I Hate Masks !!!

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Pete Smith talks about his strong dislike for wearing a mask, and possible reasons why.

Pete Smith, also known as Peter Quentin Smith, is a singer/songwriter, actor, video maker, and retired firefighter from New Jersey.

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HEY Pete Met you at your porch sale loving the lamp and the mirror


I like the fact you have the personal strength to speak your opinion, yet encourage people to wear masks when necessary to protect others, just because it's the right thing to do.
I doubt there are many of us who LIKE wearing masks.
There is one advantage I concentrate on, in order to see wearing them as a positive...
The eyes are the windows to the soul. Too many times people manipulate their facial expressions in order to lie. We also get distracted from looking at the eyes when communicating because 1) the mouth is moving, so it attracts our attention, and 2) looking into another person's eyes is far more intimate.
Eyes express true feelings, no matter what the mouth has to say.
I "hate" wearing masks too, until I consider 1) the wearing of them results in more intimate and truthful communication, and 2) it shows us how difficult it is to breathe and be serene when we are unable to take deep, cleansing breaths of fresh air. Perhaps this will help people work harder to avoid polluting the fresh air.
As you rightly point out, any rational person can see both positives and negatives in the wearing of masks. Perhaps we can use this topic to remind ourselves that important things in life are not always polar opposites. There are many valid arguments (both pro and con) along the continuum between the opposing poles.
If we all come to this realization we will be more able to respect other people's opinions and help us all get along. Thanks for bringing yet another thoughtful discussion topic to your Talks on Walks series, Pete.
