Autism Executive Function | How YOU Organise Properly (3 TOP TIPS)

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Autism Executive Function is a difficult issue for autistic people, but here are 3 amazing tips to better Organise anything you do.

Organising skills are super difficult for people on the autism spectrum and i am no exception to this rule.

We recently moved house and as im an influencer entrepreneur i work from home and had to move my entire office to.

This was a scary thought and the task seemed daunting, but we put in place some tactics to help me with ease of organising and here they are.

1. Smaller Parts
Breaking down anything into smaller parts is a fantastic way to stay organised when trying to create tidiness or clean up a mess. I learned this from my dyslexia reading classes, breaking words down into more manageable smaller bits was easier to remember than the full word. So with organising, just break everything into small parts and do them consecutively.

2. Brillia
As Brillia increases focus it pulls all the scatty brain activity that causes huge bad organising issues for autistic people away. This creates a more motivated and organised manner in your mind.

3. Tagging
While in university one of the biggest tips I learned was to label everything wit ha tag of what it is, Be it bio chemistry or physical chemistry. Once it has a tag you know where it belongs. The same applies to anything else you do. Creating tags or sections for everything keeps it organised as it has a home.

I would love to know your thoughts on this and if you have anything else to add. Please leave a comment below and follow @theaspieworld for more autism content.
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I mostly think that having both ADHD and autism is beneficial because it's like they cooperate in a way. I don't know if that's really the case of course because it's hard to tell which is which, but I feel like my ADHD is my main driving force and the reason I start projects. But then my autism sees to it that I actually stay on my projects and also stops the chaos that spreads like wildfire whenever I'm doing stuff. I can only stand so much disorder before I have to organize everything again and start a new cycle. BUT, sometimes this dynamic isn't working correctly. Like, if I get this extreme hyper focus and become legit BLIND to everything but my project. When I "wake up", the chaos can be overwhelming. The other day I almost had a panic attack because there was too much stuff on my table. I did manage to handle it though but I had to REALLY divide it into smaller sections. Like, really focus on just one thing at the time.


Thanks for adding visual images as you discuss topics. This allows visual thinkers to connect to the image to the concept discussed.


Totally solidified my processes, and gives me permission to use them. Like it's okay for me to do this. I'm not weiror dumb, or anything else I used to tell myself for having to keep things in this type of organization. Thanks for your content. I think people underestimate the freedom that comes from realizing your aren't weird. Or slow or any other negative label people have placed on you.


This is my biggest struggle right now. Good timing for this video.


Sounding out the letters, best way to learn how to read. Therefore, even with dyslexia. focus as you go along.


Does anyone else here struggle with Employment with there aspergeres? I'm finding it so difficult and the pressure just keeps on building, it's immense! Hope you guys can help me out 😊 cheera


Dude, did you know that a link to your website is provided amongst the section of further information at the end of a formal assessment by some services in the UK?


Aaaa, you have Fight Club action figures! So cool!

I, uh, I mean, great advice. Labelling things sounds like something i should try.

Totally not an ooh squirrel moment.


Well done. Great advice. The only issue I have with the video is the fact that the background is too dark. If you want to keep the dark background, it would help if you were to be wearing light coloured clothing.


Don't advertise any medical pills!


I haven’t had a diagnosis, but my friend asked me the other day what our car was like, & I said “red” … she meant of course how are we liking it.🙄 … can anyone else relate to this? Is it a factor for people with autism?


I just found u and my name's dan as well I also have autism and I love the fight club stuff.


It was so good to not hear that intro sound...


Sorry, but promoting homeopathy flags this channel for an unsubscribe. yes, placebo effects can be real and helpful, but they are not reliable.
