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Bad ADC - Gets one shot every time
Good ADC - Gets stunned, uses QSS, gets one shot any way


my favorite skillcapped quote is "as ADC in teamfight, literally just stand as far back as possible and hit the person closest to you." helped me more than any other quote.


The difference is that the good ones are always on the enemy team and the bad ones are usually on your team


As someone who plays every role and definitely isn't challenger, I know I make plenty of mistakes, but bot lane is the only role where I find myself often thinking "what the fuck was I supposed to do here?" It's the only place where you will sometimes get ganked nonstop all lane by the whole enemy team; even if you play safe and don't reward them for their ganks, they'll keep doing it just to stop you from playing the game. At that point either your team capitalizes on the enemy team's borderline-inting plays... or they don't. Then you lose and you'll likely get blamed for it even if you don't die to the constant ganks. Don't get me wrong - while I knew the answers to the questions in the video, that doesn't mean I never make the same mistakes. It's just pretty easy to recognize when I've made such a mistake, and the only lane where I find myself frequently in situations I feel I have absolutely no control over is bot lane. I can usually deal with a support who's not great or isn't on the same page as me (helps that I know the support's perspective), but the one thing I haven't figured out how the hell to carry through is a 2v4 at 3 minutes followed by a 2v5 at 5 minutes, or a jungler entirely ignoring top to the point that they don't farm their topside ever and end up at half your jg's farm just to camp you. Everyone gets unlucky and ends up in situations like that sometimes, but bot is the only place where I expect it to happen to me routinely.


In the video, the last question is a trick one. The true answer is that lee is afk.


One of the biggest issues I've had in low elo as a support is that whenever as a support (no matter what support I am even if I am a Yuumi) I will try to tank for whoever I am supporting, however despite how all the attention is on me my teammate hesitates so much they end up trying to position themselves out of a danger they are not in, so rather than engaging and landing autos/spells they are trying to run away. Then if I die it's obviously entirely my fault


The worst supports you can get are the ones that you have to fight for farm. Like I had a Zilian today that constantly threw his bombs on the enemy minions. Really really hard to farm that, he didnt even stop after I asked him twice not to do that. Lost the game to the enemy mid cassio being super fed, but still. Might have been able to do something about it, if I had some items :D


I think adc has even less agency than even support since supports are more impactful early and add value to the team even without damage


Awesome video. One thing to point out… At 1:21, I wouldn’t say the only two options are:

1. Chase
2. Back-off

I’d propose option 3:

3. Switch to rockets, hit lulu and slash aph, widening your advantage.

Don’t back off, but don’t chase. Take the third option. Pump out FREE harass damage.


Plenty of times I´ve seen that Jinx and Blitz-scenario happen but instead of Blitz going for Leona, he flashes past her to knock up Jhin that is on half or a quarter of health with both summoners up and suddenly there is a Leona between you and your support. Leona goes straight for you while Jhin kites back to tower or prefarably towards Leona and kill Blitz. Meanwhile you gets a Leona in your face, so by now you´ve been stunned and ignited/exhausted while tanking the whole creepwave if you tried to stay in the fight and didn´t bail out as soon as Blitz flashed behind enemy lines.

I see this happen all the time, the support flashing for the "easy" kill, rather than peeling on the adc! When I play Leona I almost always win lane because I just use this kind of behavior to our advantage. In low elo I do not need to make plays just use their mistakes for our advantage. And they will do this dumb shit all the time, then blame eachother and I will always agree with the biggest fool on the enemy team, so he feels empowered because he made "the right" play but his team failed. He won´t listen to them and do the same dumb shit over and over while blaming them for him feeding, they start to argue even more and you just keep adding fuel to the fire in order to keep the tilt going xD


I've been using your tips for a couple months now and I got every question right, but I have to say, just because you as an ADC understand wave control and manipulation doesn't mean your team will play around it in low elo. At 4:01 if this were my game the jungler wouldn't have taken advantage of this or would have dove from the wrong angle (from the brush behind tower) and died, assuming the support didn't ruin my slow push or my crash to begin with. I feel like there's a baseline competency that you need from your team to function as an ADC - if I have that, I go 10/0/whatever. If I don't, I go 4/5/5 or something and get flamed for low damage because I spent the rest of the game trying to farm sidelanes to become relevant but the team surrenders before I can.


Eh, first play, just because you keep going for the kill doesn't mean you have to flash straight into the red minion wave, you could just casually chase through the bushes and then decide to turn back or flash in later.


Just like JG diff, ADC diff is most likely the result of team diff.

It's the most team-reliant role that shines in very little compared to others, when you take away the team who is supposed to do the rest of the essentials for the marksman, what can one do other than whatever damage they can cause?


Well the problem with bad sups is not they are engaging, is they dont engage, they just sit in lane afk 15 min and dieng by ganks without proper warding.


If you can do that, you're already better than most ADCs


I‘m playing low elo and I am supp and adc main. In ranked I mostly chose supp because I have more impact in the game like that. And I think in low elo most people think supp is an easy role like a second mid or something and they have no idea how really play supp. Most of those people are constantly pushing, engaging if there’s a big wave, not warding, engage with no wards or enemy jungle to see and ofc no one ever peels an adc. I‘m getting behind because other lanes never know how to play around an adc. In late I can’t farm bc jungler pings me away from his jungle, mid laner don’t move to side lanes and supporter keep pushing and clearing the farm. It‘s so frustrating how useless you are as an adc without many kills and farm while ur whole team blames you for it even though they ruin everything u need to do to deal a lot of damage.


Would a full game commentary from botlane perspective be possible? I feel like you can get the advantage early, but that's when your agency is the least and as a low elo ADC you're most likely to throw it before the mid game. I'd really like to see the full transition.


One of my biggest consistent mistakes is trying to chase down enemy champions because I blew ult and summoner spells on them out of frustration.


The first example is not good, jinx situation had more space to chase aphelios, draven has clearly no space to chase so is not the same situation at all, and the champs are differents, aph + lulu are not even half strong than naut + draven so situation changes a lot.


I often run into the situation of doing the right thing, failing at it mechanically and ending up behind. For example that jinx flashing after leona. If she clicks on a minion once she dies, jhin gets a crash and is probably about 400 gold and 1.5 lvls ahead making jinx not have any impact on the game until she has at least 2 full items.
