Barbara O'Neill’s SHOCKING Secrets to Prevent Cognitive Decline! What They Never Told You!

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Barbara O'Neill’s SHOCKING Secrets to Prevent Cognitive Decline! What They Never Told You!

Discover Barbara O'Neill's groundbreaking insights into preventing Alzheimer's and dementia in this must-watch video.

Barbara O'Neill's NEW Book of Natural remedies: Boost Your Health!👇

Barbara O’Neill’s Healing Remedies & Natural Recipes Book👇

Barbara O'Neill shares her expert secrets on brain health, revealing what they never told you about dementia prevention. Learn about the lifestyle changes, dietary tips, and mind-boosting exercises that can help safeguard your cognitive health. Barbara O'Neill's evidence-based advice will empower you to take control of your brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

Discover Barbara O'Neill's Celtic salt choice👇

Barbara O’Neill’s Favorite Castor Oil👇

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Related Keywords:
Eternal Health,eternal health barbara o'neill,barbara o'neill health tips,Alzheimer's prevention,dementia prevention,Barbara O'Neill,brain health,Alzheimer's secrets,brain-boosting exercises,healthy aging,Alzheimer's tips,dementia tips,Barbara O'Neill's health tips,Alzheimer's diet,dementia diet,mind-boosting activities,Alzheimer's research,dementia research,prevent Alzheimer's,prevent dementia,brain exercises,healthy brain,Barbara O'Neill's advice

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Feel free to ask me anything here in the comments!❤

Barbara O’Neill’s Healing Remedies & Natural Recipes Book👇

Barbara O'Neill's NEW Book of Natural remedies: Boost Your Health!👇

Discover Barbara O'Neill's Celtic salt choice👇

Barbara O’Neill’s Favorite Castor Oil👇


Sleep 8hrs
Coconut oil
Less sugar in diet


My mother was diagnosed with Psychosis Dementia. She was under extreme stress and at 65 this illness came on.
She is living with me now as the care homes do not care at all. She is in happy spirits but cannot get words out anymore. Walking is limited, and few seconds I can see her back again bur that's it :(. She is on medication but any suggestions from yourself would be AMAZING!!!!


Love this presentation but the background music is a real distraction. In fact, extremely difficult to deal with for this viewer!


My mom was 63 working two jobs. Volunteering at the local fire station, local homeless shelter. Active member in the church and choir. She took three covid shots... four days later on her way to church, got halfway there forgot where she was going. Turned around came home. Following week woke up sunday morning 2am got up and got in the shower. I woke up and asked, "Where are u going? She said church.... at 2am? I said. ... aggressively progressively got worse . She was functioning better than I was before the shots and I'm 39. Just strange


Thank you barbara for thes informations


Hey there folks! I love all of these videos about keeping ourselves healthy. One suggestion if you could pair this information what alternative cooking approaches people can take for cooking food. as we often try to figure out what we can eat instead and still enjoy food. But nonetheless thank you for all this


I was diagnosed with hashimotos when i was 15. Wasn't informed till I was 34 with a goiter. Levothyroxin says numbers are good but I never feel well. Can't sleep well, have other side effects I attribute to thyroid disease, one of which is deminished memory but have no idea what to do.


Hello Dr. Barbara! I want to tell you that I suffered so much as a child, I could not sleep! because my parents were screaming at each other until late in the night! And I also suffered later on! With sleepless nights! and now that I'm older! I was tortured 14 years! With horrible noise over my apartment! so the doctor gave me medication for that problem! Which made my brain worse! I didn't know at the time! But that's a long time to take medication! Especially Valium ! It destroyed my brain! I'm so scared! Please help me! thank you so much. I love listening to you. Who is it?


Brilliant, thank you Barbara. Scary my daughter in her 30's now did the drink think she was proud she never took drugs🤦‍♀️🤔 my partner working long hours would often take a buzz caffeine drink to get him through the night!🙄🤦‍♀️i will be sharing with friends & family ❤


Hello Dr. Barbara! Am at the end of my! I feel like I'm losing my mind! I also think I have HDHD! And my daughter think I'm crazy! I know because I could never learn! Right now I feel like I'm losing my mind! Please help me Dr. Barbara! I am so grateful please thank you😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


I absolutely love Barbra’s work . Thank you for sharing. ❤


Barbara, do you have a video on the kidneys? If you do I have not found it yet if you don’t, I would love for you to make one.


I love my bed, sleep well, don't exercise as much as id like or used to, my mum did Tai chi until 80 years old. She never drank or smoked, ate lightly, yet developed Vascular dementia in her last 3 years of her life. She was 91 when she died. I hope I don't have this as im on my own. So far, no raised B/P generally ok at nearly 70.


Many thanks for this video.
If I sleep one to two hours during the day, and six hours at night, does it measure up with an eight hour sleep at night?


Very interesting , I learn a lot about coconut oil .
GOD bless you , Thank you.


Hi Barbara I have following your talks for last year. I have been using your advice most of the time. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease 3 years back. I have tailored his diet basically to help his gut. He is doing pretty good except gets very stiff and tremors in his hands when the medicine wears off. Any suggestions?


Nine years ago after a near death accident that one of the many things that were included was a TBI. Since then, I have total insomnia. I never experience being tired and have to take a time released 3 mg of melatonin. Sadly, I still have many nights with only 3 to 4 hours of sleep. Once I wake, my brain refuses to shut down.

I have also tried a variety of herbal teas of which none have worked. If you have any suggestions, I would dearly appreciate it. God Bless you for all that you share here.


Hi Barbara what do recommend for sleep apnea


Good evening Babara yr health program are so interesting I log on evey evening to listen to Yr talks ad use some of yr health talks ad share it to my friends lare an amazing woman I would likevto here about prolapsed thks Ingrid Pile-Gray
