5 Natural Ways To Keep Eyes Healthy | Eye Doctor Explains

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Are you wondering how you can easily improve your eye health? In this video, Dr. Rupa Wong, ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, gives you five simple tips for increasing your eye health. Watch this to see what ophthalmologists recommend you do daily to help your eyes thrive. 🤩

00:00 : What are some things you could be doing to keep your eyes healthy?

00:53 : How long is it okay to wear contacts? Should I wear glasses sometimes when I use contacts?

02:09 : Is it safe to reuse contact lenses?

03:02 : Does the dark mode on cell phones work? What time of the day should I turn dark mode on my phone/device on?

03:57 : What is the recommended amount of time using a phone/device before giving your eyes a break?

04:38 : How often do I need to clean my face and eyes?

05:38 : Are there any supplements or foods that can help eye health?

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MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.
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I've been isolated to one room in my house with limited movement and day light for over 2 years now alongside extremely poor nutrition due to failed xicide attempts.

My eyesight is now absolutely shocking, looking at the keyboard on my phone the letters all have a white glare, even my nails have changed and are becoming domed/raised.

Anyone slipping in to this state please reachout and get help, everything is becoming such a hassle. No one will look after you 100% except you but things can ve put in place to help reverse these issues before they get bad. GET THE HELP YOU NEED


Hello Dr. Rupa! Thank you for another fantastic video. The mom in you shows in your professional field of work. You genuinely care -- that's a beautuful thing.


Love your videos! Thank you Dr. Wong! Video ideas: how to treat chronic dry eyes, how to prevent macular degeneration, Ortho-K vs Lasik. Thank you again!


Hi Dr. Rupa, Can you talk about removing warts, etc. that are in the lash line. Can it be done and who would do it and how.? And how would it heal and would it disrupt lash growth? Thanks.


Aloha, Dr Wong, do you ever come over to the Hilo area to consult or do you do zoom consults? I will continue to watch and learn what I can on your YouTube channel but thought it worth asking. This info is really helpful and I will start with your suggestions on this video and watch other ones. My male eye docs are not really able to deal with makeup and skin around the eye questions well. It was suggested to me to use baby shampoo gently around the lash area, but it seems a bit irritating in practice and I notice that you do not suggest this.


Hi, is Bio true hydration Boost preservative free lubricant eye drops good for dry eyes? Also is it safe to use baby shampoo to wash your eyelashes and eyelids?


Hello, how do I heal central serous retinopathy?


Can you do a video on the affects of anxiety on eyes


unrelated but could you please do a video explaining if keratopigmentation is safe?


Hello Dr. Rupa I would like to ask you if tubing mascara is better than regular mascara and are corner lashes better for dry eye?


Dr. Rupa! How is 2023 treating you thus far?! I like my vegetables. It's growing old that is getting the better of my eyesight!
I have been wanting to ask you this question because it is puzzling me. Out of my left eye the colors are cool. Out of my right eye the colors are amber. Real life seems more cool than amber, but both eyes see with a lighting that I don't think is accurate. Have you ever heard of this before? Any idea what it is? It is really only noticeable when I am using my 10x magnifier mirror. Thank you!
Another question for you, please. Should we regularly see an Ophthalmologist or an Optometrist? Does it matter on our age or health of our eyes? How often should we go? Thanks!
I use coconut oil to erase my makeup then wash my face afterwards with a cleanser. Then I have started applying a mixture of Castor oil + Vitamin E oil to my brows and lashes. I see I have one spot of milia on my lower lashline. I wonder if it's the castor oil? Because I have been using coconut oil for years without any concerns. Or maybe it's just leaving oil on my lashes overnight in general. Have you done a video on Milia before? And what do you recommend for a good eye wash ingredient list?

THANK YOU, DR. RUPA!!!! Lots and lots of


Hello !

Since a bad anxiety period following a panik attack I made the mistake to focus on my blinking and consciously blink to lower it.

I developed a fear of not blinking enough some times after that event sadly, which make me check several time if I blink (yes it's weird). The first day was weird, I got a huge pression on my sinuses and dark orange boogers on my cheeks.

The problem is my eyes are not good Since, even if I try to stop consciously blink. They are red, irritated, I got a conjunctivitis for the first time 3 weeks ago and since they didn't come back to their state.

Now I'm constantly feeling my eyes are dry. They are no white anymore like they were 3 months ago.

I'm sure it's because I don't blink enough, maybe because I'm too focus on it. Does eyes exercises helps to take back a good habit and increase spontaneous blinking ?

I know it was a very idiot idea to focus on my blinking during a bad anxiety period, I were not aware of it sadly.


can ypu recommend mascara for sensitive eyes/had dermatitis bad case recently


Hi I was wondering if the sinsnlashes lash serum has any bad ingredients in it that cause side effects like darkening skin around the eyes. I stopped using revitalash after a few years because of it :(


What causes some people to have those red veins permanently show in eyes? Is that from squeezing contacts out etc.? Is there anything that can be done about it?


Can frequently smudgy lenses on eyeglasses affect children's vision long term? Particularly in children 14 years old or younger?


Hello doctor, eye drops do not contain phosphates and preservatives
Can dibasic sodium phosphate dodecahydrate eye drops be used for a long time?


Something seem to be scratching your microphone at all times, might wanna have a look at that later o/
