How to end 'revenge bedtime procrastination': Stop mindlessly scrolling through your phone in bed

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February 22, 2021: You rush around all day and are exhausted. But when it's finally time to go to bed and get some sleep -- you instead start mindlessly scrolling through social media on your phone.

A new report gives it a name -- "revenge bedtime procrastination."
In today’s Mom Minute Monday, 3News’ Maureen Kyle talked to local sleep expert, Dr. Michelle Drerup with the Cleveland Clinic, about why we do it -- and what we can do to stop.

"This is our time where we can lay down in bed and we have a few minutes," Maureen says, "but what does that do when we are sacrificing sleep to scroll on the internet?"

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The main reason for most Americans (which you conveniently left out of this super corporate esque video) is that we feel most of our waking hours of life, are controlled by employers who underpay, and over work us, the sooner we go to bed, the sooner we have to wake up and work really hard and still just scrape by. For some of us it's our time to work on our passions while we can, for others it's just time to not think about it do anything.

The job/employment culture in this world is destroying our sanity and our joy.


I goto bed at 2, 3, or 4 and wake up at 730 for school. And sometimes I just don't sleep
