3 Autism Executive Function Issues (YOU Need To AVOID)

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These 3 autism executive function issues are easily the most challenging but this is how you can make them work for you.

1.Paying Attention (zoning out)
People on the autism spectrum have issues with autism executive function because paying attention to something for long periods of time can be difficult this is usually due to a co-occurring ADHD diagnosis.

I guess this would be Autism executive dysfunction. this is hard because people on the spectrum can zone out of what is currently around them and actually zone into something that is completely different to the situation at hand.

One way to help with this situation is to have the person that you’re sitting with remind you what the task is at hand when you need to complete that task.

2.Organising (Staying organised)
organisation and staying organised is something that is difficult for anybody with an autism diagnosis.

for me having a spurges syndrome I have a difficult time keeping things organised in my office at home and in our bedroom.

But since I also have ADHD and OCD I actually enjoy having things in the right place I just have a difficult time getting there in the first place.

I overcome this autism executive function issue by having my girlfriend create the organisation outline for me and explain to me where everything goes.

3.Memory (Future Dates)
know that a lot of people who are autistic who have great long-term memory, for instance I have a great memory of being a child and all the way up to my current day.

But if someone asked me to remember something to do on a future date I would definitely forget and never do it unless it was written down or it was told to me at that moment in time by somebody.

As most autistic people have an autism executive function issue with short-term memory.

How to deal with this is to rely on apps and other types of digital equipment like iPads and iPhones to help you be prompted at those moments in time and remind you to do those things.



#Aspergers #ASD #Autism
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I'm not officially diagnosed yet, but i think the most frustrating thing for me is my partner talks to me and i'm listening but when he asks me what he said i have no idea, i'm very easily distracted and happy to just stare out of a window


Person: "Blah blah blah. What do you think?"
Me: "Uhm..."


Almost zoned out tryna remember things while watching this lol


I’m 36 and was just diagnosed with Aspergers today, this vlog makes so much sense. Thank you!


omg, organisation. especially my time keeping. i'm all over the place. those apps sound so useful, i'm definitely going to use those. thanks for another interesting video!


If I don't put things back where they go right after I'm done with it I won't be able to find it when I need it again!


I don't think you realise how much your posts help. Thank you.


These videos are great! I am 100% convinced my 9yo son has Aspergers and dyslexia. Because of the Coronavirus and isolation I’m seeing more of it but also means I can’t get support or a diagnosis for him. Your videos are a great way for me to get inside his world - loads of lightbulb moments! 💡🤯🙏


Just discovered your channel. I might cry. This is so helpful. Thank you. I literally love you


omg.... your last one especially!!! I have little to no short term retention!! It's so bad it's comical!!! Even with lists, calendars and reminders.


I also have adhd, ocd and asd. This channel is so helpful. Thank you


The video in a nutshell: have a partner/friend that does everything for you and actively makes an effort to help you deal. If you're lonely and isolated, sucks for you. /nohate I'm happy you have (and have had) a great support system in your life, and it's something I wish everyone had access to because there's nothing worst than being in this alone


My husband hides important paperwork from me so I don't lose them. His reasoning is valid (I just lost the Kids' birth certificates), but it doesn't feel so great. I am working to strengthen this aspect of my life. Thanks for the video!


Hi. I am feeling happy. Thanks to your videos (you tube recommendation thanks you tube! I wasn't even searching autism!) I'm realizing I have tons of symptoms of being on the spectrum (37 undiagnosed-probably apparent from what I've said so far) and your videos have helped me see myself through more loving eyes and understand that what I've been doing my whole life to keep myself calm and in high function mode is a great strategy! Stuff like having earbuds in even with no music if music itself becomes too much for me when going outside my house. Taking alone time when I get overwhelmed. Planning out my life with backup plans and even a plan of how to care for myself if all plans fail so I can manage to stress of things not going according to plan. And other stuff like this. Basically I had it pretty much figured out at one point but over time people who took my strategies, and also times strategies failed and my hard time affected them. People who took these things personally their comments resulted in me believing I wasn't nice or a good person but I am nice and a good person just with things that go on internally that require special solutions and I am so happy to be in this internal space right now! Thank you for saying I can have a conversation and please share! :)


Today was emotionally tough.

I have autism/Asperger’s and find that texting is difficult for me when I do not understand the meaning or emotion behind the text. This is made more difficult when there are no emoticons. Since this is true for me it is often easier to video with someone so that I at least can have a
better idea of how the conversation is going.

Also, I recently started watching your videos and have learned a lot. I work as an education assistant in an elementary school. This year I work with two children on the autism spectrum.

Over the years I have read a lot about autism/Asperger‘s. It is refreshing to further continue my learning through your videos. 👍🙂

Keep being awesome 🤩.

Mary (Canada)


Can you do a video on how to deal with meltdowns for the person having one and the person persons who’s calming you.


I just started dating someone with Asperger's. I came across this channel so I can understand alot of his different behavior's.


On Android devices, anytime you message someone and mention a date or key words like "tomorrow" or a time, it underlines the time and if you click it will set a reminder titled after whatever you were talking about.


I recently realised that doing something with my hands really helps me to better focus on something like a university lecture. Like playing around with a pen, a deck of cards, whatever it is, but possibly something that doesn’t require any mental effort.
Especially now with online lectures I really have issues with staying focused. It’s just way more exhausting for me and also I have so much stuff around me to lead my thoughts anywhere else than where they should be. After a while; especially when the lecture isn’t particularly interesting, I almost always zone out.


Hi. I’m feeling relieved. I took the first steps to get both of my children diagnostic evaluations for ASD. I made like 10 phone calls to resources recommended to schedule the appointment. Hopefully one of the places will return my call with availability soon.
