What Do Dead People Do? - View from the Other Side, Episode 6

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When we move to the other side we lose our physical body. You may think that's obvious, but the implication of not having a body doesn't really hit you until you lose it. Being without a body means you have no biology, so no gender, no race, but also no fingers to touch, and no vocal chords to speak... What we do have, however, is a heightened sense of awareness. While we have no eyes to see what's in front of us, it's like we can see 360 degrees around us. Without any ears, we can hear a whisper from miles away. It's a very different way of being and it takes time to get used to navigating in this new way. The other side accommodates us by showing us things that bring us comfort, like our family members and pets who have passed on, or a peaceful meadow or our favorite vacation spot. But what I sensed while I was on the other side, was that you don't need these familiar surroundings for very long.

As I began to get relax into the other side I realized there were more people there to greet me, those who knew me from other lives my soul had lived. If I had stayed longer, I would have started to identify with all my other lives, and through this reconnection, I would have integrated back into oneness (aka the disco ball :p). And while I know my soul would have maintained it's individuality, it would not be individuality as we know it here.

So what do dead people do? They spend some time processing their life, reintegrating their past identities back into their awareness, and then their soul continues to evolve. All souls are at different stages, but whether their next step is reincarnation or if they plan to stay on the other side, I am certain that they spend most of their time uplifting and guiding those of us who are here, and helping to push the world as a whole towards peace and unity.

#death #afterlife #otherside #lifeafterdeath #spirit #spirituality #soul
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i died 9 years ago, didn't breathe for over 20 minutes. what i came away with is an awareness of an infinite amount of dimensions....you can go anywhere. time doesn't exist. i got to hold my cat (love of my life) who passed 10 years prior, and she was young and healthy and awoke with a sense of peace i had never known. i am extremely annoyed at having been revived.


My Mom passed 12/1/21. So happy to know she's happy, safe and healthy again. She was 89, and now she's young again. Bless you Mom, I miss you so much.


I had a NDE 45 years ago. When I came out of my body it was very calm and peaceful. Everything was different in a way. I felt like I was some kind of energy and I was pure mind. I had a feeling of being accepted and then sensed a feeling of experiencing an unconditional love that was so intense and was completely off the scale. Everything became extremely sensory, and my senses were far beyond the human senses. I was sensing everything rather than seeing or hearing. An incredible experience. I am not afraid of the unknown. What happens after physical death.


I'm so glad she mentioned pets. Theres not enough mentions of our cherished pets in these nde stories 💕😻😻😻😻


I lost my grandfather a week ago.He was my best friend, mentor.He was my world.I felt really alone and was suicidal for some days after his passing.but your videos bring me comfort. Now I know that he is with me and watching me from spirit side.Now I am feeling his unconditional love and I am sure that whenever I complete my life journey..he will be the first soul I am gonna meet in spirit side... Thank you Anita mam for all this knowledge...


Your video is a wink from my 21 yr old daughter who passed away unexpectedly over 2 weeks ago. I’ve received so many sweet messages from her from The Other Side. I was just asking what do ppl do all day on The Other Side when the notification for this video popped up on my cell phone. I’m so thankful for the beautiful message & information you provide You just radiate love & joy💕 question: do we have soulmates? Thanks


Great job Anita. I lost my mom last year. Loving Christ has helped me to deal with the loss of a loving parent. This video also shed some light on some unanswered questions. GOD Bless. One Race, One Planet, us humans. Be Kind to each other always.


my friend's spirit visited me the night before she had a fatal car accident. i felt her in my room and felt her thanking me for the things i had done for her and felt her say goodbye and cried for 2 hours and the next day i got a call she had died that morning. this means our spirit knows what is coming and prepares for it.


My son crossed over in 2015 and two years later he came to me in my dream and told me he was really happy and that he had a new job..
He said he was learning to control the weather. He said Don't cry any more
Not even if it rains, We need the rain.
He was so healthy and vibrant
I always think of him this way now


My little dog Daisy passed away suddenly 5 years ago. I loved that baby more than anything in my life. I'm a tough guy but I cried uncontrollably for days and still do because I miss her so much. One night I woke up around 3:30 am and the house was dark as I walked to the kitchen. I looked down at my feet and saw a dark fog like smoke swirling around my ankles. As I made my way down the dark hallway she appeared in a beautiful soft light and took the form of my cat but it was Daisy. I sat on the floor and saw her clearly for 5 minutes or so. This to me was proof that we still exist after we leave this world. I know that I will see her on the other side someday and I have no fear of death. I can't wait to see her again.


My dad just died last month from a massive heart attack all of the sudden. This video(regardless if its true or not) is EXACTLY what I needed. It doesn't get rid of the pain but it does help ease it a little bit. Thank u for saying all this :)


Finally ... you're the first person who has identified the 360 awareness that I have experienced while releasing Kundalini energy. It feels like you are connected to everything and your vision is an unlimited ability. You see and hear everything. Subscribed!


When you experience the other side, you will not want to come back. It is the most beautiful place & feeling of the most purest love, something you don’t want to ever go away! Pure bliss. I believe this is why only so many people get to experience it & then come back, is to share it for those who are skeptical. ✨✨✨


I feel closer to the dead than the living.


I arrived here by "chance" ... which of course I know is no accident. It is so refreshing to hear this clear and easily understood description of the state beyond death. No proselytizing or references to any religion. Just a clear and concise description. Knowing that we can access guidance, that we can sensitize ourself to coincidences as messages ... that we are all linked, evolving together.
Possibly the best speech I have ever listened to ... Thank You, Mahalo and Namaste 🙏🙏🙏


Goodness, you have answered my questions in so many ways. The anger, depression and disappointment I have held for so long has given me hope again. You Anita is absolute Gods work here. Thank you


I stumbled on this video when I was struggling this morning and grieving my dad’s recent death. No doubt it was him that brought me to it. Thank you.


What I find so amazing is that this lady had a near-death experience and came back and can so clearly explain her experience.


Thank you for this making this video. I recently died 3 times (in 2020) and I'm having difficulty explaining it to people because it's so Indescribable. I really do want to share it with people but the words aren't there yet. One interesting thing is that I don't go to church anymore. Not because of anything negative, but I still feel connected to (God, The Devine, whatever you want to call it) and I'm so much more alive spiritually on a different level, I feel like I'm wasting my time at church. I wish I could explain how important attending church was to me because it would shock you as it does those around me. I'm looking forward to the day when I can share my story publicly in a congruent and somewhat tangible way.


Beautiful, this is just beautiful... especially the part where you said that there's no evil on the other side, and that even your abuser will see the damage they've done, and all they wanna do is help. Thank you so much for the infomation, I believe it'll brings people tremendous comfort.
