Hugh Ross vs Ken Ham TBN Debate

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A hard to find debate between Old Earth creationists or progressive Creationists and the Young Earth Creation view as the Bible states.
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Hugh Ross is as gracious as ever in this debate, especially against such uncompromising opposition as this. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong on this issue (I personally believe in an Old-Earth Creation), he excellently models Christian conduct as always - A wonderful example for all Christians.


Does Ham suggest the he does not have a presupposition when coming to the text? Ha….


Is it possible for Ken Hamm not to interrupt everyone else?


Ken didnt listen to a single word anyone else said except to come up with his pre-determined narrativem


The way Ken Ham constantly interrupts everyone is so annoying, and it's a sign that he's much more dogmatic about his position and uninterested in reasoning or looking at all the evidence and arguments


I knew there were reasons why I had a funny strange feeling about listening to Kenham in the past, now he has just confirmed it for me, Dr. Hugh Ross is simply out of his league and a gentleman at the same time


Dr. Hugh Ross wins. FLAWLESS VICTORY.
People like him are bringing more people to God.


I agree that generations of young people have turned away from their faith in Christ and in what the Bible says because of science.

I pray that God would continue to use Dr. Ross' ministry to reach them. There are indeed reasons to believe.

Dr. Ross, I appreciate your humility and kindness you have shown consistently. These are winsome qualities that are inviting to those who have turned away to listen and for us to see the Holy Spirit change lives.


How can Ken listen if his mouth is constantly open and not letting Hugh speak.


I found it very unprofessional and distasteful of Ken to control this entire debate without listening to the other guests. Very disappointed this could have been a very informing dialogue instead I feel ken has pushed perspective christians away from the faith with his childish augmentative ranting.


I've never seen Ray Comfort remain silent for such a long period of time.


Ken Ham believes the historical record of Genisis is like 21st century historical records. Why does he take Gen 1-11 literally, but deny the waters above the heavens, the earth upheld by pillars, etc.


It's embarrassing for me as a Christian to watch Ken attack Dr. Ross, whether or not I believe in his theory. You are ridiculing instead of deep diving, fact by fact, each element of the argument. Ken sounds like the Sanhedron refusing to listen to anything other than what Ken says is God's Word. We are trying to lead people to Christ, not introduce them to the arrogance of some big headed Christians.


Ken Ham is a jerk. Him constantly interrupting and being rude sounds just like someone who is more interested in being right than seeking truth


Where does Ken and company get the "rotation of the earth" for a 24 hour day in Genesis? That implies the earth moves. If Ken were alive 500 years ago, he would not be arguing about the age of the earth. He would be vehemently defending a stationary earth. No orbit. No rotation. The sun, moon, stars, and planets moving around the stationary earth, every 24 hours.

Ken is taking a modern understanding of planetary motion, something plainly revealed in nature, and interpreting Genesis in light of the revelation of nature. He is doing the very thing that he condemns Hugh for. Why can Ken bring his moving earth to Genesis? What right, by his own argument, does he have to do this?


Ken asks questions, but don't wait for answers.


It's too bad that time was not given equally across this panel.


Honestly, Ken Hamm is terrified that his interpretation is false. He won't actually test ideas against it. IF Hamm was so certain, he would not feel threatened by other views.


Ken says we are losing the culture ie that people are leaving the church and blaming hugh ross for this. But if people were listening to Hugh they would not be leaving church or the bible. Could it be that people are leaving because they are convinced by scientific evidence that the earth is old and think Christianity teaches a young earth and therefore think the bible is not true. Does this also happen with Jews and Muslims who won't become Christians because they think they have to believe in the trinity, and some leave the chuch because they think the trinity can't be true.


Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. Ken Ham is not behaving like a Christian in this video. this gathering was never intended to be a debate, but Ken Ham can't resist arguing because that's his nature. This is not the nature of God. this is what happens when someone wraps their entire theology around a few verses in the Bible. When someone proposes another interpretation of those verses, even using other verses in the Bible as support for the alternative view, it threatens that entire belief system. Dr. Ross is attempting to use all of scripture and the natural world, which God created, to understand creation. Ken Ham is defending Ken Ham more than he is the Bible.
