Skyrim: 5 Spooky Theories Crazy Enough to be True - The Elder Scrolls 5 Lore (Part 4)

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Skyrim is a game with many plotlines, quests and interesting tales, however not everything in the world of The Elder Scrolls 5 may be as it seems. Countless players have developed complex, wacky and fun theories in an effort to explain some of Skyrim’s strangest happenings. So today we’ll be taking a look at five more theories crazy enough to be true in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.
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I like to justify Lydia's stupidity with the theory that she is in fact a very odd looking mudcrab, rejected by her own kind and recruited by Balgruuf whilst on a fishing trip.


Spookiest intro thus far "hey guys Nathaniel here"


"That candle simply never went out" literally every candle ever in Skyrim??


"She is given to us by the jarl as a thank you"
well it just sounds weird when you put it like that.


I always just figured Lydia was in the city guard but got dismissed because of one too many "friendly fire" incidents, then just hung out in Dragonsreach munching all the bread till Balgruff could find a way to get rid of her. I think that she's so ridiculously loyal because she's glad to have a friend.


"Part 3 if I remember correctly"

*He did not remember correctly*


Candle never went out you say? You mean like every other lit candle in skyrim? Incredible.


When u off to kill Cicero if u summon Lucien ghost he would say: " i feel disturbance in the darkness, Sitis doesnt wish cicero dead". It means sithis has conscious in a certain way


"It's Nathaniel here." Sounds like Nate's in trouble with himself.


theory: Nazeem is actually molag bal in disguise


My theory is that Bethesda leaves a bunch of opened-ended random bits/half-baked plots in their games(like the bugs in jars), leaving it up to the fan base to extend their lore with elaborate theories, filling in the holes for them. While they kick back in Tahiti, sipping their mojitos and living the dream!


When you brought up the Falmer, Nate, I thought you were gonna talk about that theory about how the Falmer were turned into FUEL by the Dwemer.

'Fuel?' I hear you ask, if you don't know what I speak of. Yes, fuel.

Falmer, in Skyrim, have WHITE souls, or they can fit in the various regular soul gems, but not BLACK souls like other sentient races have. And what do the many automatons in the various dwemer ruins run on? Soul gems filled with white souls.


The theory regarding the night mother doesn't quite add up because there are direct quotes which imply Sithis has some form of conscious.

Some quotes from the Spectral Assassin:
"I will kill this jester if you so desire, but there is a disturbance in the Void. Our Dread Father does not wish this"

"The Dread Father works through me. And his work has just begun."

"One day, you shall serve our Dread Father, as I do now."


There’s no famine because food never goes bad in Skyrim.


For the lurker theory, why didn't you address the load screen comment "sometimes people get lost in Apocrypha, never to return?" and connect it with Neloth's comment on finding out you've been in the black books: "yes, I can see it in your eyes." then later, after slaying Mirrak he says he's "looking for black spots in the eye's, ***signs of Mora's influence.***" (paraphrase) they could be people trapped for so long in Apocrypha that they get mutated and twisted.


Okay, so to find the origin of the Lurker it might be prudent to look at the creatures that served as their inspiration: The Deep Ones
The Deep Ones are a race of mutated, fish-like humans that worship a creature known as Dagon. The Deep Ones procreate through humans, creating children that are born human but slowly grow up to become the fish-like Deep Ones. Many depictions of Deep Ones are very similar to the appearance of the Lurker, and the fact that the Lurkers serve a Deadric Prince who is inspired by the stories of H.P. Lovecraft (who is the author who came up with the idea of Deep Ones) may lead one to conclude that Lurkers are not just thematically similar to Deep Ones, but practically so as well.
It's always been unknown as to what exactly happens to the people who get lost in the winding halls of Apocrypha. Perhaps those who continue to seek knowledge evolve into the Seekers, and those who were driven mad by their findings within Apocrypha change into the massive and unintelligent Lurkers? It would be a very thematically sound and interesting origin for Hermaus Mora's faithful Daedra!


Maybe the dwarves blinded the falmer to prevent them from seeing what the dwarves were working on? The dwarves did disappear and were never heard from again. Maybe the dwarves wanted to prevent the snow elves from finding out the secret which would eventually lead to the disappearance of the dwarves? I think it's all connected somehow.


Nate when ES6 comes out, I think you will get to the
1 mil mark. And when you do, remember me, and the rest of us who have been here since a time before "murdered to death" was a thing.


"Psss! I know who you are! Hail Sithis!"


Here's a theory about Lydia.

Maybe Lydia was Balgruuf's secret lover, mother of Nelkir. Brainwashed by order of Balgruuf 's wife. Balgruuf finds out and he killed his wife but the damage was irreversible. Her skeleton was hid under the bridge.
