This Video Is LYING To You About Belly Fat & Weight Loss

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Managing Editor and Producer: Sam Bowers
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Editor: Juan Carlos Zuniga

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I lost 25+lbs in less than a week... No drugs, surgery, or massage-
I had a baby 😂


It is sad that people fall for this nonsense. I've lost 50 pounds but I did it over several years, not a week. It also require a lot of lifestyle changes which I gradually made so as not to feel deprived or stressed. It is a shame YouTube doesn't put disclaimers of BS on these videos.


Why would anyone trust the life hack channels


"WHAT EXPERTS?!" killed me. The anger, but also the tone of how ridiculous the statement was is what made it so good


I love how they claimed they lost the fat without dieting, and then like 70% of their advises are dietary advices.


"Don't wait for the motivation, start with the action"
Great advice for anything in life


Thank you Dr. Mike for continuing to debunk misinformation! Your work does not go unnoticed 💪


I am convinced content like this is doing more harm to people who struggle with their weight or self-image than body shaming ever could.


These videos destroyed me, physically and mentally. I started doing these kinds of "diets". I know, it was a stupid thing to do, but anyway, I started it and ended up with an eating disorder that almost sent me to the hospital. I couldn't even close the car door due to muscle weakness. I'm better now but still, with everything I eat, I will always check the calories of a product or food I have on my plate. I also have this belief that I need to lose weight the whole time and that doesn't help me much psychologically. Please, if anyone wants to lose weight (and not their health), then you can see a nutritionist to make you a diet plan and to give you proper advice on whatever question you have, or you can start a healthy program for yourself, but for this, you will need either a proper diet or a way of exercising that suits you best.

Thank you Dr. Mike for opening our eyes!!🖤


It's funny how a "life hack" channel takes something as conceptually simple as losing weight and makes it extraordinarily more complicated.


How the hell do people even trust these kinds of life hack channels? Kudos to Dr. Mike for debunking them 😃


Please never stop debunking popular videos promoting misinformation. Thank you dr Mike!


Thank you Dr. Mike for debunking these weight loss theories. They can be so harmful to people.
Back in high school, during the mid 2000's, one of my best friends was anorexic and was always coming to school with articles from magazines that were filled with promises to lose fat quick.
I watched one of my best friends go from a beautiful, outgoing girl to a shell of herself and it killed me that the only thing I could do was give her moral support. Especially when I found out that another one of our 'friends' was calling her fat and ugly when no one else was around.
And despite everything she was going through, she was the first one to support when I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and even came to visit me in hospital.
If only there were videos like this back then, maybe she would have been more open to seeing that these 'articles' weren't what they seemed to be.


This sounds like a script written by Chat GPT.


1:27 "When I say I decided to get rid of my gut, perhaps I didn't right term" Indeed, since your guts are your intestines (if you get rid of those, that's called disembowelment, which kills you).


From watching Doctor Mike as a highschool student to watching Doctor Mike as a Medstudent>>>


Hey Dr. Mike, just wanted to say thanks for what you do. I am in my early 20s and never really took lifestyle and diet changes into consideration until now. Really appreciate the message you send in your videos/podcasts.


Bright Side: "I cut down the salt intake"
Also Bright Side at 7:12: "Pinch of salt in a smoothie"


I'm so glad he discussed this. It's always so difficult to explain this to people that it's all about caloric intake and that there is no quick fix diet or that you can't solely rely on exercise to loose weight. I always tell people you loose weight in the kitchen, the exercise is for health, physical and mental.


as someone who has struggled with disordered eating/exercise addiction because of videos like that, i really appreciate that not only is doctor mike saying its wrong, but he is also giving the correct information 😌 thank you doctor mike!!! 🩷
