What If Obi Wan SAVED Satine And Left The Jedi Order

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Love getting the occasional happy ending, obi-wan really deserved a happy ending with all the shit he dealt with


Loved it. I like how Bo Katan was actually there to help her sister this time. It also made sense for Sidious to leave Mandalore because he would have nothing to gain with Maul already dead, and would have everything to lose if he was seen, which was eventually the case.


Can you imagine Cody and the boys getting obi WANs beard on their faces or helmets


“It’s over Maul I have the high ground”7:15


Obi Wan With His Flawless Mastery Of The Defensive Form 3 Would Be A Fatally Loyal Bodyguard To Satine


What if Obi-Wan and Satine's marriage was a treaty between the mandalorians and the jedi?


What if Commander Appo and the 501st on Coruscant removed their chips, and went into exile to form a Rebellion right before Sidious executed Order 66?


5:20 "Maul's own double lightsaber" he didn't have one of his own at this time. He must be using Savage's.


What if you did a Columbo style episode? Like what if Anakin was suspicious of Palpatine from the beginning? Do the whole thing from Palpatine’s perspective with Anakin jumping in now and again suspicious, seemingly easily thrown off, but then strikes fear to Palpatine with “oh.. just one more thing”


Obi wan when he accidentally becomes mandalore:


The jedi - "oh you're leaving just to get married, no obiwan you can stay"
Anikan - "that's great obiwan, did they say if marriage is allowed for everyone now or?
Obiwan - "You couldn't wait could you anikan? Don't worry I told them to make it order wide or it wouldn't be fair for me to stay"


What if Anakin told Obi Wan about his mothers death and the Tuscan Raiders slaughter before their duel with Dooku


You had Kenobi slice him again?!? What part exactly this time, his stomach? Because why stab him for good measure if his waist down is already gone?
Day 204 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme (Pentre Patrol did his version), Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?




Maul tried the UNO reverse card, but he underestimated the power of the high ground!


Could you do a version of this where order 66 still happens? (with or without anakin turning) I think it would be so interesting if the neutral systems where still a thing and strong with Obi wan as a co leader. Do Jedi go there for safety? does it become a full war with republic worlds joining to avoid the empire?

It might be a longer story then usual, but its really the only faction the sith don't control and not many what-ifs deal with it.


Day 5: What if Anakin sacrificed his life to save Obi-Wan from his "assassination" at the hands of Rako Hardeen


loved the video as always have a good day the star wars galaxy


This was amazing. I’ve been a fan of your videos for a while and it’s always fun to see your interesting SW what if’s. It was also fun to see Obi-Wan saving Satine and leaving the Jedi Order getting shown some love. This is definitely an interesting scenario and it should definitely get shown some more love. Plus I think we can all agree that this is probably one of the most interesting/unique scenarios in SW…but it’s a welcome one. Also if Obi-Wan saved Satine and left the Jedi Order…then it would definitely be an interesting opportunity to show another side of their characters and make it even more interesting. It was also nice to see Obi-Wan live the life he wanted in the most unorthodox way getting shown some love, since he usually never gets the chance to do crazy stunts (no more than usual) like this that much and it was a nice change of pace to see him take the initiative and definitely made us all impressed. Plus it was nice to see Obi-Wan and Satine get that opportunity to prevent major events from happening…afterall it was nice to see them have a solid plan, afterall this was probably the smartest course of action they could take, so it was nice to see them come up with this plan to shift the power balance of the galaxy, since they know that there’s still opportunity and hope in the galaxy. Also it’s always nice to see just how determined Obi-Wan truly is…also this was definitely something Obi-Wan would do. It was also nice to see both Obi-Wan and Satine have the life they deserved…after all if anyone deserves to be happy, it’s them. Great job as always and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

I do have a few ideas for some possible what if’s:

1) What if Rey was a Mandalorian…essentially what if Din Djarin found Rey and took her in as a Foundling.

2) What if Ezra was a Mandalorian…something like how both his parents were Mandalorians who left Mandalore and went to start their own lives (you could still keep most of Ezra’s backstory) and potentially make Ezra and Sabine a couple (since Disney won’t, we have too…#ezrabine4ever.

3) What if Jango Fett and/or Boba Fett Joined the Republic…I think something interesting could happen with this.

4) What if Rey, Finn and Poe went back in time to the Clone Wars…this would make the World Between Worlds even more of an important focal point and I could also see them get along well with Anakin, Ashoka, Rex and the rest of the 501st (it would be fun to see Rey, Finn and Poe join the 501st)

I hope these are some amazing ideas for some potential What if’s


Phenomenal what if story! Loved the direction this story took overall
