Honest Trailers Commentary | Ted Lasso

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Honest Trailers Commentary | Ted Lasso
Tech Director: William Box

Executive Producer: Roth Cornet
Writer: Eric Goldman
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand
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It sounds like they really didn’t get the show. There were plenty of obstacles to over come, and it takes Rebecca the whole season to come around and come clean about her plans. Lasso didn’t instantly win everyone over like they seem to think he did


Counter to what Lon said about someone like Ted Lasso not working in real life. During COVID I worked at Walmart for about a year and about 6 months in we got a new manager just like Ted Lasso. It started off with everyone thinking he was a weirdo, but we saw how much he genuinely cared about us and by the time I left, people loved working with that man. (And the stocking teams at Walmart are some of the most cynical people I met) I think people can tell when someone is genuinely this positive and cares and not just putting on a face.


Wow I was not expecting them to dislike the show this much. I absolutely loved the show and thought it was hilarious.


I work with a Ted Lasso. Running into him is like a shot of espresso and sunshine


I just gotta say, Ted Lasso is mad funny.


Okay did none of you pick up on them planting clues that Ted has a drinking problem? He is not perfect. He is sublimating his anger and it’s probably going to explode in Season 2. Btw, the show will only be 3 seasons. Each season is an act in a single story arc. So you’ve only seen the first act.


This show is a classic fish out of water, traveling angel story. Ted Lasso knows who he is and uses his ethos to help others. He has his own issues, but he is not the one who needs changing.


I actually watched the series because of the honest trailer and could not disagree with Lon more. Most folk dont come around till at least half way through the season and not everyone needs to be a big heist to figure out. It's a great testament to the fact that being angry is not a natural state and it takes work to hate others in the face of people giving a damn about you.


I think most people miss the point of “right show at the right time”. After 2020 if you give me a show about a relentlessly optimistic person who tries their best to leave the world a nicer place, help other, and is sweet and wholesome to everyone and helps secondary characters grow, I don’t even want a plot, a deeper dive or serious “plot twists” of watching him having pent up anger explode and stuff. Just give me the straight up wholesome stuff. If I wanted to watch a serious drama with structure, heavy arcs across seasons and all, I would open virtually every single other TV show. This is such a breath of fresh air amongst all the gritty and dark and cynical shows, I hope they don’t ruin it with the second season because they try to make it more “serious” and “grounded”. Just let the puppy coach be a puppy.


Based of the first 5 minutes I knew this was going to be hard to watch. But I was very wrong it was not even possible to watch I stoped watching half way through. I get that people have different opinions but it seems like these people just hate everything about this show. It not meant to be 100% realistic, some parts of it aren’t and some part of it are. The positivity works for some people and for some it doesn’t. But I love this show and I didn’t want to watch people hate on it.


Damn. I knew that the gang at Fandom were hard-bitten cynics... but I had no idea they were so cynical they couldn't even be Lassoed. ;)


Lon's opinion was summed up by David Margulies in '89. "Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God-given right."


when two cynical people write an honest trailer about ted lasso. Lons opinion makes me laugh. i get where they are coming from. but also whole heartedly disagree.


I like that Lon's response to Ted Lasso appears to have much more to do with him than it does the show. But I get it, it's hard to watch people being optimistic.


Ted Lasso is great. Nothing wrong with something that's smaltzy.


Ted Lasso is really good but I guess it's not everyones cup of tea


If you don't think a coach like Ted Lasso really exists, then you've never heard Pete Carroll talk. He sounds like Ted Lasso without the southern accent.


When I started watching the show, I didn't go into it with other people hyping up my expectations, so I was pleasantly surprised by how good the show was. I thought the NBC commercials were mildly funny, but Ted was just a doofus in those. The Apple show made him an underdog to root for.


Being a huge fan of Scrubs... That mention turning into mainly dislike really bummed me out now...


Stopped watching the second they said the show wasn’t funny. This show is quickly turning into CinemaSins.
