I Spent 10 HOURS Learning Gwen to PROVE She's Busted

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This is a Gwen guide where I learn How to Play Gwen. I play League of legends Gwen for 10 hours and also a top lane guide on how to play Top Lane in league of legends.
Ever since I learned how to reach Diamond rank I play the game for fun. I want to learn how to get better at league of legends in a fun way learning how to CS, learning to trade in lane, and learning macro in League of Legends. Hope you all enjoy
The Flower Duet - Leo Delibes [COPYRIGHT FREE]
Creative Commons ► Attribution 3.0 Unported ► CC BY 3.0
"You are free to use, remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit."
Conducted by
Intro 0:00
Gwen Guide (Quick) 0:22
Gwen Gameplay Start 0:51
How to Play Gwen Advanced 2:29
Gwen Gameplay End 3:17
Ever since I learned how to reach Diamond rank I play the game for fun. I want to learn how to get better at league of legends in a fun way learning how to CS, learning to trade in lane, and learning macro in League of Legends. Hope you all enjoy
The Flower Duet - Leo Delibes [COPYRIGHT FREE]
Creative Commons ► Attribution 3.0 Unported ► CC BY 3.0
"You are free to use, remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit."
Conducted by
Intro 0:00
Gwen Guide (Quick) 0:22
Gwen Gameplay Start 0:51
How to Play Gwen Advanced 2:29
Gwen Gameplay End 3:17
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