Can you really DEFEND YOURSELF as a SENIOR? - Kung Fu Report #191

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Some people messaged me after watching my last video and bringing up that some senior practitioners could not perform the techniques and moves I showed on that episode. There are some reasons that I'll discuss on today's Kung Fu Report that I believe will bring some context to what was shown on episode #190.

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Senior Self Defense Tips - Kung Fu Report #190

3 tips to balance yourself in 2022 - Kung Fu Report #189

Countering kicks

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I am a 73 yr old woman in great health and student of Krav Maga for 3yrs now. The keys are attitude, openness, self confidence, and consistency. Will I ever become Adam Chan or Bruce Lee? Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't matter. But I want to be the best I can, retain a student's mind, and get home safe if it comes to that. Believing in yourself and that achieving something hard IS possible, plus having a great trainer and support system, and keeping an open and inquisitive mind can produce magical results, no matter what your age.


Answered this question 43 yrs ago. In grade school. Didn't realize my 68 yr old teacher was a former golden gloves boxer. He's telling these high school drop outs to leave the park he took us too. They were drinking and getting high and he didn't want us seeing this. All 3 told him to go to hell and went to knock him over. Zap, zap, zap... Knocked out all 3 in seconds. Was amazing to watch. 😜


I call it "Old Man Fighting", the experienced don't need to perform flying kicks, they have timing and an eye for detail, and small circles.


Thank you for sticking up for us defenseless old people, I'm 65 years old, to fat, had both a hip and knee replacement, and barely survived Covid! I also have Practiced Several Chinese and Filipino Martial Arts for 50+ year and can still swing a mean cane and always have a pocketknife. I can't do near what I used to but if someone picks on old people, they might just get what they deserve! That you for your insight!


Greetings, Martial Arts is not just kicks and punches, its for longevity. Fighting is a side effect.Keeping the body moving in different angels and stretching coupled with other health benefits is a Path in Life one can follow. Thank you Sifu Chan after five cycles I’m ok☀️🌿🙏🏾


I’m mid 60’s living in a major metropolitan with lot of rift raft. Have about 15 years of MA experience, WC, TKD, Judo. I’ve taken a lot of full power punches, kicks and throws in past years. I currently workout and spar at a boxing gym and lift weights. Also carry some easily accessible small weapons. The greatest thing I learned from martial arts is I’m willing to throw down.


Yes on the circles, makes sense for us ageing folks, smarter and quieter makes more sense, than the flash and smash, as my body decays😁🙏🏾


Great! I am 61, retired Army and bad arthritis. I walk with a hiking stick and practice some of the techniques I learned in WC. I am just a hack but the swing generates enough force to knock someone out. And it takes very little strength to pull a trigger. Hopefully, I never have to feel I need that for a long time.


Look up Guro Inosanto - in his 80's. ;)


Strength and speed both drop with age, accelerating over time. Systems that have well developed pre-contact work retain more of their effectiveness as the years go by. Steve Smith, Nidar Singh, Mikhail Ryabko, and Tetsuzen Kuroda all teach systems with highly effective pre-contact work. A lot of pre-contact work is about stealing the opponents time


Man o man, i would like to do some private lessons with this guy, he is so good at wing chun


Breaking down the seniors into the four profiles is brilliant. Most older people watching this are I bet are in the second profile. I agree the masters in their old age are still masters because they started when they were young. Very young. Too much of modern martial arts does cater to the young and to the duelling mind set. The second profile are in it for life style and secondly to survive against a bigger faster attack however unlikely in North America. I like wing chun but like your comment about modifying it to fit the body once only the preserve of aging masters. I take your bong sau comment to heart. I also have harder time with the pigeon toe stance and a lot of the chum kiu pivoting. The chi sao is excellent I think for the aging nervous system. I think FMA is something I need to look at more as a force multiplier when a weapon is adopted. TBH not many schools have ever tried to address the type 2 seniors. I went to BJJ school once was told to keep up at my own pace then there’s the 90 year Helio Gracie storyline. they tend to look at 50++ guys as either trophy seniors or helping to keep the club lights on.


I agree re "old people". I am 63, I've been training for almost 6 decades, and (apart from a few aches and pains) I feel stronger and fitter than ever! I train forms, basics and conditioning 6 mornings a week and also do full body strength workouts on 2 afternoons a week. As Woody Allen said, "I plan to live forever. So far so good" ;)


I had a fight before new years eve, but i didnt know how to defend an Iron bar, a guy hit me with a Iron bar on my head, and i have stitches placed, thats why i looked up your channel, to defend Iron bars


My first sensei had been in the golden glove program before he went to Okinawa and Japan where he studied martial arts. I current train under James Williams, sensei who is also in the senior category. Like Adam was saying in his way, age is in the eye of the beholder. Oh, yeah, I suck but you can see by my photo I'm in that category too.


Thank you Shifu. Age is a lot between the ears in my opinion, and imprinted by society. As you say and very well, our "western" society (which is a ridiculous naming, because there is no East or West, the planet is a sphere, or a three dimensional circle, to stay with the circle-theme) put senior people way too much in the useless box. Think "retirement": in fact it is an absurd notion, why retire if at 65 one is full of life and experience?! A waste! Anyway, your indirect advice in this video is great: keep being active, physically and mentally, no matter your age.


I wanted to add another thing. Wing chun is my first love. But I’ve always wanted to do Judo which is ironic as I have vertigo triggered by fast spinning or rolls and cervical spine issues. I thought Judo or even BJJ schools would accommodate. Nope. They are busy training the future Abu Dhabi champions. or the Olympic hopefuls. Why not try tai chi is a common refrain. If Judo or BJJ was a true martial arts it could be adapted or modified. In real world conflict you would sustain injuries but still carry on. You adapt. the spirit of Budo should not be with the young only.


It's more about movement..with enough time your body just moves...movement is the common thread...


Sure you can. Remember we are smart fighters. You fight smarter instead of harder. I am not exactly young, and I am not afraid to stand up to some young punk who wants to hurt you.


If you’re walking with a cane, you can’t do what Adam demonstrated. And if you can do what he demonstrated, you probably won’t have a cane in your possession since you don’t need one to walk.
