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The inhibitor tip is a tricky one. People should keep coming to the lane to farm those minions before they reach nexus towers and start killing all the minions, from all the lanes. But, in low elo, most of the time people would be busy chasing kills.


1. Stop overthinking objective, follow your team
2. Before 25 min let them take inhibitors
2.a let turrent die, so they don't get 300 gold,
3. Tempo over gold, focus on getting big items for bigger spikes
4. Die less, Let them make mistakes.
5. Track everyone


TheBausffs is a good example of the KDA player point. His entire gameplay is not worrying about dying, but about getting value when he does. i.e. A "Good death". Getting high value trades, getting the lane state in a favourable position etc.


On the KDA player thing, I also run into kinda the opposite problem.

When you *know* for a fact that you're going to die, people still insist on continuing to run, instead of accepting your fate, and trying to make it at least a little useful, by doing as much damage to the enemy as you can before your inevitable death.

This is something I've been flamed for multiple times. I'm not saying just accept your death in any scenario, if you have a chance of escaping, then sure go for it. But when that chance no longer exists, at least make the opponent pay as much as possible for the kill, rather than letting them have it for free.


9:30 "It wouldn't be a guide with Hector if we didn't have to stomach and eye-burning play" 😂😂😂 doing him dirty


0:07 Gold is probably the least toxic. In bronze and silver people think they know everything and get the game wrong so they flame, in gold people know the fundamentals a bit better but know they can be wrong and are not as good. I think gold players are pretty humble.


I just suscribed some days ago and I'm really glad for these guides. Really enjoying them
You guys do such an amazing work. Thank you so much !


I learned tip 1 last season. I stopped FFing or giving up on my games unless someone is legitimately inting. Even if they’re bad as long as they’re not sabotaging on purpose. I’ve been down 20k gold in a match in silver and still won with better macro and positioning. People really can’t close games properly. It’s kinda mind blowing.


Gold Elo where egos are bigger than skill


Be nice to have a video specifically on techniques used for tracking. The minimap is the obvious tool, but I certainly struggle with tracking enemy jungle and when predicting. Part of this I think I spend to much time focused on what's going on in the main screen and not enough on the minimap (although getting better at that). Really need to develop a second eye for the minimap and timing it takes to path location to location.

I've used the 6 second timer video a few times to help with that, but sometimes 6 seconds is an eternity in this game. So easy to miss something important in 6 seconds.


In gold and platinum, there's a large wide variety of skill in even the same divisions. You'll have some Akali one trick that plays like a Korean challenger on crack and a Yuumi one trick that plays like an NA iron player on NyQuil in the same match. People get super boosted by duo queue and then when they play by themselves they can't hang in the ELO and lose the game for their team. Especially in platinum, there are a lot of Diamond+ players playing on their smurfs. Sometimes half the lobby in my games is level 45 smurf accounts.


12:03 aphelios saying "can we ff, i'm bored" says alot about low elo as a whole xd


Mental is the difference between a silver/gold player and a plat/diamond player for 75% of people in silver and gold.

One of the most frustrating hardstuck mindsets of silver and gold players is a two sided problem.

They have the mindset of “I died one time/my laner solos me one time, they have advantage, I can’t ever recover because they are ahead, I’m giving up gg” and the flip side of that is when they go up 1/0 or 2/0 after solo killing their laner, that same thought process of “1 kill games over” causes them to play like they can’t lose, make mistakes, and blow their leads. I see it all the time in my games and with my friends. If you think the game is over because you lost lane, you will have the same mindset when you win lane, and you will throw a lot of games where you are ahead, and you lose every game your behind, leading you to be hard stuck.


People in low Elo legit have no understanding of just “giving” an objective. Doesn’t matter if you spam ping it or type the rationale, they won’t listen and die 2v5 to defend an inhibitor at 15 minutes.


Never had a problem climbing out of gold but somehow s1-s2 is challenging my mental


I just watched a Skill-Capped video about how you should make the right choices even if your team flames you. Now I’m here where the first tip is group with your team and help them instead of contesting the objective or making the right choice on your own. WHICH IS IT


11:13 finally found the reason why i kept demoting but getting kills as fed draven is kinda fun


"People know it's bad to take an early inhib." I've played league on and off for 10 years now having been back to it for 2 months now. I've never heard that before, so it makes sense it's not apparent to everyone.


I've heard the don't take inhibs too early tip a bunch of times, and let enemies take inhibs before 25 minutes before, and it never seems to go well.
the main thing is your inhib point and your tempo point are in contention. that early in the game very few champions can shove super waves without staying in the same spot. you always get a man disadvantage on the map, leading to bad fights or them taking dragons and Barons. no Baron is not too hard to take with a numbers advantage, especially given how much healing a lot of champions have in their kits these days.
I think the inhib tip is a high elo thing. yes you get more resources, but you lose tempo. and the champs that can clear super waves I feel like get played more high elo, like ryze, azir, casseopeia, even ap bruisers. when you have a split pusher like sion, trynd, yorick, fiora name it that gets fed and takes an inhib they run down every other lane taking towers while no one can stop them. if you can weather the storm until your inhib comes back and don't lose much else sure, but then the timing matters. if Baron and dragon are down already sure taking an inhib might be a bad idea, but oftentimes taking inhibs gives you pressure to spread your lead.
The only time I think taking inhibs early is bad is if you realistically don't have that big a lead. if you barely won top and got a herald push while the enemy team fight for dragon its probably not good to take an inhib, both cause the objective is down and you aren't ahead enough to spread your lead yet. But in most games when letting your inhib die is an option? you just lose everything on the map and bleed as much gold as you get from the waves.


Good tips thank you, as a support main i value your lesson as i can
