All-on-4® Dental Implants Contemporary Technique Explained by Dr. Alexander V. Antipov

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All-on-4® Dental Implants Procedure and Contemporary Dental Implants Technique Explained by Dr. Alexander V. Antipov, Board Certified Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgeon at Fusion Dental Implants center in Roseville, California.


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Wow! Must be a Mentor to many with over 10k subscribers. High reviews & many payment options. Advance cases are his specialty. I will see him for a consultation for sure.


Wonderful videó, Doctor...I also notice on patients mandibular AND Maxillae is that the TIME 'needed' for the bone TO HEAL ...the 'Landscape' TO SETTLE DOWN THOROUGHLY 'BEFORE' putting ANY 'FINAL' Appliances on top of the 'Landscape'...because I've seen and heard from MANY patients/people that UNTIL THAT 'LANDSCAPE' THOROUGHLY Heals and ALL of that bone Thoroughly SETTLES...Otherwise, those final Dental-Appliances will end up becoming loose and/or won't fit.
I think this 'Landscape' bone settling & Thoroughly hardening taking possibly anywhere from 3-6/months...especially since its bone in the mouth... Can those patients have the option of having a temporary set placed in UNTIL their 'Landscape' THOROUGHLY HEALS & SETTLES-IN....and then AFTER some MONTHS, 3-6-7, and then when he bone is MORE LEVEL and the bone is done 'shrinking' / THEN the Final Final Appliance is applied.. Can your patients also request this time to thoroughly heal the bone BEFORE the FINAL FINAL Product is permanently fixated, respectively?/
Thank you sir...& have an awesome day!👍Terrific work, by the way!👍


kamu kok ganteng sih dok ak jd sakit gigi liat dokter, manis bgt dokternyaaa 😍😍😍


You are so handsome I must say not to mention you are a great surgeon.🙌🏽❤️💯


That looks amazing how the face changes


DO NOT GO TO MEXICO TO DO IMPLANTS there more expensive then here in US .отличная работа Александра Антипова и его команды / 2 дня назад мне сделали 5 имплантов на верхней челюсти и поставили временные протез/ операция шла долго под наркозом/ я ничего не чувствовала никакой боли / так отлично так же после операции я не имела никакой боли хотя на 2 день опухоль была сильнее на лице /так и положенно быть сказали / 2 дня назад мне поставили импланты /мы очень рады что не так сильно дорого /10 000 долларов мы заплатили за операцию /за 5 имплантов и так же мне удалили последние мои 5 оставшихся зубов на верхней челюсти и вытащили 3 импланта которые мы ставили в мексике до этого, в 2018 году /
мои зубы очень плохие поэтому врач посоветовал лучше удалить все зубы мои плохие и поставить все по другому /all on 5 /. все отлично / я согласна / не езжайте в мексику делать импланты /а приходите только к Александру Антипову / я молилась что бы Бог руководил руками врача во время операции и Он делал это / слава Богу / операция прошла отлично / никакой боли не чувствую после этой сложной операции / только отек еще сейчас через 2 дня после операции / это ноармально / но я вообще не выпила не одной обезболивающей таблетки /
после Мексики после имплантации там в 2018 я пила обезюоливающие / а здесь нет ! невероятно /это Бог творит чудеса только без Бога происходят врачебные ошибки

excellent work of Alexander Antipov and his team / 2 days ago I had 5 implants in the upper jaw and a temporary prosthesis was placed / the operation went on for a long time under anesthesia / I didn’t feel any pain / so great, after the operation I didn’t have any pain, although for 2 the day the tumor was stronger on the face / so it should be said / 2 days ago I got implants / we are very glad that it is not so expensive / we are poor / 10, 000 dollars we paid for the sergery / for 5 implants and they also removed my last 5 remaining teeth on the upper jaw and pulled out 3 implants that we put in Mexico before, in 2018 /
my teeth are very bad, so the doctor advised me to remove all my bad teeth and put everything differently /all on 5/. everything is fine / I agree / do not go to Mexico to get implants / but only come to Alexander Antipov

my teeth are very bad, so the doctor advised me to remove all my bad teeth and put everything differently /all on 5/. everything is fine / I agree / don’t go to Mexico to get implants / but only come to Alexander Antipov / I prayed that God would guide the doctor’s hands during the operation and He did it / thank God / the operation went perfectly / I don’t feel any pain after this difficult surgery / only swelling still now 2 days after the operation / it’s not armistic / but I didn’t take a single painkiller pill at all /
after Mexico, after implantation there in 2018, I drank pain relievers / but not here! unbelievable / it is God who works miracles, only without God medical errors occur


This only costs $80, 000 where I live, lol
