3 signs you're a FAKE CHRISTIAN....

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In this video I talk about 3 signs that clearly indicate that you are a FAKE CHRISTIAN!!

My Instagram- jj_luetkemeyer

Other recommendations from my channel- This DEMON makes you LUST….

3 signs your headed to HELL….

I had a dream about THE END….

God bless!
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Yeah, I want to be a true Christian, so please pray, for me and my family, so that I turn on fire for Jesus!


Im not ashamed of Jesus!!! Pray for me that I will become confident in Jesus and act like it. Please 🙏


Everybody so mad at me right now cuz I can’t stop talking about Jesus. ❤✝️🙌


I know you should accept being a christian in public, but in the bible it was mentioned by jesus that you should also be fully genuine, not just praying to show how christian you are: “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”
(Matthew 6:5-8)


I have ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, and Depression. I can admit that I'm not perfect, and I have made some careless mistakes. I'm a god fearing man, and I do love Jesus with all my heart. I will admit that I am a Christian and I believe in glory of God with all my heart, soul, and faith. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


For someone who has ADHD and plays games, I'm suprized that Many, And I mean MANY, people in and out of my school, know that I am christian. And I do go for mile long walks, pray, talking, and having fun with the Lord and our Father. I don't have any social media besides Youtube, I don't Idol anyone else or anything else.Thank you JJ, God bless you and God bless our brothers and sisters on this or and Thank you JJ for helping me to be aware. :)


My own little brother ridiculed and belittled me for posting "Jesus is Lord" on my facebook page.
I rejoice in that.


I am shy about my faith, and usually in general. I want to tell everyone about Jesus, but I don't want to be ridiculed again. Jesus was humiliated publicly, so I don't get why i am worried. I found this video and i had nearly broke in tears praying after listening to step #2. We deserve his seperation, we deserve to burn in hell. God's mercy can prevent all of that. Catch your fire for the lord and he will deliver you. Amen.


I’m ashamed of myself…….I do things the world does, now I’m lukewarm, I try getting out, I fall back in…..nobody actually prayed for lukewarm…..


I think being a real Christian is loving God. Care about what he thinks what he wants. You care about making him happy and what he thinks of what you are doing. Doing your best to be Christ like following his example he sets.
It init enough to say Yes Jesus is Gods son they exist. It’s not enough to believe they are real. The devil believes that as well. It is not enough. You have to Love him. Read the Bible pray understand who he is and have a relationship with him.


Young man I love the fact that you're on fire for the Lord. And I can tell that you are a young burning flame. But I got to tell you a young sir you are stepping over the line just a little bit. And from one fellow Christian to another, we have to keep each other and check as well. Now where I'm going to check you I'm doing it with nothing but love for you. Yes it is not good to spend too much time on other activities and less time with our Lord God. But however my young brother in Christ, you cannot determine, what is the most appropriate time to spend with God. There is no length in time that has been discussed in the Bible, on how much time a person should spend with God from a day-to-day.. every person has their struggles, every person has something about themselves that they need to work on with their relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are all sinful, we are not perfect, and we all have our battles and our struggles that we have to deal with. To make these assumptions that a person is a fake Christian, because of imperfections in their life, is quite a bold statement to make. A fake Christian, is someone who declares that they are a Christian, but discards God's law behind closed doors. Someone that hides the fact that they are a Christian, doesn't necessarily mean they are a fake Christian, they are just a weak Christian, and they haven't learned to gain the strength from the holy Spirit to be able to have the ability to be outspoken in public that they are a Christian. Now there is a difference between a cold flame, add a lukewarm flame. A cold flame, is someone who doesn't know the Lord Jesus Christ at all. A lukewarm flame, is someone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ, but chooses not to follow any of his laws at all whatsoever, and chooses to live in the life of the flesh, instead of the life of the holy Spirit. A lot of my friends did not know that I was a Christian, but not because I was ashamed, and I did not partake in any of the activities that went against my core beliefs. When they asked me one day if I am a Christian I told them very proudly yes. And then it made all sense to them why I didn't go to bars, why I don't smoke cigarettes, or why I will never try or do marijuana. So you see it just because someone's friends don't know someone isn't a Christian it's not because there's a shame of it. It's just because the opportunity didn't come up to ever announce that I am a Christian. And they challenged my beliefs and I proudly challenged them back with backup scriptures. There have been a lot of heated debates, and I have even lost friends because of it but it was all worth it to me. Anytime when you try to do something without God, it will never work and it will always fall apart even despite of your good intentions behind your actions. If it is not your calling by the Lord Jesus Christ to be a Street preacher, it's not going to work out for you, if it is not your calling to be a pastor, it is not going to work out for you. If anything that you do steps outside of God's plan for you it is not going to work for you. So when there is a Christian, that has friends that don't know that that person is a Christian yet, it's because it is not the right time for those people to know, when is the right time, that will be the door that will be open for that person to walk through, do it now to those people that they call friends that they are a Christian. Another words there are many different reasons, why somebody may stay silent of the fact that they are a Christian. It doesn't always necessarily mean that they are a fake Christian. There are no two paths that are alike when it comes between a person and the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. the things that you have pointed out are good and they have good intentions that I think you might be stopping slightly over the line here. The things that you have said don't always necessarily add up to being a fake Christian like I said that is quite a bold statement that you are making their young man I love you God bless you I love where your heart is at I love that you're on fire for him but you're still maturing as a Christian, and you're still growing for right now what I am saying may seem heresy to you, but you will see when you grow and blossom into a more fully matured Christian. That I am right, but however you may not even remember this conversation


Bro I can't believe even christian channels are doing the "watch untill the end it will shock you" thing


Yes! Young people standing up for Christ! I love it! Too many going before you have dropped the ball. Stay strong brother.


I’m currently backsliding, and this video spark a light in my eyes. I confirm my social media tiktok page is filled with GOD, and I might be guilty of not being bold enough in my faith. Especially when you’re going to college, and deep down I feel horrible about my wrong whenever I fall into sin. I testify that our GOD never fails, and not once has he failed me at all. Praise unto the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega ❤ Jesus Christ


When I saw this video I thought I was a fake Christian because I've been seeing so many videos about lukewarmness but I'm not, I just needed to spend more time with the Lord in my private life. I am not ashamed of Jesus, the one true Savior


I gave my life last Friday night and I was in tears I feel peace in my heart. I have no more worries my life is so different now praise the Lord I struggle with sexual sin and looking at not right things of girls and God broke my chains


I remember I prayed to God multiple times asking him to show me what I need to do better. And low and behold this video came up, and God has delivered the answer. Now I needa do my part and deliver also. Thank you God, I really needed this! ❤


I deleted my social media after I gave myself to Christ. I said to myself “I don’t want man to distract me from the truth” but when I gain more information about the lord and I become more spiritually mature I will come back to it and spread ALL of gospels about Jesus. Let’s become better for our lord and savior Jesus Christ amen 🙏


Just because you play video games and don't read the Bible all the time doesn't mean you're not a real Christian, you're a Christian if you give your life to Jesus and believe in Him, some people are also often afraid to confess in public that they are Christians, because they are unsure or the devil scares them so that they can't be a light in the world, But then they are still Christians who are saved, And I think if someone watches such a video, it is proof that he is a real Christian, because a false Christian would not be interested in that at all, If you believe in Jesus and accept Him as your Savior, you are a Christian and you are saved, what kind of relationship you have with God has nothing to do with it, you are only saved by the personal decision to believe in Jesus


I am not afraid because I know god is with me
