BIBLES I USE!!! | easiest to read versions, study bible vs. no study bible, etc

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What's up everybody!! Thank you for tuning into another video! In this one I will be chatting a bit about the bibles I use, what I use them for, and how they all serve different purposes! I will link them all below!

Reading your bible daily (yes, daily!) is SO important if you are desiring and pursuing a relationship with God! We live not only on bread, but the very word of God! It is our way to know what He is saying to us aside from prayer, and a way for us to get to know how to live as a Christian and His character.

I hope this video helps and blesses you! feel free to hmu with any questions!

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*bibles mentioned*
purple nlt bible:

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I used NLT bible because I have a learning disability it’s helpful for me to read and reading 📖 out load . My reading level is grade 5 I’m 35 I hope Some day I will be grade 12 reading level .slower steps first


How many times I have started and stopped with Genesis ! Thanks for the recs! ❤


It's gotta be NLT for me, it's that simple 🤷🏾‍♂️. These edits are on point though I see you Kennedy 👏🏾


Thank God for putting you in my. God bless you ❤


Thank you so much your the first one I’ve seen so many videos I wasn’t convinced they were gate keeping 😂 even content creators kept hiding their bibles but ur so helpful new subscriber for sure ❤:) for supporting me and others I had no clue there was highlighters for bible ur an actual YouTuber so real


I love that you are so young and interested in the bible. You are also clearly knowledgeable and i am 53 years old and i don't have the understanding that you do. My testimony is pretty much that i got the carrona virus and thought i would die. i found it such a coincidence that Yeshua (hebrew name)/ Jesus (engligh name) suffered on the cross for our sins becuse he was only able to take small gasps of breath just tha way people with carona virus can take only take small amounts of breath also. I couldn't talk; i could only text that how much air i was able to breathe. I truely belive the world is coming to an end and we hafe to start reading our bibl daily, as well as our commandments and we need to have a relationship with our lord and savior.
Im so proud of you my baby sister....keep


I ordered a bible today day! Thank you
Starting my spiritual journey I wish it would get here faster Im ready


Thank you, beautiful Queen! This video helped me with choosing a Bible that I can understand. I believe I have the CSB Study Bible and it is very hard to read. I will be ordering the purple one ASAP. Wishing you continued blessings!


I'm not religious, but I respect those who take their religion seriously and take the time to study and understand it, so I liked the video because it shows you care about it. Also even though I'm not religious I'm planning to read it, because I'm interested in religions in general.


Thank you so much for your help in finding a bible for myself ❤


Thank you so much for this . I want to start reading the Bible again but the James version is so hard for me to understand. I’m a lil slow on learning and stuff. Going to get the purple. Glad I came across this video . I was searching on YouTube and Amazon and was clueless


This was good !! I’ve been wanting to get a new bible for a longggg time. Might have to gone head and get an ESV


Thanks for the video you helped me decide more than anyone else. I decided to go with the NLT Spiritual Growth study Bible and a NKJV research Bible.


Great Bible review & you’re funny 😄❤️


Awesome videos!! Keep posting God bless you!!!


First I got a retold Bible for children, read it through, I think I finished it in the 3rd year of elementary school and asked for the real Bible. Then I got a modern czech translation (I am from the Czech Republic) that is about the most standard here and since that I have been reading this one. We had also been reading Bible with my father before, somatimes the same translation and sometimes an antique thick Bible printed in Gothic, which he inherited from his grandma. The latter just so that there is still someone able to read it when we inherit it; reading such an old version is fine, when we read it with someone who understands it and explaines if necessary.

A few years ago I began to compare older translations whenever I come across a strange biblical text to check whether it realy says so. I will give you the reason for that in a next comment together with a piece of story of the pastor who gave me that reason (in lectures on youtube). So I compare King James Version and the Bible of Kralice, which was translated during the Reformation period by the Moravian Brethren (they continued in the path of reform, when the Hussites compromised with Rome), and now I am trying to get used to the Bible of Kralice for regular reading.


The NLT Life Application Study Bible is great! They are a little expensive but it's worth it.


for the young, or those with reading issues, or those who are slow learners; is Easy to Read version (ERV) trusthworthy?


Hey, I am new to your channel what app do you use & I am new in reading the word of GOD. I was thinking of purchasing the NLT Bible because it's easier to understand.


I started with NKJV but my go to bibles now are ESV and CSB.
