Is It Ever Okay to Kill Someone?

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Would you kill someone to save your kid? Or what if a million other lives were on the line? R&L take a dive into some ethical conundrums and discuss how they would act if people's lives were resting in their hands on this episode of Ear Biscuits!

EB #199, Original Release Date: 06/22/19

1:45 - Link & the latex glove
14:05 - The Trolley Problem
24:52 - the Organ Transplant decision
33:25 - Making it Personal
34:19 - “I’m Drowning out here!”
40:30 - A choice for our cure
43:50 - One Parachute, two of us
49:42 - being “that guy” in a traffic jam
54:48 - Lying about your age ONLINE
1:02:38 - Rhett’s Rec (Mac Ayers)

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“If we both die, I can live with that.” 👏🏼. 😂💖


This was a fun episode of Good Ethical Morning


Link, as a Massage Therapist, firstly, if I put gloves on it's typically because I have cut myself, and I ALWAYS MENTION IT. Just in case this exact situation happens! I have coworkers who have psoriasis, and when it flares up they wear gloves because the constant washing can really tear up their hands. It definitely wasn't you, and she should have said something. Don't hesitate to ask us questions! Most of the time we are silent if you are silent because some are really bothered by conversation. Lastly, we really prefer Therapist, not masseuse 👍🏼


When Rhett doesn’t like links answer so he adjusts the situation. Favorite. Love you guys. I’ll be a mythical beast for life.


I feel like the island question should become the next buddy system plot.


yo what if you had a latex allergy, they shoulda said somethin 🤔


Jade was sitting on Links lap the whole dang time again!!! She is such a tolerant pup wow!!! Love you Jade!!! 🤔🤔😥


I never fail to be surprised and delighted when Link pulls out Jade from under the table


This has to be one of my favourites. That up and coming joke at the end, I mean, I’m weirdly proud and ashamed of link for that one. 😂


Link refusing to play along in almost all the scenarios 🤣🤣


Apparently I'm one of those good guys. I don't have kids, don't want them, prefer not to be around them, but without thinking, I will put myself in harm's way to protect a kid I don't know. I was walking through a parking lot and saw this tiny little boy trailing behind his mother (she wasn't looking). He was totally oblivious to his surroundings and the car he was about to walk behind started to back up. He was so small, there's no way the driver could have seen him. Without hesitation, I marched out into the path of the car to be a visible obstacle for the driver, only after I'd stepped into the way did I think "Geez, I hope they actually see me and stop." If they hadn't, at least my quick approach had gotten the boy's attention and he sped up to be with his mom. Sure, I probably wouldn't have died, but I'm generally fearful around moving vehicles.


I took this 16-personality test and I was overwhelmed by how accurate the result was. later I found that there is actually a huge amount of research behind it. I think it would be super interesting if you guys took it and talked about it!


It was sad and sweet how they both got so upset about the question about saving their niece or daughter 😔 that is an impossible and hopefully never met, situation to be in


"Act quick and apologize often" I like that, it is strongly profound


"I have to practice my yanking skills!" Just couldn't resist could you Link? 😉"Up and coming" good one Link! Thanks for spelling it out Rhett!😂


“Just a couple of douches talking about massages” put that on a t shirt


Here’s my thoughts on the doctor dilemma: It’s similar to the trolley problem but different. If the one person has a way out/a cure, it’s as if they’re not on the tracks anymore. As far as they know they’ve stepped off the tracks and are waiting on the platform. (near the danger but not in direct line) Now to withhold their lifesaving medicine would be like pushing them off the platform into the train.
If someone is working on the tracks they are aware of the risks that are associated; comparatively they tell the doctor it’s okay to use me if their’s no other way. But if someone has made it out of the danger zone and you pull them back into the situation, it’s not as easy as a 5 vs 1.
P.s. Just saw you guys in #Milwaukee. I loved it!


This is so random, but I came back to this video because of a single sentence. "I think we're dealing with an ethical I killed her." When I first listened to this podcast, that took me so off guard and I laughed so hard. It was that moment that I realized Link's humor jives so well with my incredibly picky taste. Link's matter-of-fact delivery gets me every time.


When you see link talking but you hear Rhett's voice


This reminds me of that one episode in Star Trek when the doctor went crazy over which person to save first.
