Are You Dehydrated? 5 Tips On How To Stay Hydrated / Healthy Hacks

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Are You Dehydrated? 5 Tips On How To Stay Hydrated / Healthy Hacks

Are drinking enough water? You want to make sure you're drinking enough water during the day to avoid getting dehydrated. How to stay hydrated? In this video, I discuss one my healthy hacks and share the common dehydration symptoms you may experience. I'll show you 5 tips to stay hydrated and how to avoid dehydration.

Why is hydration so important? Up to 60% of an adult human body is made up of water, including over 60% of your brain, heart and blood. Even your bones contain are over 20% water.

How to know if you're dehydrated.
What are the signs you're dehydrated? You may experience dry mouth, muscle cramping, dry skin, or your urine is dark. If you’re properly hydrated, your urine should be a light yellow color. When it’s dark, that is a sign that you need to drink more water. Staying hydrated is important. To make sure you avoid these signs of dehydration, here are 5 easy tips to stay hydrated!

#1: Water is always the best thing to drink
Water and hydration, it's the perfect combination. I always reach for water and avoid packaged fruit juices or caffeinated drinks when I’m hydrated, as they upset my stomach. If you want to consume a drinks with electrolytes, just be sure to read the label, as many of these drinks have a lot of sugar added to them. You can also look for fruits and vegetables that are have a high water content, such as watermelon, strawberries, spinach and celery.

#2: Start off your day with water
Drink some water in the morning to break your “fast” and start the day by getting your body hydrated. You body actually becomes dehydrated while you sleep, so drinking water helps hydrate the body and can also help boost your metabolism while flushing out toxins that have built up in your digestive system.

#3: Use the 8 x 8 rule as a guide
How much water should you drink during the day? Drink a total of 8 - 8 oz glasses of water during the day. Now keep in mind, there is no set rule on exactly how much water each person should drink. There are a lot of other factors, such as how active you are and the water content in the various food you are eating. As we mentioned, a lot of fruits and veggies are high in water, but some processed foods like crackers act like a sponge in your digestive system and soak up water. So when I'm asked how much water I should drink, I refer people to this easy method.

#4: Keep a water bottle close by
For example, use a large water bottle, fill it up in the morning and drink from it all day to make sure you’re on track. Having this water bottle next to you will keep you on track to make sure you can easily stay hydrated and show you how to stay hydrated throughout the day.

#5: There’s an app for that
If you don’t want to carry around a water bottle, use an app like WaterMinder or AquaAlert, to keep track of how much you drink. If you don’t want to use an app, simply set reminders on your calendar that you will see on your computer or your phone to remind you to drink some water.

* SNAPCHAT: thevincelia

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Рекомендации по теме

This video gets me so hyped to drink water


I’m drinking a lot but my mouth and throat always feels very dry ):


It's crazy how many people forget how important staying hydrated.


It's all about water.
*Heil Hyrdate!*


I love water!!! The "best" drink in the house!!! Another GREAT video Vince.. You're so positive... you ALWAYS brighten my day!!! 🌞🌻💕


I drink water till my stomach hurts and my mouth still dry my skin and I’m always thirsty Someone help me


Damn, I was hoping this was Steve-O...


You need to know why you're dehydrated before you take this advice. There are times where fruit or juice are the last thing you should consume


Drinking water as soon as you wake up also helps to get you energized.


I actually just got back from the hospital for this

edit: i was not dehydrated my iron levels were really low


I passed out and had to go to the hospital yesterday because I didnt hydrate myself. This is serious stuff. I have never passed out before even after cutting grass in mid summer heat. I am now 37 and am starting to have this issue for the first time. I am going to try the gatorade zero because of all the sugar in these drinks. I may have to cut back on Mt dew zero as well. Im getting to be an old man.


then why do people say dry as a bone hahhaa great vid tho


I have a liter of plain water first in the morning followed by 1/2 a liter of my concoction of lemon, turmeric, cayenne, black pepper, and apple cider vinegar water. Then I have anywhere from 40 to 60 plus ounces of water throughout the day.


That water app is super annoying i used to have the alert on my excercise app and it kept pinging and if i had water id have to search for my phone to add it. Its just a better idea to have water bottles ready to grab when you go out.


I personally like the formula, taking your weight divided by 2 equals the amount of ounces you should drink of water.


This isn’t the best way to stay hydrated in fact you will get more dehydrated if you drink too much water you flush out minerals and electrolytes you need. Make sure you have a mixture of electrolytes and potassium to truly stay hydrated


I always keep a 2L water bottle by me, I just never remember to drink and only have about 200ml a day


How to stay hydrated: just fucking drink water, and don’t over drink


A rule of thumb would be to drink half your body weight in ounces. Add to that extra water if you’re outside for a long time or exercising, you’ll lose water as sweet nd have to replace it :)


Was sent here because of the god of water himself Modest Pelican
