyer, what do you think? Lawyer was quiet and seemed he didn't know what to say, literally being bullied by the judge. As the judge determined, I and the other party needed mediation, which I looked at lawyer like how are you not fighting for my concerns. After the hearing was over I spoke to lawyer on the phone as he charged me money for it, he told me "that wasn't the outcome he didn't think we would happen" but im like you was a deer in a headlights. A month later, in September, during the mediation again! lawyer balantly sat there and again I was like lawyer are you going to say something? he utter well she should do reunification therapy, I sat there and was like I sought full custody and the other party is still getting their rights!.... after the mediation lawyer said and I quote said to me "this is the outcome we wanted right" No you told me and assured me a victory and since it's "not going to plan" as you said you're folding. In my last verbal conversation, lawyer told Im glad we settled since if we go back to court, it's going to be more expensive, and I quote he spoke, "Good luck." Good luck, lawyer? leading me to believe after he saw the retaining fee has been used up, he's out now. lawyer thought this was a walk in the park type of money child case. Fast forward to November of 2022, I fired lawyer and the response was he was satisfied with our results. Im like, really, what did you accomplish other than reunification therapy? So lawyer worked for me about 5 to 6 months before I fired him, so afterwards, I filed in December 2022 to change counties and venue's since I mentioned to lawyer that Ramsey county shows favoritism and let's move to Hennepin so I could have a fair outcome he said let's see how Ramsey judge will go. December 2022 court date came I won on my own change of venue which Lawyer couldn't do when he worked for me.... In January 2023, I sought child support since lawyer refused to put the individual on child support, so I won that as well without forward I reapplied for full custody in Hennepin county on February 2023 and court date was set for May and guess what I won sole legal and physical custody on my own without the lawyer the same amount of time I hired him it took me as well the 5 to 6 months on my own and won!!! ....Im a single father, and I beat the odds with very little legal help to all you fathers and some mothers trust in God and his son Jesus for these battles! I won with the Lord's help! I would never recommend that Law firm period!!! now me and my house are moving the hell out of state 🫡✌️after 5 years of fighting.... At least refund my 3000 grand retainer fee for the bare minimum ass job 😑


Why aren’t you telling these people that the courts are biased?
Every attorney across the country knows that the family courts are bias in favor of mothers.
You can collect data from the state title for the agency and the county that it serves. You can request to see the numbers that describe the relationship between the child in the person who is named custodial parent or non-custodial parent. And back in the days non-custodial parent used to mean the absent parent. The data shows the courts have a bias that is 90% or greater in favor of the female. and there is a roundabout way to show that the judge is receiving a benefit. Every time they put a father on child support.
I think you should be honest and tell these people that the judge is probably gonna put the dad on child support and give mom all the power. And no matter what you do and no matter how much money they spend, that’s all they’re going to get.


Is sad that you have to do this, technically while you’re in a relationship….. women work like that men really don’t…. men like to hope that you can fix the situation while the whole time women are planning things like this while they’re still in a relationship with you. It’s pretty sad that’s how the system wants you to work but if you’re in a relationship and living with a person, then you wouldn’t really think you would have to fight for 50-50 custody. Normally that would be done when you’re not living with the person. Smh
