Do Our Deceased Loved Ones Miss Us? A Medium's Perspective

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Do our deceased loved ones miss us? Get the shocking - and healing - answer here. This video was recorded in 2017... Blair has been sharing this message for years...

#blairrobertson #psychicmedium #healer #loveneverdies #spirituality
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Even if they see us we can't see them. Can't have a conversation with them, unless it's just a monologue. Can't go to them for comfort. My mom passed away three weeks ago. It's such a lonely place.


Grateful for the light, healing and comfort you bring to so many of us Blair. You’re a Earth Angel.


my husband suffered terribly before he died cancer in his spine. This comforting to know, just never thought about it this way before. He must be so much happier there than here. But I still miss him. I smiled when you said when you go over there you will still see all of us. I sure hope so, I loves your messages every morning and every evening.


I can't imagine passing away and not being able to laugh, talk to, eat with, communicate with my loved ones, just standing around watching them live their lives is not the same as being able to interact with them. The best way that I've heard it from another medium is they really don't miss us because time doesn't work the same way as it does in eternity. It really doesn't seem like much time has passed from the time they pass until they see us after we pass away.


My 47 year old son was killed this past July 3rd. I am very spiritual. I'm glad you confirmed to me what I believe in my heart... He doesn't miss me bc he's w/me all the time.


Yes my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and she died 6 weeks i miss her so much


You are 100% on the money with this message. Not only do they still 'see' us but they can SEE everything and I do mean, EVERYTHING! So, there's nothing for them to miss... Some of us who are in tuned (so to speak) will even sense or 'feel' them, when their electro-magnetic frequency comes around. Keep it growing and flowing!


We just miss THEM being here with US! 😉

Lovely, comforting video though.
#LoveNeverDies 💖


True. They’re still here along with us, no reason to miss us. ❤


Thank you so much for your message. I lost my husband 21 yrs ago. I still miss him so much. 😢


Thank you! Very important to hear that. I know my great beautiful love is with me. Sometime I worry about something, and I feel he is providing to me calm and ideas to confort me, by the way I know is he, because that is his personality.


It’s hard not to miss them…can anyone living say with 100% certainty that they know what happens when we die, or that we will see our loved ones again?
No. Nobody knows what really happens after we die. Life & death is the biggest mystery of all.


I really needed to hear this, right now!! Thank you!!! I have stopped crying.


So what was the purpose of coming to the dense physical plane to begin with? Just to suffer and die apparently.


Thank you very much Blair, another great message from you.Love it❤️


Thank you . When I got Baptized last year, That night, my wife Jody came to me, and I could feel her hands on my shoulders for about 10 to 15 minutes .Letting me know how happy she was for me .


Thank you for the message Blair. I just love it!


You mentioned that they wouldn't miss us because they are with us, but wouldn't they only be with us from time to time? because wouldn't they be with other loved ones as well, and also just being in heaven too?


Hi, I can see your point and some of it makes sense, its another way to see things. Of course its wonderful to be free of the physical body discomforts and sufferings. However what is usually meant by missing is the actual interactions and communications with each other not just passively watching and things like that. This is what people mean they they say i miss you or ask do they miss us over there. And that obviously stays true, we do miss each other as this physcial boundary has to be broken for those interactions to happen and that is hard to do for many as the body does get in the way far too often with all sorts of discomforts. Oftentimes in near death experiences it happens when the one that died is trying to communicate with their loved ones in the physical realm that they are here and they are alright but then they realize that they often are not seen or heard by them. And thats the point. Often times if you study near death experiences you will also find out that the loves ones in the after life do come to them and let them know that they are missing them and are waiting for them there although in a much better and hopeful place than us who are still stick our physical limiting bodies here. A while ago I read a near death experience of a girl who met her grandmother twice and in the same location. She had two near death experiences. A beautiful place and there they spoke on both occasions and of course they told each other how they miss each other and think of each other. Yes, including the grandmother. Its just natural. Its the active involement with each other that we miss, to really be seen and heard. This is the reason why people seek prayers and meditations to try to communicate with their loved ones in the afterlife


my momma pass sometimes i wish i could go join her but im waiting on a answer from Jesus
