Mr. Giant Reacts: Are Romanians the Last Real Descendants of the Roman Empire in the Balkans?

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Are Romanians the last real Descendants of the Roman Empire. We take a look at this in this reaction.

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As a romanian, grew up in the center of Romanian Moldova, i've been raised and grew up with Moldova as brothers and sisters and never thought about them as a different state or different culture.Yes, they have been influenced by slavs for so many years, but most of their traditions and culture are the same.So depending who you ask and how politicaly is influenced, i guess the answer will be slightly different.From my point of view, Moldavia and moldavians always been, are and will be my brothers and sisters, no matter who runs the goverments, no matter the religions and no matter what happens or will happen.


Romanian language is kept more then 70procent latin so if someone say is slavic or balkanic is wrong geograficly yes we are in balcanic slavic area


Romanians are not descendants of Romans.
Romanians are descendants of the Dacians and more than this Romans are actually the descendants of the Traco-Geto-Dacians.
Even emperor Traian when he arrives in Dacia said that he finally come in to his ancestors land.
Actually the Roman empire was built by Traco-Geto-Dacians warriors who fight in the Troian war.
After the war they go on the Mediteraneean Sea and arrived in the place where today we know as Italy where they found small tribes.
They united the tribes, educated them and teach them the language they spoke and that was the Latin language.
Even from Vatican it was said multiple times that the Latin language is coming from the place where today is known as Romania and that in the past it was called Dacia and the Romanians are direct Descendants of them.
Ps. Traco-Geto-Dacians are part of the same family, they are cousins and they spoke the same language.
Geto-Dacians are actually the same peoples, Greecs called Dacians - Geți, so this is why are 2 terms.


Yes that will be their story but there are rumours going between Vatican and some scientists that Latin comes from "Romanian" as they found in some Romanian regions, and we should be still called Dacia, but there is a lot top classified. Thanks


I’m so impressed by your desire to discover new places and cultures. ❤


Romanians are daco romans dont say "romanians is not descendants of romans " we have roman blood in our veins


The only reason against unification is Russian influence in Moldavia. Transnistria wants to be part of Russia so they voted 90% or more not to unite and the fact that Moldova is so poor contributes to the issue, the politicians there are way easy to corrupt by Russia, so they will vote against too. Romanians see Moldavians as brothers because they where united until 44. Even before Romania became one country in 1848, the Moldavia was a big united Province under one leader. When Russia came about, they split the Moldavian province and that's how after '89-'91 it became a separate country, when URSS broke off. If Russia wouldn't have plagued the Eastern Europe, Moldavia would never have been split from Romania.


8:41 the official language of Moldova is now Romanian! Hooray :)


I am dacian a lot more than romanic ... I love Decebalus and deslike Trajan as i do not like expansions . To answer about reunifications ? Not possible now. Former soviet Moldova had one great opportunity immediate after they declared independence when USSR collapsed but they chose not.


Dacă România se va uni cu Moldova, nu va fi usor din punct de vedere economic, administrativ, etc. Așa s-a întâmplat și când s-au unit Moldova cu Țara Românească (Valahia) in 1859 formându-se statul România. Au fost asperități și nemulțumiri, chiar tensiuni, care cu timpul s-au estompat .


I am not watching youtube videos unless they are in a corner of Mr Giant :)


Romanians are dacians - occupied by the mongolians, greeks, roman empire, turks, russians, hungarians, germany .


We can see when we look at 2500 of the most common words used in Romanian that it is 75% of these words are Romance based. Further analysis shows that kinship terms are 76.9% Latin-based. More than 90% of the function words, 80% of the adverbs and 68% of the adjectives in the Romanian language were directly inherited from Latin. Comparing the Romance Languages, we see that the closest language to Romanian is Italian at 77% lexical similarity. However, some dialects of Romanian, such as Maramureș and Oltenia, are considered closer to Latin because they have a more conservative vocabulary.Romanian has inherited about 10, 000 (on a study based on 49, 649 words) lexical items from its ancestral language, Latin. These comprise most basic concepts of society.Of all the Romance languages, the Romanian language has the closest grammar to the Latin one.


To answer your question towards the end of your video ("Would Romanians look down on Moldovans in case of reunification?"), I am confident that the answer is a resounding "No". We actually don't even see them as a different nation, and not in a domineering way. Moldova is not part of Romania because the Soviet Union annexed it as punishment for Romania's invasion in WW2 (we were forced to be on the Axis side for the most part) and by the time the Soviet Union collapsed, the Moldovans were changed enough by the direct occupation that reunification wasn't obvious anymore. Also the Russian Federation strictly opposes this possibility and the Moldovan politicians are pushing against it because it would mean they lose power. It's ironic that most Moldovans are against unification since their salaries would literally become 4x bigger overnight so I take those statistics with a grain of salt. We see them as our brother who got a little bit weird but we love them unconditionally (even if we love making jokes about them)


The balkans was the land of the Thracians and other people, speaking a very similar language as the North Danube people, as the Greeks historians said and they had to keep them language under the romans, Greeks and later slavic people new habitants along the last 3500 years. Half of the Greek words are from the original habitants language (called pelasgians by the Greeks). Also the culture was stolen by Greeks and spread along Europe, except the culture spread by the North Danube habitants where from are coming all the romance languages. The Anatolian, Ethruscan and Thracians are part of the same culture and language influenced more or less by the later Indo-European east influences and influencing the later Greeks settled . Even the Trojan war was a Thracian war, and, even defeated, they was able to keep them language until today due to them shepherd occupation which kept them separate from the Greeks cities.


Romanians are the last Dacian descendents and speak an ancient Dacian/Tracian language which is a sister Latin language.


Only uneducated people can afirm that we the Romaniens, we were Latinised by romans when they occupyd just 22% or so from Dacia (actual Romania). More than that romans they remain in Dacia for 150 or so years only. So the history they wrote its wrong .


Rumanians are a modern nation, nothing to do with ancient Romans!


Roman and Dacia was practical sister language Traian the leader of the roman when he ENTER. To fight Decebal sayed i come in the land of my ancestors


The trues is that romans spoke a similar language to dacians. The Spanish linguist Carme Jimenez Huertas spoke about the fact that the Romanian language, along with the other Romance languages, is not born from Latin and that Romanization is only a story for the naive. The theory that the Romanians are the descendants of Rome was imposed by the luminaries of the Ardelene School, Greek-Catholic intellectuals educated by the Vatican in Jesuit schools: Petru Maior, Samuil Micu, Gheorghe Șincai and Ion Budai Deleanu in 1848. We where called Dacians until 1800.
Even Pope called Michael the Brave "Malus Dacus" in 1600. The conclusion is that the official history of Romania is based on false theories.
The Roman occupation lasted from 105 to 275 CE, i.e. 170 years and only on a limited territory. Consequently, how could the Dacians be Romanized and acquire the Latin language, if only a third of their territory was occupied by the Romans. Moreover, the Roman occupation lasted only 170 years, much less than in Gaul and Britain, and the English do not speak a Latin language, and Welsh is still popularly spoken in some regions of rural France. Same in Palestine and Egipt. Transylvania was occupied by the Austrians from 1700 to 1918, i.e. 218 years and Transylvanian Romanians do not speak German either at home or on the street, maybe only the students from a high school. The Basarabians were occupied by the Russians for 200 years, but they speak Romanian in their families. So the idea of Romanization of Dacia, territorially occupied by only one third of Rome, falls from the point of view of simple historical logic.
Miceal Ledwith, confidant of Pope John Paul II and the man who had access to all the secret documents in the Vatican library, recently made a statement that shocked the academic world and beyond. He declared that cultured Latin derives from the ancient Romanian language, not the other way around, as was believed until now! In an interview given to the television station TVR Cluj, in December 2012, Miceal Ledwith, former adviser to Pope John Paul II, one of the people who had access to the 230 kilometers of bookshelves in the Vatican library archive and former member of the International Theological Commission, made a shocking statement: "Even if it is known that Latin is the official language of the Catholic Church, as well as the language of the Roman Empire, and the Romanian language is a Latin language, fewer people know that the Romanian language, or its precursor, comes from the place from which the Latin language is derived, and not the other way around!!!
The Roman emperor Trajan considered himself a descendant of the Thracians who, after the conquest of Troy by the Greeks, took refuge in Italy. Dacians where Thracians too and spoke the same language.
We Romanians should be aware of what "treasures" we have inherited, both material but especially spiritual, moral and sacred values, which our ancestors preserved and bequeathed to the next generations! We have all these values in the form of a "loan" from future generations! Let's stand with our "heads up" in the world, let's not allow ourselves to be denigrated by the "game" of the detractors!
