ENFP and ISTJ as Roommates

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#16PersonalityTypes #ENFP #ISTJ
An ENFP and an ISTJ as roommates...

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I noticed how the ENFP got upset and became an INFJ in his shadow. An ISTJ can easily turn an ENFP into their INFJ shadow because an ISTJ is polar opposite. Thank you for working hard on rhis video.


“It is what it is.” Yes, so hate that phrase.


As an ISTJ, it was really funny 🤣 and we're not as boring as you think 😉


This is skit is so natural and not cringe or overly strerotypical compared to whatever else is out there


As an ISTJ I was just screaming "LEAVE ME ALONE" at this


I am an ENFP (female) and my twin brother is an ISTJ. We're like, best friends, but completely different from one another


As an ISTJ I do hate getting into arguments.. Sometimes I just gave in to people demands and participate in social activities, tho, I would mostly be drained & moody afterwards LMAO..

The last part of the video is exceptionally true! We are not that heartless & tends to just pleased others so there won't be anyone feeling sad 😭

P.S: if you ever encountered an ISTJ who refused to hangout with you, it's probably because..

a) They don't like you / don't regard you as a friend.

b) They're genuinely busy and you invited them while they're in the middle of something

c) They are exhausted and needed some personal time.

Trust me we are pretty obvious and readable when we don't want to go out ☺️


ENFP getting too into explaining what's on their mind and hurting themselves in the process is so accurate... And I love the ending to these videos. Good work! -ENFP


“The human animal is a curious one!” That line was adorable lol


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH HAHHAHAHAAH ENFP gets philosophical when they get triggered.


ISTJ is really relatable in this sketch


As an ENFP this is a very relatable not over the top portrayal, it’s also something I would very much say because “it is what it is” and similar statements boil my blood. Also the transition between topics from “want to play smash?” To the overall issue with his statement and how it can be applied to the rest of the world and politics would really be something I do as well.


The ISTJ looks so petrified and idk why but that's so funny to me 😂


The way istj feel bad at the end is so accurate


I’m an ISTJ and this video is identical to how I interact with my roommate on a ✨daily basis✨ so I had her take it and it turns out she’s an ENFP… great 👍🏼


This was really great. I love this ENFP emotional rage about politics, sociality and everything, even the swearing. I don't know why, but I love it when Fi kicks in and the morals are protected passionate. Maybe it's because I'm ENTP 🤔 similar but still different...
I just like ENFPs, you are great people :D


Honestly even though I too am an ENFP, I kind of feel bad for the ISTJ... the man clearly doesn't want to be bothered over something like this but the ENFP won't quite... y'know... shut up.

He asked for space, so might as well give him space, you know?

Additionally, I have to agree with some of the ISTJ's statements on 'spreading one's self too thin'. Of course, I love exploring new ideas and activities, but at the end of the day you have to do something that works consistently in order to keep yourself stable.

But man... I love how they both resolved things in a way at the end. It ain't good to never have stability and spread one's self too thin, but it's also not good to be too close-minded and reject having a little fun once in a while... both realized that in their own way. It's sweet. :)


I'm an INFP and I have actually gone on similar tangents when I'm sad or low on sleep. The only reason it's not usually exactly the same is because my brain glitches out halfway through and needs a short reboot which completely throws off my momentum. I envy the ENFPs ability to speak as fast as his brain produces. But I suppose if I had that power, my fights with my evil ENTP sister would have resulted in bloodshed rather than me in tears.


Wow, you played that ENFP soooo well, even incorporated the nuanced super realistic "ouch" when he slapped his own hand, at 2:21. I was brought up by a bossy ISTJ father, so I never could truly live in my ENFP world, and spread myself too thin.
This was so great! And mostly, I love how they ended it💕.


You know what. I'd like to watch these two go about thier life as a full series. Please do more. Love your vids Kevin.
