I Spent 10 HOURS Learning Gwen to PROVE She's Busted

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This is a Gwen guide where I learn How to Play Gwen. I play League of legends Gwen for 10 hours and also a top lane guide on how to play Top Lane in league of legends.

Ever since I learned how to reach Diamond rank I play the game for fun. I want to learn how to get better at league of legends in a fun way learning how to CS, learning to trade in lane, and learning macro in League of Legends. Hope you all enjoy





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Intro 0:00
Gwen Guide (Quick) 0:22
Gwen Gameplay Start 0:51
How to Play Gwen Advanced 2:29
Gwen Gameplay End 3:17
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Did... He say... Gwyn... Lord of cinder?


From a former Gwen otp let me give you some tips which you probably didn't know

1- Gwen is a hyper scaler, never build her defensively, Gwen makes insane use from stacking as much AP as possible making it so that building tanky is a Really bad idea, it doesn't matter how squishy you are if the enemy doesn't exist to even deal damage to you so you could've avoided the last game loss

2- at 2 items Gwen can 1v1 most champions, at 3 items (95% of the time 3rd item is rabadon's) Gwen can 1v1 any champion + take 1v2s and even 1v3s

3- the ult damage is insane, abuse it

4- there is a magic pen Gwen build which you could do against mainly squishy teams because you still have the dmg to shred through tanks with it


As a gwen main and content creator I can say that gwen is one of the most enjoyable champs there is. Cool video keep up the good work! ✂️✂️


4:06 when you find out that zhonyas doesn't protect you from the emotional damage :(


Recently discovered your channel and I love this series


I love how every single matchup he wins in the video is heavily enemy favored.


im telling you, i CANNOT wait for this viego video


I spent 10 hours playing gwen to prove that you can play league with one hand and you can edge for 10 hours


I love these videos, I’m new to league so these vids help me so much in understanding the game


hey big nerdy time, one of the best gwen players in my server here, some small useful info about playing gwen:

1. never search a figth, gwen can figth and kit better if the enemy is the one looking to figth

3. never force kills on early/mid game if the enemy toplaner has ignite, you lose a lot of healing caouse of it

4. gwen literally eat torrets with only two items, always try to looking for a opportunity to splipush

5. if you have a good match you can force figths or even 1 vs 2 depending on the enemy jg

6. if you are againts a ap match that give you trouble, start with spirit visage, you will heal a lot more and conqueror will you
give the damage, of course you will have less damage on early but its a simple solution, then you build riftmaker as second item.

7. if you fall behind well you fuck up, you can try to splipush at rigth moments(when you team is 4 vs 5) when you know you team can at least survive or become a bait, you can trigger the enemy into following you and lose spells on you, if you have the hability you can make the enemy team lost a lot trying to kill you.

8. the W, the armor and res in 1 vs 1 is really good, but in tfs you will try to use to bait enemy stuns like senna stun, if you active you w when it hits you then it will dissaper and you can jump to kill senna(a good W denial that you can make).

9. gwen is not a top who can tp to a tf and give a lot of advange, if you see the tf is fuck up, dont tp and try to splitpush

10. gwen has no stuns, if you fail your r stops follow whoerever you were follow, it only guides you to a trap, the same with ghost, if the enemy use it give up you will not reach them.

too lazy to give specific matchs tips, but knowing what match(kenne, akali, rumble or a tank) are you on will give you a one way to play or another


When your done with this incredible series, some off-meta stuff would be cool. Like trying out different off-meta builds for one champ to see which is best or even making your own to see the benefits and flaws compared to the mega would be great.


I like Gwen I whipped her out in ranked for the first time when I came back from my 3 year break and got a 70% win rate on her in 20 games. Got harder as I ranked up and played more counter match ups that I didn’t understand though. Sometimes just chilling and farming until 2 items is good

Also I spoiled myself a bit for your upcoming videos and I’m looking forward to them


I love to go sorc boots on Gwen rather than defensive boots, it's 99% of the time just not needed and you get so much damage from it which in turn gives you healing which makes you tankier anyway.


If you wanna be tanky with gwen just foccus on ap items with defensive stats. You need the ap for your passive healing stat bonuses on w, , all of which go really well with HP.


I used to play Gwen adc and it was pretty solid and fun


In my games on Gwen if I don't need the damage I usually go a tank item last. Most of the time it's Jak'Sho but on the times it's AD heavy I go Frozen/Omen or Abyssal Mask if AP heavy. Yes I could get Zhonyas or Banshee but honestly I just like the effects on the tank items more especially if I don't need that extra damage


I remember when this blue rat first came out, top lane was a complete mess for months.


Frontliners wont stop akali, disengage will


Gwen is the most addictivw champion in this game


Theres a running theme of some of the best laners having true damage in their kit :o
