Do YOU Think ADC SUCKS? Get GOOD at MACRO! - ADC Guide

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How to MACRO as an ADC!

ADC Guide Description:
In this guide we teach you how to properly play as an ADC in League of Legends in low elo. By constantly exposing you to low elo adc macro mistakes in this ADC guide, you'll begin to start improving at your decision making and will be able to farm way more in the mid to late game as an ADC, so you can carry your games and climb out of low elo.

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Concepts featured: macro guide, adc macro, how to macro, how to win with macro, how to carry as adc, what to do as adc, low elo macro mistakes, low elo mistakes, adc low elo bad habits, how to adc, adc challenger guide.

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-Teammates dead after bad random fight-
Team: ADC, why you farming when we had a fight?
ADC: Push waves first
Team: report ADC


Me: pushing a wave
Enemy 28/2/4 zed: It's free Real estate


9:03 she simply was scared by the levitating dead tf


Skill Capped: What lane should the Ashe go?
Me: Bottom.
Skill Capped: The correct answer is mid.
*slams keyboard*


6:07 "you avoid a shared lane like the plague"

look buddy we clearly dont avoid plagues


As an ADC I am:
looking for objectives
looking for a play


*Yes yes, Doublelift clip wasn't from last week, this was released on our site a little while ago =)


Classic silver:
As ADC you productively farm as there is no need to fight. No objectives are coming. There is plenty of gold to get.
Your team: I guess it's time to fight on mid. What else can we do?


Most of my games as an ADC

Scenario #1: I’m doing good up to midgame and I’m 4/0/2 when a 0/3/2 ap champ randomly one shots me.
Scenario #2: It’s late game and the enemy team has inted except for their tank illaoi or scaled up Chogath they just follow around everywhere and I do no damage to them and we lose the game.


I would like to add some important things to the video that have been oversimplefied

The main problem with this video is that it doesnt teach you the exceptions to the rule (=maximising your income through proper side lane management)

The decision making whether it's worth helping or farming is the key factor .

You never always push and you never always group. Every case is unique .

Generally speaking one of the many things you need to consider are your powerspikes .

If you are a Lucian, you will do more grouping during your powerspikes and more farming when you havent reached them ( Side laning forces enemy to match your split push ).

You need to understand who is more worth in a team fight.

If you are 0/5 Lucian and you force the 10 /0 jinx ( with IE runaan Shiv ) on the side lane, it is macrowise the correct choice since she can't spread her lead.

Otherwise if you are fed, you wanna group alot and help your teammates get fed ( strong teammates means less pressure for the adc during game deciding teamfights, No one will pay attention to your 10/0 Ashe if there is a 5/0 Sylas murdering everyone). Being 10 cs/min and perfect kda at the end of the game means nothing if the rest of your team pays for it and cant help in Team fights when 3 People flash for you

ofc You shouldnt neglect maximising your income if you are grouping while being fed . But do it near your teams and about to be contested objectives.
For example by taking the sidelane near the upcoming objective or your Jungler's camp

If you go side lane, always be cautious about upcoming objectives, Vision contest ( For baron ) as well as assasins with strong and fast target access.

Another point : Side laning is even more important if enemy team has strong team fighting Champs like Veigar yuumi etc. Sometimes it is even worth to push a sidewaves 20 sec before drake and getting multiple towers for a drake.


Notification be like: do you think adc sucks? Get GOOD


Hmmmm I picked "Running down mid" every time


Me: "Wow this is really helpful, I know something was missing I'm ready to play some league"

15 mins later, "Gets 1v1ed by Nautilus support with only tank items".



11:03 The Enemy Ashe pushes the wave, first. Definitely, she understands the Macro.


I love how this video wasn’t just “Mid elo ADC tips” but you’re forcing us to think about WHY the mistakes are wrong. Feels more like being taught something, rather than just git gud.


You mentioned vision once, when xayah over extended. Now watch Everytime the adc steps up to the wave, the enemy disappears. So push wave and die is all i saw in the big picture


As an adc, I'm doing all that, the problem being, my enemies too, so even though I'm extremely rarely losing lane, and always keep income flowing, that's still just being solo in pair with my enemies and still having to 1v5 all the time, wich is not realy doable.
there still is too many ppl in low elo that sure doesn't want to lose the game, but doesn't want to win either, that's what elo hell is about.


Doesnt matter if you have pushed or not
Low elo if enemy sees even 1 solo pushing a lil bit they gang up to kill him in sidelanes


Me:*push bot because enemy is grouping mid*
My team:*feeds* *blame me*


did you think that you were going to play this team game with your team? WRONG get back to lane it's still PvE o'clock
