I Spent 10 Hours Learning Garen to Prove He's the Easiest Champ

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Garen guide where I learn How to Play Garen lol. I play League of legends Garen too lane.

Ever since I learned how to reach Diamond rank I play the game for fun. I want to learn how to get better at league of legends in a fun way learning how to CS, learning to trade in lane, and learning macro in League of Legends. Hope you all enjoy






Video idea credit: @jedley and @SpecialOW I liked the format for OW2 so I decided to do it for League of Legends.

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Intro 0:00
Garen Guide (Quick) 0:13
Garen Gameplay Start 0:47
How to Play Garen Advanced 1:17
Garen Gameplay End 1:42

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Master Garen main here: Garen is a very very very easy champ to learn and play, he literally design for new players. But that made he good, he can stat check 80% of champion in the game (the other 20% are juggernaut like him and very high mobility champion) his sustain allow him to splitpush without reset. He a very solid pick for solo queqe since all you need to do is rush strike/hull breaker and splitpush the whole game, anyone try to 1v1 you will get stat check to dead and they cant afford 2 people to stop a "garen". Brain dead champ? Yes! But he braindead in a good way. Nothing bring me more joy when a Irelia complain about she lost a 1v1 again a "brain dead" mid game garen.


Garen teaches you the fundamentals of top lane. Just like Annie teaches you mid, Yi teaches Jungle, Soraka teaches support and Cait teaches you ADC.


even in situations where conqueror seems to be strong, phase is almost always the better option, especially in late game, because its super strong and scales better, you move at the speed of sound with strikebreaker and phantom dancer, it helps you to dive a team get rid of a squishy and run away with the insane movement speed of phase rush


I recently started playing him and i must say: super easy? Yes. But that allows you to focus more on things like wave management, rotating, helping jungle and so on. Kinda the perfect champ to become better at league in general, rather than a specific champ


this is super well made for some of your first content, gj


K'Sante: “You can’t just kill my brand new champion, with a novel for a kit, with your champion from 2010.”

Garen: “Aha, E go


As a Garen main, I agree with everything you said, I had the same experience when I first started trying out Garen (I main Shen and Voli so short trades like them are familiar to me). I used stridebreaker at first but then I moved on to Tri-force since Garen's E spins faster the more AS he has, especially when Garen's E reduces armor, the Sheen proc with Q after E can dishout a stupid amount of damage, making it a toxic trading pattern for the enemy laner. I usually build Black Cleaver afterwards so it synergizes with Garen's E and reduces the Enemies' armor even more, making me somewhat useful in the mid game. From that point on, Tri-force into Black cleaver and optional Death's Dance third Item have always been my Go-to when I want to build bruiser Garen. But of course if the enemy has a Mord, Lillia, Fiora or Aatrox, I build full tank and cry under my tower, playing Garen is just painful.


it's a great breakdown. it's easy to dismiss simple champions and say you can play them with your brain off and spin to win, but
simple also means it's simple for the enemy to understand what you're going to do. They say "ha has no skill expression", but I honestly get excited when I see a Garen playing his waves correctly, having good engage timings and well timed Qs and Ws, and so on.


How you only have 100 subs baffles me. Your editing and commentary is great and looks like it was done by a YouTuber who has been in the scene for some time. Add in bits of humor and memes (don't overdo it!) and you'll be shooting for the stars in no time.


I'm glad you mentioned Phase Rush near the end as this is really something more Garen players should try. Phase Rush lets you take those short trades in lane and generally escape without harm and is great for escaping ganks. In matchups like Darius or Mordekaiser, phase rush is absolutely a must. Taking Phase Rush or Ghost also lets you be a splitpush monster because you have such little chance of getting caught. Ghost is also great in to ranged top matchups. Conqueror is really only good against tanks or matchups where you know you can take extended trades safely. Good video man, I'd say you definitely learned what you should have in 10 hours.


Underrated well made video gj keep up like this u gon get easy 10k sub


Grandmaster garen player here. S11 challenger s12 challenger, but mostly hardstuck GM on EUW and NA. Garen is quite honestly the hardest champion in the game to play. Because you have to fight the monkey neurons in your brain to fight 24/7. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk and Goodluck on your climb


Man when I got this video on autoplay I was 1000% sure you'd be some very known creator with a lot of experience and good content, your sub amount is a DISGRACE and you'll defo grow very very rapidly in the near future


I'm glad Youtube is recommending me videos from relatively smaller channels, this is genuinly very fun


People often seem to forget that simple stat stick champs like Garen, Mundo, Shyvanna, also has an inherent flaw, if they are behind there is simply no way to just "hands diff" the oponent to regain a lead. You have to play fundamentally sound macro or you will lose as you go up in rank.


Against a rengar that built IE, I wouldn't have given up either.


The power of Garen is in his splitpushes. Rush hullbreaker and win the game with his insane clear and movespeed


Started playing Garen between seasons 3 and 5. From what I have played over the years, Garen is pretty easy to understand but becomes a pain simulator very quickly when you play him into certain match-ups like Darius, Mordekaiser, or Fiora. You also learn that you've got a limited amount of time to be impactful before you become a slab of meat that tries to peel for carries. Additionally, I've learned some match-ups are much more preferrable than others at times. Teemo being a good example. Teemo is actually favorable for Garen if you know when to use your Q and play very passively. Wait for opportunities to strike, fall back and recover HP, and repeat. However, there are match-ups that became very difficult after updates like Quinn. Before she was patched some time ago, Garen's Q had priority on hitting her when she went in on you. Meaning you could make it a decent trade instead of getting blinded and running for the hills. Your pros and cons, as well as tips, are very spot on. He's an easy champion to pick up, but he's difficult to really get a handle on. You have to run at or away from your enemies with only movespeed or Q. If the enemy hits you with a ton of CC, you're either screwed or never gonna engage on them. Etc. etc. Oh! And a quick and useful tip is that you can use Garen's ult to get some healing off Conqueror. It's a small amount, but it can save your bacon.


1:25 lold dobby is insane i swear he helped me to improve a lot using combos mechanics and builds


Domisum replays helped me improve at my mains everytime I actually wanted to get good. I still have so many memories watching them and learning a lot so it's cool to see they got mentioned here.
