RC Sproul on Romans 9

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Dr. Leighton Flowers walks through Dr. RC Sproul's commentary of Romans 9 to demonstrate how it differs from the conclusions drawn by Provisionists (and sometimes even other "Reformed" scholars). JOIN US FOR A LIVE DISCUSSION!

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Leighton is a steadfast warrior for the truth. I appreciate him so much.


I am a former Calvinist, God allowed repentance. Now that I have been delivered from it, I have the most difficult time seeing how this is not another Gospel.


I am SO happy that there is a good, solid channel that primarily debunks the "doctrine of the devils" which is Calvinism.! You are so necessary in this world of the confused. Thankyou! I have been a christian for a long time, been to Bible college and have studied the works of so many commentators. There is nothing quite like READING THE BIBLE IN CONTEXT!. WITHOUT AN AGENDA! You are helping so many Leighton, following in the footsteps of Dave Hunt. KEEP GOING and may God bless your ministry.


You are never mean, only truthful. Keep it up.


A little bit of Leighton Flowers, and then go to bed with relaxing rain sounds. Thanks brother!


Just want to say I’ve got 8 hrs blocked out so let’s have at it!! Lol or better let the journey begin. I have sat under Calvinist teaching of some sort for 45 years or so. I would be hearing but never completely understanding. It never made sense. Dr. Flowers is Philip to the Ethiopian Eunuch to me personally! Thank you and am praying I will speak that which I’ve heard!


I finally bought The Potter's Promise this week. I wished I had read it along time ago. Aboslutely a GREAT book for this subject.


I been listening to you for about 4 months .

You are well qualified to challenge any of them.

Keep building up the brothers in Christ.


Calvinism has done an amazing job at coloring the lenses we see scripture through (even for non-Calvinists).

It wasn’t until I started reading 3 to 4 chapter at a time and summarizing along the way, based only on what words are actually on the page, did I start to be able to see without those lenses.

Romans 9 has become one of my favorite chapters since. I’m so sad I missed the blessings of this chapter for so long.


Thank you so very much for excellent work and explanation of it! I have been blessed by your teachings of the Word.


"First we may call this doctrine(Calvinism) a novelty, seeing that for the first four hundred years after christ there is no mention of it. The first foundations for it were in the writings of Augustine, who, in his warring against Pelagius, let fall some expressions which some have unhappily picked up to the establishment of this error." Robert Barclay


Calvinist: “we are definitely MORE humble than you all who don’t agree - one day you may be as humble as we are” 🤣😂


man!!! Can't want to listen to this! So pumped!


After reading RC, Sproul and him basically saying that babies don’t all go to heaven. He quoted this from king David Ps. 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” But David also was very confident that his dead child is in heaven, because he’s going to see him one day. 2 Samuel 12:23. But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me. David was very confident that he’s going to see his son because babies to go to heaven. What an awful thing to teach people, and put that awful trauma on their lives if they lose a baby or a child.


I really appreciate this channel! Don't stop because Calvinists think you are just being critical.. that's all I've seen calvinists do on SM. Anyone who is not a calvinist is inferior.
As a recovering calvinist, I struggle to not see election in certain passages of scripture (ie Ephesians 1) but by God's grace I am now at a church that teaches we are saved by grace through faith and God loves everyone and wants none to perish and all to believe in Jesus.
From my experience Calvinists are not good evangelists (partly why I left) because they can't say will you accept Jesus, or Jesus died for your sins, or Jesus loves you..in their doctrine none of these are true if God didn't choose to save you.


Great review! You should do your own Biblical Commentary about Romans 9, answering Sproul. God continues using you Dr.!


Thanks for not being too timid to take on the giants


What I’m beginning to learn is that, because of their compatablism, Calvinists keep using language that we all agree with yet which contradicts their soteriology. “The people of the city had hardened themselves.” Well that’s not actually true according to consistent Calvinists, they think God effectually caused them to be hardened for a reason known only to God. But they keep using this freedom language.

I think that’s a lot of the reason why a lot of Calvinists call themselves that. I think the layman Calvinist kind of sees Calvinism as merely the denomination which really puts man in his lowly place and lifts up God. But they don’t really know the underlying beliefs because their leading scholars keep using this freedom language. There’s nothing in the Bible that says you must use this compatablistic language. So just please stop. Say what you really mean so we can really dissect it.


Sproul needed Calvinists to frame his thinking before reading Romans 9.

So instead of exegeting Romans 9 immediately, Sproul spent many paragraphs framing word definitions and framing other views with caricatures so that he biases the reader. One, Sproul says it's your human nature that rebels against Calvinistic doctrine and interpretation (without acknowledging Determinism means God made you hate it. Leighton does a great job of pointing to the Holy Spirit as being able to inform your conscience from the opening chapters of Romans). Further, Sproul appeals to authorities so that little ol me and others who don't have those academic credentials feel small and desire to be included in the aura of the big boys.

In the end, if "it's so obvious and clear" as Sproul claimed, why the put downs? Why does Sproul need to punch down? Why doesn't the truth and the effectual work of God do it by plainly stating the truth? Clearly, his words and the method do not add up together.


@40:05 the proper understanding of the corporate view of election - worth hearing it again!
