Open E Tuning Chords and Licks Guitar lesson

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That annoying scratching you hear half way through is my poodle making racket while I try and do a video. He needs aaaallll my attention aaalllll the time. I love the little guy.

#openetuning #electricbluesguitar #slideguitar
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THIS is why I am re-starting slide 20 years later!


Thank you man. One of thee best open E lessons out there, if not the best. Very helpful!


Thank for posting this! The best tutorial I have seen.


Dude this is killer! this is honestly one of the best lessons I've seen on Open E. These turn arounds are a couple things that have eluded me. I've been playing Open E exclusively for about 3 years now and know a bunch of different chord shapes but this is great! thank you


Thanks for the video man. Helped me get some direction with open tuning and slide. Your blues is killer btw, i kept getting distracted by it lol. Hope i get half as good in a couple years


Once again Al, great video. Your vids are a big help. Getting that thumb to think on its Thank you!


I really love the way you teach your I have been playing slide guitar since the 70s in farther back from that but recently I have gone back to the guitar and start working on open g tuning G and D tuning . I love playing an open E and that's the first tuning I ever learn. Love the blues thank you for sharing your techniques a really great I've learned a lot just looking at you again and refreshing My guitar 🎸 and Lorraine relearning open pentatonic scale on the guitar again you are a very great guitar players far as I am concerned thank you for sharing my name is Coyote red skies 😂 these are great techniques to learn on the so get on with your bad self🎉😅


Great video. Thanks for the help brother.


Loving the videos! Thanks for posting.


Hi Al, I really like your videos, thanks for posting them. I don't know if you can help but maybe you can give me some advice. I'm right handed like yourself and I used to play electric blues guitar in standard tuning and knew my way around the blues fairly well. Sadly, I have severe arthritis in my left hand index finger, it's basically straight and I'm unable bend it much to shape chords or play solos anymore. I have an interest in moving to slide guitar in the hope of reinventing myself as a blues guitar player. If you were in my shoes (Heaven forbid) what tuning(s) would you use given the fact your abilities would be limited by an almost unusable index finger. BTW, I prefer a slightly over driven electric guitar tone like you show us in this video. Any advice, tips or suggestions that might help are sincerely appreciated.


Excellent tuition indeed. My style of Slide playing, is very similar to yours, so was able to understand what you was trying to get across. Kev T # in the UK !!!!


This is going to sound silly but i have just discovered Open E tuning and this is a great video to learn from. If i were to bat each fret can you tell me what the chord would be starting from the first fret like a to g if possible? Thanks so much for your time as i think i like the e tuning better than the G and D. Do you know if much John Lee Hooker stuff was played in Open E like one bourbon scotch and one beer?


Your site won’t let me download
The 7 licks and audio tracks


Good play! Спасибо дружище, please, write, how you tune you're guitar! 1st... -6t strings. Like! Thanks!!!


Hi" have you any other YouTube video clips to watch. Cheers Kev T # ( Slideman)
