Why Genghis Khan Refused To Invade India
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00:00 Intro
00:11 The Battle of the Indus: Genghis Khan at India’s Doorstep
01:08 Background
03:05 Genghis Khan Turns Back
04:28 Theories: Not Quite Right
05:32 Cultural Affinity with India?
06:39 The Key to Understanding the Conqueror and His Motivations
07:48 The Old Enemy: China
08:59 Temujin: Genghis Khan’s Early Life and Struggle
10:56 Genghis Khan’s Career as a Conqueror
14:24 Genghis Khan’s Invasions: The Hidden Pattern
15:33 Genghis Khan’s Reasons for not Invading India
18:06 Genghis Khan’s Reasons for not Invading India, Summarized
19:04 Genghis Khan: A Misunderstood and Misportrayed Historical Figure
21:28 Recap
21:55 Conclusion
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