Mr. Giant Reacts 10 Things You Didn't Know About Romania (Reaction)

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What are the 10 Things You Didn't know About Romania. In this video we take a look at some of the misconceptions people may have about Romania.

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Romani have a very tight society. They refuse to integrate even if that hurts their chances . For example they don't let their kids go to school, even if the school here is completely free! We even have special places for them in the university (only for them, all free), all you have to do is to sign up and everything, including housing, transportation and food is 100% free!

They also have a tribal society, with lots of problems (child marriages, no school for girls....), and this tribal system differs from community to community, but sadly, it keeps the same backwards pillars.

On short, they are separated by their own culture, not because we keep the away. They call everyone outside their culture as "outsiders" and they have (or used to have) their own tribunals where they could judge their own based on their own rules (often tribal ones).

Thankfully, the modern pressure makes their backwards culture slowly getting replaced by a modern one that gives them better chances.

For many the "gypsy" culture seems a dream of some sort. You can "do whatever you want" "go wherever you want" and so on. In reality it starts with child marriages and ends 20-40 years early than the national/European average lifespan due to reluctance to hygiene, avoidance of education and even reluctance to medicine and vaccines.

During communism they were "oppressed" by being forced to have their kids vaccinated with the same complete scheme as the rest of the kids. Then their kids where "forced" to attend the free school, and if they got their kids out of school a policeman will go to them and get the kid back to school. It was mandatory for everyone, including them.

After communism EU rules told us we cannot longer disturb their wonderful culture so there you go. Child marriages, child pregnancies, school abandonment and a complete collapse of their health (in average).

But now things are starting to improve! Slowly the state have reinforced the ban on forced marriages and child marriages, teen pregnancies are still super high but decreasing, education is somehow more accepted (but not for girls!), and they even have some tribal leaders that push for integration with the rest of the world.

Again, they CHOOSE to live like this! Here education if free for all, healthcare is free for all, and there is a lot of job vacancies for everyone that wants to work! There is no excuse for someone living in Romania to have uneducated, unvaccinated, married at 10 kids!


Just a note, Ceausescu was a full communist but in no way he was Russia's puppet like the documentary says. He was the exact opposite. He broke up the forced alliance with USSR from the past when he became president and he was also the only Eastern leader who condemned Russia's intrusion in Czechoslovakia in 1968s and blamed Russia's imperialism.


you have a point about that part of not being included in the society...but that's usually because they follow their own rules...90% of them like fast and easy gains (most illegal) which makes us reluctant to them. We marginalize them for our protection.


two points here :)
1. Gypsis, indeed there is a very big hate between us and them, but this goes down in history as they were enslaved and persecuted for centuries... and now, they just simply don't want to integrate in society at all, no matter how they are approached, those who embrace, are now in parliament, doctors, teachers and so on(there are plenty of them also), but unfortunately for most of gypsies, they prefer to be outlaw and gain without work....
2. Vlad Tepes - there are many miths surrounding him, but not so many of them true(like the one with the babies and mothers...that is so stupid and first time hearing it) :) he was indeed ruthless and savage, but you must understand that it was in 1400, back in those days you had beheadings, inquisitions, barbaric tortures and so on... what he did, with the impaling, was simply to put fear inside the enemies, as, Wallachia was a very small kingdom so he knew that this was one of the ways to win(and he did), he was also a very good ruller, indeed, brutal, but do imagine that he set trade routes, added border tax, killed/enslaved the boyars who betrayed the country to ottomans and killed his father and brother :) so he gave the lands to peasants, plus many other things to prepare the country for a war that was inevitable! So...bottom line, he is a national hero(for all romanians, no idea why this guy says for "a few"!) and not as bad as all those myths try to portrait him.


Dude, you speak so calm, your voice is so warm...when you speak your voice is like a music for my soul...I love you, man ❤


Romania doenst have a “romani” problem that others fixed…
All romani populations were exterminated in europe in ww2…
Only Romania didnt exterminate them, thats why we have them. And personally i love them..we should treasure them as much as possible


answer at minute 3:00 -- it doesn't matter how you treat a gypsy, he will remain a gypsy and will take the opportunity to steal. Short story!! My father met after more than 20 years a gypsy with whom he had been a colleague in the army, out of joy my father invited the gypsy with his family of 7-8 people for dinner, while we were all at home at the table one of them said he needed to go outside, after a few minutes my father came out and caught him stealing money from my father's jacket, from that moment I swore that I would never put a gypsy at the table in my house.


let's just say this, 'romani' people with higher education, or education in general are integrated very well in romanian society, 'romani' profesionals are well respected in their fields of work, romani music and singers are well paid in romania. Rasism is very much alive but goes both ways but is not as bad as in the US or western countries, people don't fight over race they will however resort to profanity using racial slurs if they ever fight, romani people mostly fight romani people, and the police and government treat romanians and gypsies alike like crap..


Romanian food is absolutely incredible. As a Romanian i highly suggest trying our traditional cousine.
And yes Nadia Comăneci is from Romania. Perfect 10 score at the Olympics.


I am romanian and yes you are right at the end with the " the dude is cool, the lady is cool, my is cool, let's all live together at peace" . I am down with this, hopefully more and more people are.


Vlad the impaler it was a true hero of Romania. These are just stories, he hang people who were stilling, who did crimes and who betray their country, just to be an example. During his times, you could leave your money anywhere and after four days you will find it right in that spot you left. True hero.


Hey Mr G.
Thank you for reviewing a video from my country, i really apreciate it and i do follow you and know it's not the only one. Also i know that the rromani part kinda' hits home for you due to the back community experience in the US.
It is inf act true that rromani were the only slaves in our history, in which to say they had a master and he had right over their life ( and death ). Other romanians ( valahs, moldovans ) during that time were peasants ( actually called peasants / tarani ) which were the closest thing to a slave but the boyar could not decide if he live or dies, only if he has the right to work his lands, live on his lands and get a part of the crop.
Considering the system in place was servdom and feudalism where the power was in boyars and nobility when the rromani came into romania, they were not traded in the market as slaves but they are recorded as skilled migrants sometimes working for the court as mentioned in The Letter of Neacșu from Câmpulung wrote in 1521. The first recorded document to mention enslaved romani is from Hungarian King Andrew II in 1222 where he gave Saxons and german traders a letter filled with rights in which amongst them was the right to own rommani. During the history of romania the holders of slaves were the church, the lord and boyars
Romani were integrated in romanian society since they were freed in the 1800's as much as they wanted to integrate and society let them. You can imagine discrimination was at highest levels and after they found their freedom they found the lack of resources, finaces and thus exposed to crimes to be commited by them and against them. The most forced integration all minority faced was under Ceausescu and communism, Hungarian families forced to learn romanian, romanianized the name and forcibly integrated, romani families the same, turkish, the same, tatar, the same, russians, the same, ukrainian and all other minorities became romanian under ceausescu.Under communism we were all equal but some more equals than other and you can imagine that minorities were discriminated by the majority and minorities banded together against the majority. SOCIETY AT IT'S BEST
Once with the new found "equalities" all minorities and the majority turned it's head agains the real tirany that was facing them all, after the fall of Ceausescu and communism, WE WERE ALL FREE, turkish, hungarian, romanian, romani, ukraineans and we started going at eachother's throat cause the common enemy was gone. So we started discriminating eachother on ethinc grounds once more. Later on we wanted to join NATO and EU as it was the best economica and military decision for the country and THEN everyone told Romania they are discriminating against minorities. As a condition to join all these good clubs, and we started aligning, we went all the way in the average's romanian view to create quotas, to have gvmnt finances for minority NGO's, affirmative action and all that the west told us we should do.

Result :
Current situation is as everywhere. Some people want to segregate not to lose their cultural inheritance, some take the victim card and complain the world is against them and life is not fair, other excel and become succefull bussiness men, singers, scientists, engineers and PHD's and the rest are part of the society at large trying to figure out the best choices for themselves and their families in current times.

The fact that they are holders of most of the crime rates in romania is coming not because they are romani but because of the environment, the system and mostly their choices which amounts the most when it comes to acting on a certain decision


Elvis Presley was a gypsy from Germany, if I recall correctly. They really seem to have a native talent for all kinds of music. This is how they make an honest living, and always did as nomads.

Please check out Taraf de Caliu, I think you'll enjoy. They're from Romania. :)


Nicolae Ceaușescu was not an soviet puppet! That is why the Americans favorite him and România as " the clause of favorite nation" given by America in 1975 because România was the only one that stood up against the russian invasion in Czechoslocia ! The problem was that Ceaușescu was becoming bigger player in his region even for America! He wanted to create a world bank for little countries and become the new power the in region ! You gotta love America and their bankers and politicians!😅


Mr Giant gypsys doesn't want to to integrat in sociaty, even now after hundred of years. Doesn't pay tax, respect the laws, etc


The Romani gypsies don’t integrate well in European society because they’re not European, they don’t assimilate well and live in other people’s countries. Its a vicious circle the Romani people face all throughout Europe, especially Eastern Europe. On another note they do well through their music in many European countries.


2:51 no because in other countries they are treated like every other citizen but still self segregate and commit crimes at higher rates than locals


I really appreciate your interesting attitude about our country !


Hungary and Spain have gipsies "romani/indian" too. Flamenco is a gipsy dance. Gipsy Kings are spanish. We are romanians called because our ancient Dacia was a part of Roman Empire.


Our food is really good. We mainly like to cook in our homes with fresh vegetable and fresh meat. We eat manny dishes like " ciorbă" yes ( sour soup ) ❤
