(Part 1) How To Fix Your Check Engine, VSC, Trac Off Warning Lights On

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Thank you so much for this. The last time this happened I was told i had to order speed sensor for a wheel. Had it re-installed, was told the ABS was broken so pay $523.52. This time, thanks to you, I'm donating the savings to a local food bank for Christmas. God bless you Sir. Merry Christmas.


This happened today with my 2012 Toyota Corolla I was so worried about the cost I googled and found the video about my gas cap and it worked lights are off!!! 62 and a BIG THANK YOU!!! God did bless me and so did you!!!!God Bless you!!!!


Oh wow! I hit this today... right after an oil change + filling gas. I was pretty distraught as a perfectly running vehicle hit this right after a routine oil change. Took it back to the autoshop and the OBD showed air/fuel ratio sensor is faulty. A $400 repair! Since it was not urgent, I took the vehicle back home, and after watching your video, cleaned the fuel cap and the fuel neck, closed it till multiple clicks. The light still stayed on, and then someone mentioned below that it turned off after a few days, so decided to wait. Lo and behold, after a couple of stop, rest and restarts the VSC light turned off by itself. THIS VIDEO IS AWESOME! Thank you!


God Bless you and God Bless YouTube! Why anyone would dislike this video is beyond me. How many of us back in the day would have taken this to a mechanic and been charged $100 to $200 for something so simple.


2005 Toyota Highlander limited. I had the oil changed mobil 1 at the same place I've been using for years.Finished the service everything normal, start to drive away after a few blocks the two lights come on. Crap, drive back to the center he checked nothing. Starting to think all kind of things on how expensive this repair is going to cost me.Drove home cursing all the way home. At home i decided to check you tube. Amazed at all the results on this issue. Removed the cap cleaned it cleaned the neck of the tank and lubed the gasket. Next day it was still on, Crap. In the afternoon went out to get something at the market and they were off. Fantastic !!!! Great job proclaimliberty2000 Thank You.


Thank you! Daughter's FJ just did this. I took her to school upset and came home, saw your video and went out and tightened gas tank, and fixed! She will be happy.


WOW!! What a LIFE SAVER you are, Paul! We bought our Toyota Corolla brand new in 2009, and never once did we have an issue like the one you're describing here....UNTIL TODAY!! Quite suddenly, this exact problem arises and we have NO clue why! What made it even more frustrating was that TODAY was a big day for us. We are going to have the car transferred to our grandson today, and felt SO good that it was running great and having no problems whatsoever. Then this!! My husband comes in with such a long face, and starts telling me about it. He had tried a few things, and was convinced that it was something major....a bit of a pessimist, I'm afraid. I ran over to the computer and got on YouTube and found YOU!!! You are so right, Paul, that Toyota does NOT want people to see this video. I'm convinced that thousands of people have paid big bucks to get this repaired, when they could've done it themselves in minutes! For us, it was the THIRD video that did the trick! We just kept watching and trying the next suggestion. I was confident that something was going to work because of how many people had posted their successes! My husband and I thank you, AND our grandson thanks you!! May God bless you and yours.


Thank you for posting this. I just bought my 07 4Runner YESTERDAY (and the light was not on) Whew I was freaking out this afternoon. I went to auto zone for a diagnostic test and they said it was an 800 dollar fix. So thankful this video just saved me so much money. My car is fine now! ☺️


Paul thanks for a very informative video. I did the steps you indicated, opened the gas tank cap, cleaned the tank rim, lubricate the O ring, and on my 2003 Sequoia, the annoying VSC TRAC & Trac OFF, along with check engine light is now gone. I have driven it for 120 miles after the clean up and the lights have not returned. Thanks again for a great fix Sir. May Allah Bless You. Ameen


Thank you! After 1.5 years and 334, 900 attempts I finally completed the VSC. Thank you 🙏


Just fixed my 2004 Toyota Land Cruiser using this method. I had not clicked my gas cap tightly, and I believe it caused the check engine light and the VSC lights to come on. I tightened the cap, follwing proclaimliberty2000's directions, and I drove the car about 20 miles. The lights remained on. I then disconnected the battery for about five minutes, and the check engine and the VSC lights both went off!! I had an appointment at Toyota for them to look at the problem check engine and VSC warnings, and I was so happy to be able to cancel!!!! Thank you proclaimliberty2000 and the other posters who recommended the disconnecting of the battery, AFTER you make sure that your gas cap is on tightly! TEN STARS FOR EXCELLENCE!


okay this exact issue happened on my 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser. I went to get a state inspection, and shortly afterwards all of these lights came on simultaneously. this was a lifesaver! Sure enough the gas cap was not put on correctly after I left the inspection station. after about 10 minutes of watching this video I tried the solution. I tighten the gas cap and ensured that there were three clicks. The lights stayed on until about 45 miles. They turned off by themselves after that. Thank you so much!


What a relief! Following a 15hr. Thanksgiving road trip, the last thing I wanted was a major car repair. Thank you!!!


THANK YOU SOO MUCH. We were just setting off for Christmas to family and I thought we weren't going to be able to go. Your video just made the difference.. Bless you man.


You just saved me. Toyota wanted over two hundred dollards to fix this and I had an appointment. I took your advice, checked the cap and sure enough, I failed to completely snap the cap on my wifes 2008 Avalon. You are amazing. Thank you so much.


Omg, thank you for this post. Three women in a vehicle going shopping today. I googled the problem and saw your post. This was the problem for us too. A 14 dollar gas cap fixed !!! THANK You so much!


Dude I was freaking out because I just bought the car. You saved my day. Thank you


Thanks dude, you saved me a trip to the dealer, another thing you guys can do is disconnect the positive battery terminal and wait 30 seconds to a minute, while also making sure the fuel cap is securely tightened. But thanks for the video!


Good post. I bought a new 2008 Toyota Camry XLE back in the day and was headed back to CA from back east. Was on I-70 near Grand Jct Colorado and the little skidding car light and engine light came on along with VSC showing up in my display in the speedometer center. I don't know what prompted me to think of it but got out, took the fuel cap off, used spit to wipe and a last bit of spit to lube the "O" ring on the gas cap. The VSC and little skidding car lights went out immediately but had to drive a few miles before the check engine light went off. God bless Japanese Engineering and their contribution to "throw away" design philosophy.


The real deal. I went to Autozone and got the check engine light turned off but still had the VSC/Trac Off problem. Did what Paul suggested about the gas cap and Voila both lights went out immediately. Just ordered a new gas cap from my Toyota dealer ($32.00) for my 2003 Sport Edition 4 Runner. What a fabulous fellow this Paul is to us regular folks. Thank you Paul, and God Bless!
