How to ESCAPE LOW ELO When Your Team SUCKS - League of Legends

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I don't have a problem with a teammate being behind or feeding (as long its not intentional) but them giving up and doing dumb stuff though it might be winnable is what tilts me the most


Petu's rules of climbing

Turn chat off. Takes away from the important parts of the game.
Assume every game is winnable, until a nexus has exploded.
When you have to go for more than 1 similar plays, choose the play with the fewest unknown variables.
Take risks when behind, avoid risks when ahead.
Forgive your mistakes, but hold yourself accountable.
Identify the win conditions of both teams, and play accordingly.
Stop playing for the day if you lose 2 games in a row.
Play 2 Champions in Ranked. 1 Primary, 1 Alternate incase picked or banned.
After each game, write down some notes and take a break.


"For some reason the Sylas does this..." He doesn't know. The reason he does what he does is that he doesn't know it's a mistake and he doesn't know how to punish it. A few general take aways I got
- Don't use abilities on the wave, use them to harass.
- Mid should punish roams/objective rotations by hard pushing and getting plates (especially when you can't contest the objective.)
- Look for opportunities to take bounties.


Could you make a video about how to identify win conditions? These videos have made it so I can win land well, but I tend to struggle mid to late game.


Would be awesome to see some more support and bot guides


I mean what can I do if my team's bot lane is 2/30 at 20 minutes.


I saw a post where you should go into some games aware the algorithm for League some games are meant to be lost. 30% of games are meant to be won and 30% are meant to be lost guaranteed for the users to have a basis to not have 100% WRs even if they are better than their rank. That leaves you with 40% of games in your control to carry and and make winnable, play it well and win more than half of those and you’ll have above a 50% WR which means you’ll climb efficiently but win more than that and you climb greatly. Most people see the stomps they are in and tilt when it’s Riots system just doing what it’s directed to do. Which is to limit climbing exponentially. If you maintain a good mindset and are aware some games are meant to be lost it’ll also benefit the player a lot of mental strain. It’s great to know the fundamentals and be great at the game itself but the mental strain and understanding that you can’t win every game is so essential to maximizing the climb. If you can understand some games are lost from champ select due to teammates draw, then you’ll be much better going into the next game. Checking to see if it’s worth dodging also makes the games much better.


a lot of this stuff applies to higher elo players as well. I'm a GM player and tbh a lot of the time I find myself, and others, just completely autopiloting & ignoring basic concepts like this


Nice video
everyone in the comments sounds smart with listing all of the tips to win a game, but i suck at league and i want to sound smart too, so I'm posting pancake recipe so i look smart for people who don't really pay attention
Step 1
Heat a griddle or large skillet over medium-low heat. In a bowl, mix together dry ingredients. Beat eggs into 1 1/2 cups milk, then stir in 2 tablespoons melted cooled butter, if using it. Gently stir this mixture into dry ingredients, mixing only enough to moisten flour; don't worry about a few lumps. If batter seems thick, add a little more milk.
Step 2
Place a teaspoon or 2 of butter or oil on griddle or skillet. When butter foam subsides or oil shimmers, ladle batter onto griddle or skillet, making pancakes of any size you like. Adjust heat as necessary; usually, first batch will require higher heat than subsequent batches. Flip pancakes after bubbles rise to surface and bottoms brown, after 2 to 4 minutes.
Step 3
Cook until second side is lightly browned. Serve, or hold on an ovenproof plate in a 200-degree oven for up to 15 minutes.


This was the first skillcapped guide I watched where the coach straight up flames you. 5:40 "If this is happening in your games, you deserve to lose." lmao such calm aggro


Yeah this is vid pretty much explains is all, I remember how fast I climbed as soon as my mindset went from do well to carry this game as hard as I can.


Watching so I can know how to help my good teammates win even though I’m inting


I'd like to see more adc macro videos. It's frustrating trying to climb on the role


Could you make a guide explaining how to actually carry the game when your team sucks? Thanks to all your videos I got pretty good at laning, but after laning ends game turns from mostly 1v1 to 1v5. So now I'm losing games with 10/0 stats, and not 0/10, but it still sucks. Especially that being fed as someone like Ahri doesnt't give me any advantage against average 2/2 Irelia or other bruisers.


"nearly 70% of the fix is early game"
Me (an adc main): Welp, GG I guess... Let's hope to coinflip the remaining 20% with a increasing disadvantage against us, and if we fail that, the last 10% never even arrives.


6:30 Isn't roaming bot a decent play too? Bot is completely shoved in, olaf is playing botside, diana just showed on map heading top and viktor needs to clear the wave before he can follow. Should be an ez 4v2 right?


From my experience after playing seasons that, /mute all is free LP

Just do your things and don't force stupid plays


Is the year plan billed every month or every year? I really hope its monthly because that many dollars at once is too much for me


I saw a game where a Grandmaster jinx went 3/13 and the rank 2 EUW lulu support went 1/15.

So if even these players can have bad games, why shouldn't you get any while in silver?


Ok, great guide for hypercarry players
I play shen and zac top
Even if I go 5/0 in lane, I end up losing
I have like a 20% wr on zac top, despite my average 5.03 KDA, my above average vision score and roaming score. I try to make sure my laner is HARD forced out of lane, to the point where they are worth 100g.
With the champs I play, carrying 1v9 is SO incredibly hard, and I dont know what else to do besides just swap champs.
I could be doing some macro things horribly wrong, but I try to rotate for obj if I kill laner or shove into turret etc.
I also try to take free camps since zac is a jungler anyway and has good clear
Edit: Mostly play norms(waiting for m7 zac) and I am silver elo(I dont play ranked anymore due to tilt)
