What Is Rib Flare? Watch To Learn How To Fix (Part 1 of 2)

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Rib flare is not a death sentence but it is something we want to address if we are having issues such as pain or decreased performance.

The goal should be a dynamic ribcage meaning the ribcage can change shapes depending on the task we are asked to complete. We need to be able to compress and expand different parts of the ribcage.

When we have a rib flare, air will take the path of least resistance. This is why we preach the basics so much.

Simply learning to inhale and exhale fully is a game-changer. Start with the simple tips described in the video.

For a more severe rib flare, we recommend an individualized program. You can learn more about working directly with us here

Are you a personal trainer or physical therapist that wants to learn how to integrate strength and mobility training? Our online Personal Trainer Academy course was made for you:

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This happens when your stomach and organs around there are expanded. Think about food intake that your stomach has trouble with processing and then wants to expand for more ease, but also emotional processing issues. Why you think breathing is the core of health. You're probably not breathing right due to stress or stored emotions that needs to be released. Do breathing exercises on a daily basis, its so important l. Also during workouts, breathe right, follow the instructions! You'll realise how often you actually hold ur breath due to maybe being nervous, under pressure etc. I really learned this throughout my life and experiences with improving my health from different angles. Good luck!


the animation made me realize I have been breathing on the wrong side of my lungs and flaring my ribs on one side. Thank you very much!


I was born with a lot of issues and a facial deformity. One thing I noticed as a kid was that my ribs didn’t look right and one side was up and outward compared to the other. When I brought it up to my parents and my doctors they just said “hmm that’s strange” and moved on to the 100 other things we were worried about lol. I’m 27 now and just now discovered what it’s called, thank you.


I'm 35 years old and today I learned what is this. Thank you.


had this for as long as i can remember, i hate looking down when laying on my back, i finally know what to do to work on it, thankyou


Thank you. I always thought I was just born this way and there was nothing to fix it.


Thank you! What a relief! I needed this right now 😊


Dude great explanation now I understand this!


Damn…you just described exactly what I’m experiencing. Thank you


Now I know why my posture looks like that (like an S shape) and why I can't correct it and why my lower back is arched and why I don't want to do traditional ABS training, and why my lower back feels tight after some time on legs, and are close to the pain and I want to lay down until it releases🧐
I signed up for Elite Video Membership 3 weeks ago and after trying out some classes I ended up at class "TVA train" and doing it every day for a good reason 💪🏼
I can't find one video where I saw some beautiful graphics and explanations about ribcage and how it affects shoulders, which is one more of my problems 😏I thought it was from Ian, but the idea is the same as here ... Thank You 🙏🏼


I needed this video, my left rib is a little to the front, nothing much of a big deal, but because of that left rib, i cant get a good view of my ab, great video btw


Hey man, thank you a lot, i hace pectum and rib flare and I promise myself to fix it to love me without shirt. Love you man for guving us this routine, I Hope I will fix it with all your advices. Bye!


I have had this since I was a kid a didn't know what it was and I thought everyone had it. I guess not. Thankyou for telling me how to fux it and if its harmful.


I've had severe lower back problems and didn't know I had this


Lowkey thought this wouldn’t work but it did


This has made breathing really hard. I got sick for a year and lots tonnes of muscle especially core and glutes. I get out of breath fast because of the flare.


I am starting this today. My rib flare is disgusting, and I hate how it looks when I wear my clothes. I will come back in a month if I can see a change. I really hope SO 🙏🙏


Haha. This is the first youtube video to perfectly describe my ribflare. No PE and no APT. Let's get sum sideplanks goin💪💪


Hey bro . Nice explanation
Can u tell me that . Will this affect anything in my future health


Great video! do you have any suggestions for 3 year olds. We have incorporated the breathing exercises, but any other tips would be greatly appreciated!
