Krav Maga Girl | How to Defend Yourself from a Frontal Attack

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Krav Maga Girl, Lior Bitran, an experienced Krav Maga instructor is demonstrating how to release yourself from a frontal attack.
In this situation the attack takes place in a very common area, the stairway. When you get out of your building to street and suddenly a stranger approaches you, starts to ask you questions while getting closer, and then pushes you back really hard in a frontal attack.
Krav Maga Girl shows step by step how to use simple Krav Maga techniques to kick, push and release yourself from this assault in order to run away and call for help.
The "Evil Man" is played by Hagai Bitran.

If you want to suggest a situation or have any question you are welcome to leave a comment, and of course don't forget to subscribe to the "Krav Maga Girl" channel.
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I love it when woman Learn fighting this is really Important we live in a dangerous world!!


Lior, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come back!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻...WE ALL LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!😥😪😢😭...😍😋😘Love from Australia!🇦🇺😎


Most fights end up on the ground. With men KICK OR KNEE IN THE NUTS. Period


Thank you Lior! Please continue with your invalueble advice - it empowers in more ways than one!


I was doing shoalin do kung fu, but the school closed down. I recently came across krav maga, but the school is in the next town north of us. So, that's a lot of driving back and forth for me. Despite that, I'm still thinking of doing at least one class if possible. I really need to keep my skills up!


As a martial artist myself, I'll give my 2 cents on this topic: yeah these moves seem cool but when it comes the hour when you gotta defend yourself, none of these are going to work if you don't practice it enough with a partner in realistic ways. If you're a woman and want to learn how to defend yourself, first you gotta understand that defending yourself against a man is going to be more difficult because men tend to be psychically stronger than you ladies, and moves like pulling, pushing or grabbing them are going to be harder to perform. The best way you can learn self defense is joining real martial art classes, it can be any style you prefer but my recommendations are: boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, taekwondo and karate. With a proper training based on technique, physical power and sparring, your chances to win a fight are going to increase exponentially.


I know Muay Thai, Krav maga is the most dangerous martial arts so I’m a girl and this can so help me


Köszönöm szépen a feltoltest Ha valaki akár fiatal Lányok akár egy érett Nő meg nézi az oldalt biztos talál olyan önvédelmi technikákat amit tudnak alkalmazni. Gondolom minden NO egy egyenes rugast tud alkalmazni. Föl tudják húzni a térdét mert így sima ágyéki rugast tudnak alkalmazni. Ökölbe szorított kezfejel sokkal erősebbet lehet ütni gyomorba. Hatásos lehet hátulról ért támadás esetén a magas sarkú tűsarkú lábbelik mert az ellenfél lábára mert hatás elveszi a Támadó kedvet az újabb probatol hátulról ért támadás esetén egy ágyék ütés ökölbe szorított kezfejel meg az is hatásos. Nő három ujjal hátra nyúlva meg csavarhatja a Támadó golyoit szabad kezel hátra nyúlva meg a két láb közti részt is meg szorithatja. Hátulról ért támadást egy könyök ütés az arca még mindig hatásos Női táska szagyor. /nem egyszer használatos. Hanem olyan amit a Nők minden nap hasznalhatnak vele még egy ütés lehet fájdalmas. Minden Női táskában vannak titkos Női fújós dezodor. Ami meg hatásos lehet kis kézi riasztó ami a Női kabátok külső zsebében kézre eso helyről simán elő vehetnek. Ha egy Nő haza ér ne a kapuba keresek a kulcs csomót hanem már az ujjak közé legyen szorítva ha Nő Kocsit vezet már az üzletből ki lépve a kezébe legyen a kocsi kulcs.


Hello Kraf Maga Girl I thank you becuse im learnning Kraf Maga you are my trainner may God bless you and you love ones.


thank you, I have been looking for a way for my daughter to protect herself. I think Krav Maga may be the way. I am looking for classes in my area. Do you have any suggestions?


Leaving for college soon. These tips could really help!


Looking through youtube i found ur page👍so many attacks lately in ireland from illegal migrants one woman had her face biten 2other attemped cases of been dragged into cars etc what way do i make a fist do i carry something in pocket any tips plz


Can you do one with a girl trying to attack you


Yes my lady friend Knee me in the balls & i was on the ground & could not move holding my balls & went to sleep in about 3 minutes. The kick to the balls works every time


One day a girl taught me the hard way not to be a douche bag, now I realize that no means no :)


The best form of defence is to go on the offensive


What if someone grabs you by your clothes


This is not a real 'Krav Maga' technique...


this is dumb.The training i do is not to hurt him and run away. it is to hurt him so that won't be able to get up again(long term damage).My training is deadly. Next time you should not miss... if you look closely you did not really kick him in the groin . All a setup


0:58 This is a bullshit move against the laws of our biomechanics - you have no power moving your hand outwards, In muay thai they teach you clinch and you take your hand over the bottom inside and over there you have leverage you can close in and elbow his face or knee his abdomen, that is a legit move where you can actually over power with technic this move is actauly the opposite you have less power than your opponent. I mean these MArtial arts a lot of them is BS, and i dont even bother to watch the rest of the video. Sure some moves can work but teaching something like this is dangerous, as once the panic sits in its over for the defendant and that is more dangerous than if someone just instinctively fought.
