Can Diabetics Drink Alcohol?

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Is it safe to consume alcohol if you suffer from diabetes?
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1) The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends limiting the daily intake of alcohol to 2 or 1 units a day. That's the equivalent of 6 ounces of beer, or just 0.85 ounces of spirits.

2) CYP2E1 is an enzyme which collects in the liver and also works to break down alcohol. CYP2E1 is more active in diabetics than non-diabetics, which might help explain why liver disease and diabetes are so strongly linked.

3) During alcohol metabolism, the liver, pancreas, and brain cells utilize extra oxygen. So that means that the more you drink, the less oxygen there will be for other cell functions, and this can result in tissue damage, especially in the liver. Plus, a pancreas damaged by alcohol will produce less insulin, and when coupled with chronic insulin resistance, that smaller quantity of insulin will have even less of an effect.

4) Beer is high in liquid carbs, and many brands of beer can contain 15, and in some cases up to 20 grams of carbohydrates per drink. And since liquid sugar contains no fiber, drinking carb-heavy alcoholic beverages, especially on an empty stomach, can cause glucose levels to spike.

5) Drinking alcohol in conjunction with diabetic medications may have an opposite effect, potentially dropping your blood sugar too low. As alcohol gets processed and metabolized in the liver, where diabetic medications are also processed, drinking while taking these medications can put significant strain on your liver, which can then lead to a dangerous drop in glucose levels.

6) If there is an alcoholic beverages that exhibits clear health benefits, it's red wine. Red wine is a good source of antioxidant polyphenols, including CATECHINS, EPICATECHINS, and RESVERATROL, which have been shown to protect the linings of blood vessels. They also work to halt the growth of certain types of cancer, aid skin health, lower stress levels, increase levels of probiotic gut bacteria, decrease LDL cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease in general.

7) Red wine contains trace amounts of iron and calcium, which can each work to lower blood pressure. In fact, a recent trial showed that red wine extract helped improve both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive participants. A separate study showed moderate red wine intake may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes for both men and women, while other studies have even found that a small amount of red wine may work to reduce post-meal glucose levels while improving insulin sensitivity.

8) Switching from a higher to moderate alcoholic consumption can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 30%. Diabetics are 50% more likely to suffer from mild to severe non-alcoholic fatty liver disease than non-diabetics, and having fatty liver disease raises the risk of becoming diabetic.
Рекомендации по теме

When I got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was a heavy drinker and it not easy to quit I fought the demon of alcohol very hard and thanks god I made it if I did it you can do it health is more more important is better to stop completely before is too late


I agree 👍 nobody's going to drink just one beer or one glass of wine a one glass of spirit so it's best just don't drink alcohol at all in my opinion


three months ago i found out i had type 2 diabetes with a reading of 92 i put myself on a strict diet but continued with 1 day a week for 6 pints of cider, yesterday my reading was 46 i am in remission and so thankfull


I'm now enlightened by the news about red wine issue for diabetics thank you Lord


I have a friend in New Orleans, in his late 80s & he drinks 2-3 glasses of dry red wine every evening & in the neighbour bar there is nobody (not even those in their 20s) could beat him in arms wrestling & he is a chronic diabetic & drives his own car to the bar !


2-3 units 2-3 timea a week is ok, we should add green salad and proteig foods with diebetes such as nuts, seeds, cheese, paneer etc


If I drink any alcohol, I am sick for days. It's not worth it. I can't even eat beer flavored chips. Found that out the hard way. So, absolutely none for me. And that's all I need to know.


Look for light beer with very low carbs. There are multiple options that contain 2.6 grams per drink.


I think I will try one glass of red wine every 2 days, together with snacks such as a cheese plate or nuts/popcorn. Then montitor myself.


My husband is a heavy drinker and he is a diabetic patient too and despite me telling him not to drink he never listen to me


Quit eating all processed food. That is the cause of diabetes.


My sister drink all her life and now she’s got diabetes but she won’t stop drinking or change her diet. She got mad at me when I tried to tell her. She’s taking her med but I know it doesn’t work if she continues on with her lifestyle.


Limit your drinks to vodka or whisky. Glycemic Index of these drinks is 0%.
Avoid all other alcoholic beverages and limit my recommended drinks to 3 shots. Of course, no need to drink everyday... Let's say 3 times per week, will be fine...


Is whisky a good choice for diabetics and better than red wine?


What about brandy, is it good for diabetics?


Yes Alkohal damages the liver. In fact drink lowers the sugar level.


Yes, but in moderation! 🍷✅ Diabetics should avoid sugary cocktails and beer and opt for dry wine or spirits with no mixers to prevent blood sugar spikes. Always check levels before and after! Do you have a go-to low-sugar drink? 😊🥂


Even low-carb beer corona premier is 2.6 carbs per bottle


Don’t know what works for others but a shot or 2 of bourbon in the evening lowers my blood sugar by about 50 points.


I thought we weren't supposed to eat grapes because of their sugar content. It is all so conflicting and confusing. 😮
