Alzheimer's Reverse it with Coconut Oil

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In 2016, Alzheimer's disease has affected 5.4 million people and families across America.

It is the most common cause of dementia in the world and occurs primarily in our sweet elders. Although Alzheimer’s is not a natural part of aging, the risk of developing it doubles every five years after age 65.

In previous years, concerned family members of Alzheimer's patients have researched and tried everything under the sun to slow down or halt symptoms of their loved one’s disease.

Even though some have had incredible success, mainstream media failed to recognize them because of the lack of official studies or proper funding.

But we’ve got some incredible studies to share so be sure to watch the video and read the blog for more details on how you and your loved ones may be able to save your brain and continue making memories to cherish for years to come.

Today, I want to talk to you about: Medium-Chain Triglycerides.

And coconut oil is packed with MCTs; a type of healthy fat that helps with numerous things when used both internally and externally.

Read more here:

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I'm going to try this for my grandma! 🙏🏾


I started eating coconut oil in smoothies and coffee a week ago and its healed my awful psoriasis on my elbows pretty much healed within 7 days - its incredible stuff and so tasty!


My grandmother has been suffering from Alzheimer's for years now. We've exhausted our efforts in trying so many things. Never imagined something as simple as coconut oil could totally renew a person's mind! I can't wait to try this recipe to see how well it helps my grandmother. Thanks Drew for the insight! 😍


He mentioned 2 1/2 tablespoons... So all at once or make two smoothies . I like ur videos because u actually seem sincere and caring


Thank you so much for this video Drew!!! You are a great person, love your videos!


God bless you Drew.  My father has been diagnosed with dementia and between the dr’s meds and tests and seeing my dad struggling with his memory and even simply expressing himself, makes me feel helpless.   I’ve try (as you said) everything under the
sun and nothing seems to be helping.  I thank you so much for this video.  God bless you.


Awesome! My Grandmother passed in 2005 from Alzheimers. The symptoms began in 1993 in small ways. You're right. Our elderly are precious with a wealth of knowledge & wisdom to pass along. I will def. try your recipe. I'm in my late 40s & of course when a close family member suffers, you pay attention for prevention.
Btw, my husband & I are Pastors (UNI Ministries) meaning you & I. Our motto is "We're In It Together". Lol.
Thank you for your research!


I didn't see how much coconut oil you put in the smoothie. Thank you Drew for all the time and effect you put into your videos.


if you drink coffee, add some coconut oil. you can also cook with it, or use it for recipes, like black bean brownies


Do you recommend adding coconut oil to this recipe, or just the berries and banana? Seems like the video editor forgot to include one of the sound bytes.
Alzheimer's is now being called "diabetes type 3" because it's so closely related to blood sugar levels, stress, and excess body fat. For a lot of people, I think the ingredients in this recipe could help prevent Alzheimer's and diabetes.


Thank you for all that you do and may you continue on this endeavor may the MOST HIGH continue to give you his knowledge wisdom and understanding as you do this


This is the excellent partner to organic turmeric. The turmeric needs the fat, coconut fat to carry it through the body. Then they can work together to reduce inflammation from your brain to your toes and fingertips! 🇬🇧♥️


It heals the mylyn sheath on all nerves copper and other minerals are important too


Was it 1 tablespoon of coconut oil? Or more? You said something about people in a study took 2 1/2 tablespoons, is that correct? Is that the amount to add to the smoothie then? Please answer so we can make the smoothie 😊


Music distracts from the message. Thanks for the valuable content you provide.


they see the ugly in themselves. but we're getting there. im beyond grateful to have had my grandfather as my best friend:) smile at your elders!


Thank you, great video.

PS I would add a B-complex and some extra B12 to the smoothie.


Thanks for the video. Quite educational. Some researchers also think the blueberry can help with Alzheimer’s protection because of the pterostilbene molecule.


I've listened to your story and it gave me chills with how much you care for other people and love


Fantastic video Drew! I am a healthy 51 year old but fear Alzheimer's-I see it everyday at work. The smoothie is great! Can you tell me the best brand of coconut oil? Should it be organic? Thanks:)
