All-on-4 vs 3-on-6 Whats Better For a Full Set of Teeth on Dental Implants

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If you are considering all on 4 treatments, you may have come across 3 on 6 as an alternative treatment to replace a full set of teeth with dental implants.

Both all on 4 and 3 on 6 promise to replace a full set of teeth and neither of these treatments are new, although, with good marketing, it can make it seem that one is better than the other.

In this video, I will explain the differences, and when one is better than the other, if at all.

In general, all on 4 is a single, long arch bridge that connects all of your teeth, and the 3 on 6 is three shorter bridges that fit together to form the same full arch smile.
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Thank you for this! Super helpful. After dealing with a lifelong history of bad teeth, non stop tooth pain, cavities filled, root canals, bonding done for broken teeth, extractions, etc. I finally took the plunge a couple of years ago and pulled all my back molars on the top and bottom. I have two partials. The top one I paid $500 for which is better quality then the bottoms that keep breaking on me. One of my canines just broke and I’m on day 3 of excruciating pain. U.S. healthcare is a joke and covers bare minimum with dentistry, as they consider it to be cosmetic. Apparently whoever made that decision has never had tooth pain or the inability to eat certain foods. I’ve been looking into travel dentistry and realize if I want to get the work done, that I will no doubt need to have it done in another country. Hopefully I can afford it come the future!


You are a good man Sir. I can tell you care about your patients. Thank you for the video. 👍🏾


This dr makes it super clear to understand the risks involved in every procedure… most of these dentists that have videos on YouTube like to make silly jokes or montages about things to make it seem like they’re being serious. All we want is for them to give us the answers we want. Thank you dr Gurs


What an eye-opening video. You seem genuinely committed to doing right by your patient.


Great video . I've talked to you before about angling implants. I'm a firm believer keeping implants as vertical as possible. I used to fabricate orthodontic appliances. Number one rule, put pressure on a tooth, it doesn't take long for the root to become mobile and the tooth will move. You replied once that angling an implant could contribute to implant failure. Why don't dentists automatically do sinus lifts in order to place implants more vertically to lessen the possibility of failure Thanks Larry, Stay Safe


Hi dr gurs, greetings from perth australia...thank you for your highly informative and well meant talk on this most important subject.your interest and passion to properly inform us comes through loud and clear.i am an admirer of the sikhs as direct straight shooters, .thank you.


I just want to say Thank you so much for being so honest with us as viewers :) You are an amazing doctor:)


Just a little detail to add about why not doing sinus lift before to avoid tilted implant on all-on-4, because in the all-on-4 procotol, you can not use implants on the grafted site. So you do implants tilted to enlarge your prosthesis structure. Thanks for this video and explanation.


Thank you. you made more sense than anyone has about dentures and the way they look and feel.


I wish there were dentists like you in NJ .


Thank you for a very informative video, very helpful indeed also nice to see someone who is not on a self serving mission.


Supposedly the 3-on-6 also has a better/stronger biting force than the all-on-4. I was hoping that would be discussed some. Would that be a good trade-off for the gum issue?


Thank you for an Honest assessment and not a sales pitch. You're a rarity in these greedy times. So I have standard dentures, so what I have be turned into one if these if I am a candidate for one of them. And what is the average cost for one with no teeth? Again great video.


oh my goodness I wish you were closer to me. I am going through so much with my dental experiences, one thing after another. I had read about the three on six prior to seeing your YouTube video. I was experiencing some dental issues, my two front teeth started to chip off and turn black. When I went to the dentist i was told the best option was to have all the teeth extracted and get dentures, I was limited because of financial situation, because I had to quit work due to some health issues. The temporary dentures never fit and the dentist I went to tried to due some sort of reline, when new impressions should have been done since the didn't fit from day one the top created and overbite and the bottoms never set properly and would always pop out when I was talking, and they were yellow.. This was from a very updated with all the fancy machines. watching your video gave me hope that I will find a dentist that can do nice dentures, I wanted the three on six but not sure I can afford it. Thank you for giving me hope, it just made my night. If I am lucky I will be able to find a dentist as special as you.
Thank you


I would love a new smile - my teeth are ruining my life and my nhs dentist just wants me in and out of the door as quickly as possible


WOW!! Thank you for such an informative video. I wish more dentists had the desire to educate. I have had an initial consult with dentist and he is recommending 3 on 6 (no gum!) procedure. I have osteoporosis and have sever bone loss so is it reasonable to proceed with dental implants? Is it reasonable for me to expect successful outcome, I have a tremendous fear that the implants will not be stable and fall out!


Totally engaging! A personalized yet professional conversational approach to explaining these "systems" I do have some questions? QUESTION ONE: At each of the seams between the three different bridges in an all on 6, I see two implants in close proximity? Is their close proximity an issue given that they are carrying half the load of 6 teeth? QUESTION TWO. I had a bridge (3 unit upper )for 24 years and never had it removed so why would I want to remove a 3 on 6 bridge, especially given that I can track bone loss and condition using serial cone beam and I do a semi annual blood test that sniffs out infection via CBC and an immune panel? QUESTION THREE. Are any of these systems able to identify EVERY material used in their manufacture so that list can be compared to a biocomp or ELISA or Clifford PANEL? QUESTION FOUR. review your video beginning at 6:13 mark and catch yourself doing what you say the 3 on 6 chart is doing: you are skewing your dialog to support All on four while ADMITTING you have never done a 3 on 6 or even seen one! IN HONESTY: your approach to the learning patient in a growth mindset turned from genuine to disingenuous right about here. I ENCOURAGE you to clinically observe a 3 on 6 process or at least a patient before making the conclusions that you have. At the same time I thank you heartily for the clarity this video provided me in helping me to formulate more questions for practitioners. It looks like due to costs I will soon be a dental tourist.


Thank you so much for this information I am in week three full extraction and my temporary dentures. And trying to make it decision on my next move, and I believe you’ve helped me understand that aesthetically I would not be pleased with teeth against the gum and whatever my choices will be I will need some gum. Thank you again for your time and attention. This was quite a horrifying experience! I am immune suppressed in this whole ordeal has the side of my body to go into a plethora of medical problems … on top of the stress of what is it going to happen with my Future Teeth


I commented and I will also say my 3 on 6 dentist called me and I was able to ask any question. Again, like he says as long as it transforms the individual.


Thank you for this video . Thanking of getting full mouth implants done top and bottom of my mouth. I need dental work done. But I have sever anxiety because I went to a very terrible dentist. But I now need dental work. And been looking for dentist office and been looking at several videos contents to see what would be the best procedure to have done. The 3Three on six sounds good and looks good as well. But then your video popped up and now I have question like what would be good for me. I live California and there's about several hundreds of dental clinics I can choose from but I want to choose the right one not the one I had last time. It was terrible experience I had and that put me off from seeing a dentist. The dentist I went to Is Western Dental a Franchise with more than 320 dental offices in 4 states. And it turns out a child died a few years ago from having dental work done on that child. So you can see my dilemma I want to find the right dentist and making sure that dentist I choose will understand my fears. Once thank you for your video content the information you provided was Awesome.🙂✌
