I Hate Halloween ... So I Made a Mask Anyways

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I made a halloween mask inspired by rooster logo. I also took inspiration from @OrvillePeck , a cool phoenix mask made by Natalie Walsh over on Instructables and ornate masquerade masks.

Turns out, the whole process got a little bit emotional and so there's a bit of vulnerability for you as well. Anyways, watch, share your thoughts and all that. Does anyone even read this stuff?
00:00 — Introduction
00:25 — Inspiration
02:40 — Planning
05:00 — Iteration
08:12 — How to Make This Mask
19:08 — The final Mask
#halloween #halloween2024 #costume

Corn you have outdone yourself! This mask looks magical. I too used to not enjoy dressing up as I considered it silly but I have come to appreciate that sometimes we need to be silly. Its a human trait not enough people take advantage of; to laugh at ourselves perhaps or just give in to whimsy. After all there is still that child buried under all the layers of adulthood. I do hope you enjoy yourself at whatever Halloween festivities you go to!


I love it when creators use stuff they have on hand! So much creativity in that. This was super fun and I really enjoyed watching your process.


Mr. Orville Peck needs to commission a mask from you! Fantastic work! Totally fierce! I can picture it in one of his surreal music videos, lit and unlit.


You lost thread chicken with the gold embellishments. I did that today as well. And bobbin chicken earlier in the day. The lights were my favorite part.


The mean inner voice gets distracted when I stream 40s jazz while working in my quilting studio/office


Whoa...that mask is AMAZING! And I really appreciated seeing your inspirational journey and how you combined ideas to come up with the final project. Even the lights would really shine (pun intended) in their proper setting, out in the dark of night...say, on a Venetian plaza as you cavorted with fellow masquerade party goers under the stars. 🧡

Thanks so much for sharing your inner journey on this project. It is super helpful to know the rest of us are not alone in having those experiences. As for the inner voices, one perspective I have learned to take is to ask myself what that inner voice is telling me about what I'm afraid of or what else might be wrong. Often, if the voice is on the whiny or frustrated side, when I look past the thoughts I'll find that I'm tired, or hungry, or my brain is completely zapped. And if it's more on the avoidant or procrastinating side, it's usually because I'm running up against an underlying source of fear or anxiety (for me, that is usually a failure to achieve perfection or "success, " an artifact left over from being a "gifted child" in an otherwise bad home situation whose only source of positive reinforcement and safety was consistently performing at a high level). In the former case, I stop and take care of the physical needs and come back the next day refreshed. In the latter, I refocus on the PROCESS and what I can learn from it or otherwise get out of the project. It also helps to just give yourself permission to play and have fun, and that be all there needs to be.


So glad you had the talk with yourself and allowed yourself to have fun and create this. Thanks for sharing your challenges and successes with this. It's marvelous!!!


1. Your final mask is beautiful. I wanted to see your approach to organizing and attaching the feathers especially. 2. Your vulnerability and discussion about your negative inner voice reminds me of Mr. Rogers and his very intentional and kind choice to expose those insecurities in his show to open healthy dialogues for children. Thank you for doing something similar for sewists and artisans.


Love. That. Mask! As for the critical inner voice, I find that consciously accepting that the weird, silly, ideas are a part of who I am, AND they are quite often the precursors to projects I end up really loving, makes it easier to carry on with what I'm doing. If that doesn't work, you could always channel Sarah from the Labyrinth and tell your inner denigrators, "You have no power over me!"


What a beautiful creation! It's sure to be a hit!
As to my inner mean voice, when it opens its mouth, I just tell it to go away and be quiet. Then I complete my project in blissful silence.


I shout at my inner voice very loudly to SHUT UP! and call it a BLOODY LIAR!
Then have a good laugh. LOLOL Inner voices don't you to laugh...
Fantastic Mask by the way.


Yes, Wow! The creative mind amazes me.


I honestly think we all enjoy every single of your genuine and genius ways to think out loud. We relate or we wouldn’t be listening to your ideas over and over. With you I learn every time, about sewing, creativity, neatness, humility and braveness at the same time, also communication skills, studying and planning strategies… and so so so much more. I admire you every time a little and a lot more. So good for you that you don’t like Halloween and manage to create a video and a lot of work so that we can follow. I don’t like the season my self but you are worth the time and focus. So thank you and please go on.
Blessings from Costa Rica in Central America.


Cornelius, You did a great job with your mask! Have a blessed week!


What a piece of art! About the inner voice: I just give it a kiss and a smile. It usually works 😊


Hi my dear great artist brother, I salute you 🙏 ❤


One word on this mask: You brought me back to my music in my high school days. #nostalgia #regret.


Very helpful. Thank you!. That fringe is way too expensive.


Enjoyed the migration of feathers to the cowboy hats😉Another fun project! Inner dialogue can be overwhelming, helps when the project is so engrossing that I zone out. But it's a real struggle sometimes. Humans, go figure...


I have 2 Welsummer roosters. They are magnificent.
