How to escape low elo

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Editor: HealsNShields

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fictiongap, fiction adc, fiction gap lol, League of legends, challenger adc, diamond, silver, elo hell, adc, challenger caitlyn, how to climb league of legends, how to climb league of legends s12, how to climb league of legends adc, league of legends hardstuck, league hardstuck, league of legends low elo, league of legends low elo guide, lol low elo tips, escape low elo lol, escape low elo adc, pisslow league, pisslow lol, best way to rank up in league of legends, best way to climb league of legends, best way to climb lol, league gold rank
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the 4 mil mastery teemo on my enmy team needs to hear this


I 100% agree however I think the reason why people (even me) ask if there are other methods is because if the average league game took 30 minutes (very rough estimate) then 30 minutes * 1000 games = 500 hours of grueling gameplay. Again this is a lot of estimates being thrown around but the point still stands.


When I'm getting flamed I'll let them know I'm on game 5/1000.


I played with a Gold 1 Yuumi with TWO THOUSAND games played in the season already. Those people do exist.


Most common low elo problems is not necessary about skills and experience but about internet issues, hardware issue, and of course patience thats what I came up with


Not playing on autopilot is the hardest thing to do, especially if you already autopiloted thousand of games, it's almost impossible to break


My main issue is that I CONSTANTLY get the worst players on my team, and then the enemy leaves me fighting a 1v9


Took me around 700ish games to make it to Plat. Here’s the kicker, I made it to gold 1 in my first 200 games, so I basically spent 500 games stuck in mid to high gold. I stopped playing for 5 days and watched YouTube videos to solidify everything. Then went 17 wins 3 losses straight to plat in 2 days. You definitely need to plat ALOT of games, but like he said don’t play them with your head in the sand.


This is why, I rarely forfeit in obviously lost games where there still a few minutes for the other team to actually destroy nexus. I tend to focus on analysing what I could do better, while examinating the results of my mistakes


To be honest I didn't get all the basics down and have the game really "click" for me, till I was about 2, 000 to 3, 000 games in. But when it clicked it clicked and I got out of silver in like 60-70 games.


Literally just hit the 1k games with 50% win rate in bronze, and now after 30 games I’m silver 2


i played 1106 games this season alone. im pretty good. i can hold a 60+% wr but i lose 20 lp and gain 11 so im still deranking. i go on 10+ game win streaks to fight my way to silver4 where im usually stuck forever because there isnt a demotion sheild at the other ranks til gold. i need a 90% wr over 60 games to make it to the next level


I met a 8Million mastery points Heiner once in Gold when I was climbing...
Watching him play was the most cute and precious thing I have ever witnessed in my life


How to get to diamond or higher:
- You need a decent monitor (not the best one, just decent) and good internet
- Play 1000 conscientious games (±20 games/week) for a year
- Practice having a chill, and positive attitude NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENED because at the end it's just a game nothing bad gonna happen to you if you lost because someone run it down mid and fed your enemy, so chill
- choose 2 main lanes and 3-5 champions in your main lane and 2 in your secondary lane
- Practice being decent at:
CS, Laning phase, when and how to take objectives, and teamfighs


instructions unclear. I've played 5k games and still the same


Anybody else wanna climb but hate micro-managing the small details?


I can only play league on auto pilot mode and sometimes watching youtube at the se time xD


Its simpler to just say „practice“. It means the same and not everyone needs 1000 games but some also need more than 1500. I have for example no time for playing that many but i still learned alot bc i didnt waste my time putting 100% on ten games a day. Ive put 100% in one/two games.


Every time I hit Silver 2 its either go back to silver 3 or stay 0 LP


People are genuinely confused like "wait I should be trying to win? I thought I could just coast to challenger" 😅
