'You're Being Lied To': Pennsylvania County Elections Chair Debunks Claims of Voter Fraud

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As Donald Trump and Kamala Harris campaign in Pennsylvania on the last day before the presidential election, false claims of voter fraud are spreading. "The truth is, none of these lies have been about election integrity. It's always been about power," says Neil Makhija, chair of the board of elections in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania — the battleground state that "could decide the election" — in a video essay featured by _The New York Times_. Makhija joins _Democracy Now!_ to discuss his work expanding access to the vote and debunking the myth of mass voter fraud.

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I went to vote tonight here in Southern Pennsylvania Adams county They said I already received a mail in ballot… I never requested one, and I never received one. I felt cheated out of my vote and I am extremely mad.


Our Son moved from Colorado to PA and they wouldn't let him transfer his voter registration because he's not lived in PA for 6+ months, but he couldn't vote in Colorado because he was more than 90 days out of this state. So how many others fell into this gap!?? Not only that - but there was a report that over 611, 000 colorado voters were marked "invalid" and were not given ballots or a way to vote and you weren't made aware unless you had a reason to go out and see your registration status on the Sec of State site. This whole situation feels rigged.


Women men died for others to have the right to vote 🗳️ shouldn’t be taken for granted .


Four days later a lot of people here are eating humble pie. Lol.


When donald trump c/o voter fraud, he’s talking about the voter fraud he knew he would commit with a little help from his friends. Hey, it takes one to know one.


The Supreme Court has ruled on one case and the Pennsylvania high court has ruled on two cases. That is not a lie, it is real.


Philly has turned it's back on the rest of America, Good job ? 😊


It's absurd PA doesn't start counting mail-in's until election day.


The Democratic Party is NOT against ID laws; they are against excessive blocking laws, when ID laws are already in place.


Why ONLY focus on Trump's legal right to question legal ballots, when you have Election lawyers from DNC AND RNC filing lawsuits all across America


We've been down this road before. Haul him into Court where he can present the evidence which must be plentiful given the (according to him) "massive fraud" being committed around the Country.
Put up or shut up.


My daughter lives in Indiana and she's a Republic and she was going To vote for Trump and they wouldn't let her vote.


The cases that were taken to court were NOT lost. The judges simply said they "had no standing" because they didn't want to get involved.


I have no idea why not simplify. Make the vote mandatory if you dont vote or justify why you didnt vote in 15 days ( like saying you didnt want to ) you get fined. That would make sure the number of votes was set in stone. Make the votes linked to social security numbers (not who you voted for but your right to vote). Make the elections national, create a federal bureau of elections and get rid of electoral college. The system the way it is is liable to too many mistakes and doesnt inspire confidence.


I’ve got to say this. Legally, is President Biden allowed to write a check to Ukraine by executive order? If not he better get something done quickly. Is anyone else saying this. Come on pep people


I live in maga land, WESTMORELAND COUNTY PA.
2 mail in applications, not one "received".

So I did one online.
That one was processed.
Waited all week for it never came.

I called Westmoreland Election Bureau. They said it's going out in the mail the next day.
5 days later never came.

Call it again ....but no answer to why I never received my ballot. It never was sent out in the mail.

A guy who seemed interested in helping me did get a ballot out to me. But it was too late to mail it, so I took it to the polling station and handed it in unopened.
Voted on the machine, which was probably the best thing to do anyway.


I was gonna say. No way Republicans gonna let you drive around helping people vote! Never mind million dollar raffles


Here we are once again waiting for Pennsylvania....


It's small but it's there. 1200 ballads found with the same handwriting. Not enough to matter if true.


Why does it take Pennsylvania 4 days to count the ballots? Why is the Democratic Party against voter ID laws?
