Skyrim: 5 Spooky Theories Crazy Enough to be True - The Elder Scrolls 5 Lore (Part 6)

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Skyrim offers players no shortage of stories to be heard, lore to be learned and quests to be completed. However, in a world as big as the one offered by The Elder Scrolls 5, there’s bound to be some unanswered questions. Thankfully, Skyrim’s vast community has put forth several fascinating theories and interesting explanations behind the game’s most hard pressing mysteries. So today we’ll be taking a look at five more spooky theories crazy enough to be true in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.
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Please in ES6 let there be an old dark brotherhood assassin named aventus


Jesus Nate, no need to scare us like that, calm down


What's interesting about the first theory, and lends a bit of credence to it is that starting off in the orphanage are 4 children. This number will go up to 5 whenever Aventus eventually returns and providing you don't murder and children's parents (or they're not killed by dragons or vampires) the number of children at the orphanage will remain at 5.

Now 5 is a very special number in the dark brotherhood. The night mother originally begat 5 children by the dread father Sithis whom she later sacrificed to him. The Back Hand, made up of 4 speakers and a listener is the ruling body of the Dark Brotherhood and each member of the Black Hand is said to have their own personal hand picked assassin for special tasks called a silencer. Finally, there are exactly 5 tenets of the code of the Dark Brotherhood.

5 sacrificed children of the dread father, 5 members of the ruling body of the Brotherhood, 5 hand-picked silencers and 5 tenets with 5 children at Honorhall Orphanage.


*Its not like they have families* or jobs to worry about.

Damn thats cold


Know whats always bothered me? Ever notice all those green and red apples in skyrim?
Well, where the hell did they come from?
I've not seen a SINGLE APPLE TREE in Skyrim! Not one!


That first one would make a good fanfic. I could see Babette befriending the orphans and protecting them as they train to become assassins.


If the Dark Brotherhood is rebuilt with the children of Skyrim, the odds are good that the next Listener will be Nelkir, the illegitimate child of Jarl Balgruuf.

Think of it: he could hear the Whispering Lady behind that door in Dragonsreach where the Ebony Blade is kept. If you accept the idea the Night Mother is an aspect of Mephala, then Nelkir has heard the voice of The Night Mother.


Sheogorath in a spooky stories video? That's just a regular story video for him


The scariest thing Nate can do in the next spooky video is not ask us "how's it going"


1: Nazeem is actually the strongest character in Skyrim and all of the ES games.

Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don’t.


I imagine in ES6 there will be dude somewhere named Nate that has almost every book in a huge library named “Books you may not have read”


Nate: “The organization of assassins is down to no more than 4 members.”
Dark Brotherhood Initiates: “Are we a joke to you?”


I just imagine someone talking about how horrid the Dark Brotherhood is, and how terrifying they are, so someone goes to join them, only to find an order of murderous children. 😆


Reyda was actually a victim of circumstances, according to Narfi Narf Narf and Wilhelm, Reyda used to pick up flowers and herbs, possibly to treat Narfi's condition, seems like she also didn't live with him but used to visit frequently. At the time of Reyda's disappearance, Windelius arrived at the crypt and started falling into his own madness, constantly spooking the guards whose barracks are literally in front of the barrow. It is possible that Reyda may or may not have a nirnroot in her possession (one growing near Vilemyr Inn) causing a guard or guards to become startled and in consequence, starting to fire arrows at her (hence why there are arrows always around the site where her body lies). Due to the proximity of her corpse to the bridge, it is possible that Reyda was in fact walking by it at that moment, and either by the guards accounting for their mistake or in her confusion and pain falling to the water, Reyda died of drowning before succumbing to her wounds, what few people knew about the incident decided to keep shut about it


Maybe instead of Sheogorath it’s Meridia due to her rivalry with the undead


"The guild will survive in Elder Scrolls: 5"

The guild will be fixed in Elder Scrolls: 6


#1: The dragon born is not as fierce as a mud crab


Here's a theory: if you noticed, skyrim has very few non-alcoholic beverages. So what if there isn't actually any dragons and everyone is just drunk out of their minds?


#6: the dragonborn is actually a mortal and everyone is just paranoid


As Listener, I'll recruit Aventus when he comes of age.
