Warning! China's President XI Plans For US Invasion Fully Exposed!

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Hello from Amish Country, Lancaster Pennsylvania.


They stop sending goods across the ocean and cut us off we would fold in 90 days..
They have already won the game


We are already being invaded at this very moment


What concerns me more obviously is reports of chinese nationals that are military aged men with assumed ties to CCP. Or the cartels (supposedly getting stuff from china to make fentanyl) or cartels in general in our country going through the border. Or our enemies using this for a proxy against the US. Sleeper cells and all this sort of thing. It'd be great if you could discuss this with us sometime. Thank you.


The current administration's border security strategy could allow over time, the placement of considerable numbers of military aged men and materials marked Acme Farm Equipment in strategic areas waiting for the signal


One of my greatest concerns is the number of Enemy saboteurs coming across our borders, who, when activated, no doubt have target lists of critical infrastructure. While these could be Chinese, considering the number apparently apprehended regularly now, I am more concerned about those brought in by the Kenyan Muslim Skidmark years ago, and the Dotard today. I don't necessarily expect it, but the lights going out for weeks or months would not surprise me.


Nice info JJ, but what about all the Chinese people coming across our southern border. Let alone the ones at the training camp in Mexico.


Another important factor is the U.S.A.'s allies around the world.


As always.... excellent and informative video. Thank you. :)


Pre watching impression based on headline: of course Ji Ji’s plan is exposed, ewww because something so classified and kept under tight wraps is more fun when it’s “leaked out” by an anonymous trusted source or speculated.


So, what you're implying is, that several hundred diesel-powered Chinese rowboats won't fare so well against 10 nuclear-powered Nimitz class aircraft carrier groups and 50 nuclear-powered Virginia, Seawolf and Los Angeles class fast attack subs?


There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.


We help them a lot by shopping at Walmart and Amazon


Us has 1000s of rivers, almost impossible with proper support systems.


There's a really good video about how near impossible an invasion would be. Search "British Marine reacts America impenetrable." It breaks down the logistical challenges of attacking on US soil. Nuclear ICBMs are a different story, but on land, air, and water, it would be essentially impossible.


They have already invaded through the southern border..


All they would have to do is Nationwide EMP, launch a couple strategic nukes, and an invasion shortly after


Although China has oodles of nationals on US soil. There's huge quasi sweat shops or Chinese only factories in places like Idaho and people streaming over the border as well. I think we'd be floored by how many Chinese are already presently on US soil that are military age men.


Post watching impression: I agree with the assessment on China for the most part. They have a greater number of hulls in their Navy making them larger but their 2 aircraft carrier I believe are disel driven which also speaks to their limited radius of influence from their shores. With our navy owning the 2nd largest air force and 11 carriers nuclear in nature, China should be quite horrified of our capability including the entourage a carrier has supporting it. They likely won’t go and nuke us given their financial investment with all the infrastructure including farmland that they’ve purchased. On the hypersonic missile front. Do they truly have the capability they claim or is it smoke and mirrors? On the US side I know we want to bolster our hypersonic capability, but is what we have currently the same grade as China or greater? What’s the measuring stick here. Couple this with allies in Japan, Australia, South Korea, a base in Guam and the upcoming reopening of (3?) bases in the Phillipines plus Hawaii for ship repair/upgrading and resupply line and you have a conflict you might want to strategize and think tgrough a little more before opening Pandora’s box. China could potentially sneak espionage assets through Mexico since we refuse to secure our border properly. Damaging us from the inside and then refusal to export anything with all the stuff we buy everyday from them especially pharmaceutical raw ingredients. Millions of American lives would be at stake because doctors issue pills for everything both for physical conditions and mental adding to our civil volatility. So sanctioning China should be something to be VERY careful with until we make strides to bring things back in house.

Russia can only beat us with it’s slightly largers nuclear aresenal with greater yield weaponry. Conventionally they wouldn’t win BUT never underestimate your opponent. As far as this Ukraine conflict I still think Russia has used mostly their mercenaries supplied with Soviet era surplus equipment. I think we are underestimating their conventional capability.


I think their carriers are diesel and smoke heavily. And they are slow and very poorly equipped
