Why You SUCK at Farming as ADC and How to Fix it - League of Legends

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How to Farm And Macro as ADC with Skill-Capped

ADC Macro Guide: In today's guide we'll teach you exactly why you suck at farming as ADC and how to fix it. Learn to improve your farm as ADC right now and start CS'ing like a challenger with Skill-Capped!

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Lots of important lessons in this one!


*Me: I'll farm this free wave, don't fight*
*Team: Reported, u've should have been with us fighting*


Hah you underestimate my power to get solo killed by a rakan


"You have to have trust in your team mates, you''re all the same ELO at the end of the day" - It's because we're the same ELO bracket that I know their plays won't work.


the line between pressuring sidelane correctly and inting by overextending alone is blurry


Im so consistent at ADC it’s unreal. I can predict how many deaths I’ll have at 10 minutes and how much CS I’ll be behind at 12 minutes. It’s usually a good 3-5 deaths at 10 and a 50 CS difference. Then I farm and hate my life for 30 minutes and then get obliterated the first time I try to team fight. Consistency is key lads.


in one of my games my team spam pinged me for farming bot while they overstayed after an objective and died... then they said "its past the farming phase of the game bro"

its scary that some players legit think the game is split into laning phase and aram phase


I was playing jinx. Rotated top to catch massive wave of farm. A WILD NASUS appears. Im all Gucci. Playing safe using my rockets to catch the whole wave. Nasus tps drag. I push two towers leaving open inhib.
Teams flames me for not rotating to drag with Nasus. Just the adc things


"You should trust your team to do well on their own" well I guess I'm always gonna suck at farming


Making the right decision WILL get you flamed in low elo. But it will get you lp unless your team baby rages and afks.


jinx has twice the kills that lucian has. "somehow getting six items before lucian" lmfao


Easy! I can answer this one: I'm a jungler


Really glad for the ADC guide! All the other lanes get a lot of love, so it's nice to see reviews of adc fundamentals.


Enemy ADC: Eh it's just a Leona in that area, I'll be fine.
Me, a Leona onetrick: ...and I took that personal


@ 5:10 If yasuo doesnt go bot, Ashe cant go bot, because 0 8 Evelynn (or even Vi, whatever) casually oneshots her. It is very rare that you see the whole enemy team mid for more than 5 seconds. No way you can just go alone as Ashe on 1 item IMO.
Edit: Also. You cant fix waves if Tier 1 turrets are down as adc. You have to go way too deep, and you just die, I feel like. (Becouse noone will escort you, of course)


Really question the Ashe segment. If Ashe goes bot, she has no mobility and a 1-second ult stun (if she hits it). There are 3 enemies that can run her down and kill her. So you make yourself extremely vulnerable to dying for 1-2 waves and you leave your teammates to die mid. Cait or Senna coming to match you is the best result, but they're already mid and it probably won't be either of them. If Ashe goes mid, and then doesn't step on a trap immediately after hitting the R, she gets to do damage earlier while the team has an advantage. If she holds her W until she can spray anything but a pack of minions (doesn't even kill any), she helps more with the fight. If she uses her heal on an almost dead Yasuo or Malphite instead of an almost 100% Graves, she extends their damage time while the fight is still going. Those little things turn that fight or at least make it a lot more even.


"adc obtain gold through minions"

*Laugh in draven*


When u quit adc just so that skill capped will make a adc guide


The problem is that while other roles can carry in solo queue based on mechanics alone, simply by getting fed, the adc depends on the support to do that. It's the hardest role to carry with in solo queue for that reason, sometimes I wonder why the hell I still main adc


6:45 They randomly get into fights without even knowing who is around them or don't realize they are just walking to thier death.. Then when they die, they see you farming bot and ping you to death. That's the actual reaction of low elo teammates...
